<![CDATA[Applied Divination - Blog]]>Sat, 07 Dec 2024 17:38:49 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[November's Card of the Month is the Reversed Five of Wands]]>Mon, 28 Oct 2024 20:36:35 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/novembers-card-of-the-month-is-the-reversed-five-of-wandsReversed, this card usually indicates a begrudging compromise, or simply suffering battle fatigue – perhaps you've been through the ringer and just want to agree to disagree. 

It might be time to sit this battle out. Take a break. Chill out on the sofa. Read a fantasy book and escape the world for a while. 

Pull a card and ask: How can I best escape stress this month?

For more on the Five of Wands reversed, check out Applied Tarot Reversed:
<![CDATA[August's Card of the Month is the Queen of Swords]]>Tue, 30 Jul 2024 19:03:13 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/augusts-card-of-the-month-is-the-queen-of-swords
The Queen of Swords is an independent, sharp-witted person, but sometimes they're so logical they can appear distant and cold-hearted.
At the Queen's core, however, is a clear and truthful communicator, who is very self-aware, fiercely individual, and unique. This perfectionism may be a cause of pain or sorrow, however. Is this you, or someone you should learn from this month? 

Pull a card and ask: What knowledge should I acquire and share this month?

Questions answered by Queen of Swords:

Who? A wise lady 
What? A packet of educational materials
Where? College or University
When? Mid-September to early October; College; When you have learned enough
Why? Great clarity of mind will help you pursue your goals
Yes or No? Maybe
Queen of Swords
​Before any card:
 Being direct about (card)
After any card: Independence, a quick wit

The Queen of Swords as:
...an action?
  • Write a book
  • Send an email
  • Tell someone the truth
...a place in your house?
  • Your laptop computer
  • A nonfiction book
...a place in your city?
  • An undergraduate institution
  • A teacher's college
...a place in the world?
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • The Netherlands
  • Germany

...something to eat?
  • Fried rice
  • Beans and rice
  • Chili
...something to clean?
  • Sort and organize the bookshelves
...where to find the missing item?
  • Near the computer, phone, or important paperwork
...a color? white, grey
...a movie theme? A sharp-witted woman
  • The Devil Wears Prada
  • Still Alice
  • Lady Bird
...a new career?
  • Professor or researcher
  • Doctor or Lawyer
  • Critic
  • Information specialist
<![CDATA[July's Card of the Month is The Sun!]]>Mon, 01 Jul 2024 19:28:09 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/julys-card-of-the-month-is-the-sun
The Sun is the happiest card in the deck. In almost any deck, the imagery on this card depicts excitement, joy and play. Try to find some of that this month, in every little thing you do every day. 

With this card, even the most ominous days have positivity and enlightenment in them.

Pull a card and ask: What will bring me joy this month?

Questions answered by The Sun:

Who? A child at play; the happiest person you know 
What? The Sun; flowers; A burst of energy
Where? A sunny location
When? July-August; the summertime; the Summer Solstice; good weather
Why? Because joy is everywhere
Yes or No? YES! (Reversed: also yes, just a bit more subdued)
What should I clean?
  • The windows
  • Light fixtures
Where are my keys?
  • In a sunny spot

The Sun as:

...An action?
  • It is playtime! Have an adventure
...A Place in your house?
  • A sun-facing window
  • The literal sun room
  • The playroom
...A Place in your city?
  • The beach
  • A lamp store
  • A view of the sunset
...A Place in the world?
  • Australia
  • The West Coast of America
  • Egypt
  • The Land of the Midnight Sun (Far North or South, depending on season)
 ...Something to eat?
  • Watermelon
  • Corn
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
...A color? Yellow, orange, green
...A movie theme? Joy, happiness, fun
  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  • Elf
  • Moana
...A new career?
  • Tutor for young children
  • Storyteller
  • Amusement park or Cruise Ship operator
  • Park ranger or other outdoor job

Sun combinations
With Empress: The mother is happy; the joy of fertility and nature.
With Two of Wands: Find joy in planning.
With Page of Cups: A young, joyful dreamer.
With Nine of Swords: Bipolar disorder; manic depression; the anxiety of finding success.
With King of Pentacles: A successful person who has found abundance.
The Sun Before any card: Joyful (card)
The Sun After any card: Happiness, joy, a time of great success.
The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events.
The Sun could indicate:
  • The best times
  • Happiness
  • The literal sun
<![CDATA[June's Card of the Month is the Reversed Star]]>Fri, 31 May 2024 17:22:33 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/junes-card-of-the-month-is-the-reversed-star
June's Card of the Month: The Reversed Star
Upright, the Star is a card of hope, faith, and inspiration.
Reversed, it may feel like your world is completely flipped upside down, and all hope is lost.

But are you focusing only on the negatives? Or have you lost sight of the big picture? Do you find yourself staring down at your feet instead of looking to the stars for guidance?

Pull a card and ask: What wish upon a star will come true for me this month?

Here are some more possible interpretations:
Who? A “Debbie Downer”; a negative person 
What? A bad accident
Where? Inland; a dirty place
When? January to February; during a meteor storm; a cloudy evening
Why? “You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.” ~Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Yes or No? Maybe
What should I clean?
  • The floors
  • The TV and media room
  • The shower
Where are my keys?
  • Under the sofa
  • In the bathroom
  • They fell on the floor
  • The windowsill

The Star Reversed as:
…an action?
  • Rest and wait
  • Create a to-do list
  • Stop asking questions of the Tarot
..a place in your house?
  • The bathroom
  • The chore list
  • A spill
…a place in your city?
  • A hotel
  • A yoga studio
  • A law office
  • A water park

…a place in the world?
  • Hong Kong
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Hollywood, California
  • Somalia
Something to eat?
  • Fried Rice
  • Taro
  • Corn and Soybeans
A color? Gray, dull, orange, matte finish
A movie theme? Despair, loss, falling stars
  • A Star is Born
  • The Hunger Games
  • Gravity
A new career?
  • Teacher or professor
  • Agent
  • Public service

Before any card: Despair and hopelessness about (card)
After any card: Loss; illness; faithlessness
The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Star Reversed could indicate:
  • Despair
  • Hopelessness
  • Boredom
  • A literal falling star; meteor shower
<![CDATA[May's card of the month is the Two of Pentacles Reversed]]>Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:53:17 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/mays-card-of-the-month-is-the-two-of-pentacles-reversed
Upright, the Two of Pentacles is the juggling card. It is about balancing resources, exchanging goods, transferring funds between accounts, or the basic economics of everyday life.

Reversed, there is stress involved in obtaining this balance. Perhaps there is a delay in a financial transaction, one’s bills are overwhelming, or there is a lack of planning leading to the “balls being dropped.”

Pull a card and ask: How can I best obtain balance this month?
The following are some potential questions answered by the reversed Two of Pentacles:
Who? An overwhelmed person; a poor juggler 
What? A letter
Where? At a circus; in a ball pit
When? The end of December; two days ago; during times of stress
Why? “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” ~Leonard Bernstein
Yes or No? Maybe

The reversed Two of Pentacles as:
…an action?
  • Focus on one thing at a time
  • Double check your finances and plans
…a place in your house?
  • The kitchen floor
  • Under a desk
  • The mailbox
…a place in your city?
  • A furniture store
  • A sports arena
…a place in the world?
  • New York City
  • Panama City, FL
  • Austin, Texas
  • The Ukraine

…something to eat?
  • Blueberries
  • Brazil nuts
…something to clean?
  • Sweep the floors
  • Throw out old leftovers
…where to find the missing item?
  • On the floor, perhaps rolled under a desk
…a color? Orange, red
…a movie theme? Dropping the balls; financial messes
  • Big Fish
  • The Greatest Showman
  • Dumbo
…a new career?
  • Academia
  • Warehouse work
  • Locksmith
  • Author
Two of Pentacles reversed
Before any card: A lack of balance with (card)
After any card: poor financial decisions; mistakes
<![CDATA[April's Card of the Month is the King of Pentacles!]]>Sun, 31 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/aprils-card-of-the-month-is-the-king-of-pentacles
The King of Pentacles is a person who is immensely powerful, successful, and generous - if it favors them.

While a loving parent akin to the Queen, the King is more stubborn and has a bigger ego. They may be conservative and miserly, but will open up if they get the proper thanks. Is this you, or someone you know? Capture your King essence this month by demanding respect when you walk into a room, or being generous with those close to your heart. 

Pull a card and ask: Where can I give the most this month?
Some questions answered by King of Pentacles:
Who? A dad or parent; A business owner
What? A bank account; a store of luxury goods
Where? At work
When? Mid-August to early September; When the business is in the black
Why? Because you need to be careful with your resources
Yes or No? Yes
King of Pentacles
​Before any card: A business involving (card)
After any card: Business, environment, Dad

The King of Pentacles as:
...an action?
Donate to a cause
Offer someone advice
...a place in your house?
The comfy chair
...a place in your city?
A thriving business
A restaurant
A sports center or arena
...a place in the world? 
Mexico City
...something to eat?
Fresh meat you hunted yourself
Food that grows on vines, such as grapes, wine, tomatoes, kiwis
...something to clean?
The den
The living room
...where to find the missing item?
With Dad or the kids
...a color? Green, yellow, purple
...a movie theme? Success, stubbornness
Free Solo
King Kong
Evan Almighty
...a new career?
Businessman or general contractor
Team owner

King of Pentacles combinations
With Justice: Being honest in business leads to abundance.
With Four of Wands: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”13

With Ace of Cups: Following your heart leads to security and prosperity.
With Queen of Swords: A complicated person and a pragmatist form a successful partnership.
With Ace of Pentacles: When you think you have given enough, give more.
<![CDATA[March's Tarot Card is the Reversed Seven of Pentacles!]]>Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:54:55 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/marchs-tarot-card-is-the-reversed-seven-of-pentacles
Something is amiss in your work or business. Are you being lazy? Is someone else? This seven indicates that the month of March is ominous for bad business management, the inability to complete what you’ve started, or someone not getting any benefits from their labor. 
All is not lost, though! This card is just a warning to keep your chin up. April is right around the corner, and with it brings a new astrological year, a fresh season (Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, autumn in the South) and blessings aplenty. 
Pull a tarot card and ask: What actions can I take to see profits from my hard work?
Here are some possible answers from the Reversed Seven of Pentacles:

Questions answered by the reversed Seven of Pentacles:
Who? One who is unable to retire
What? A failed investment; a debt
Where? At a failing business
When? The middle of May; Seven months ago; when the investment loses money
Why? “We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work” ~Thomas A. Edison
Yes or No? No

The reversed Seven of Pentacles as:
…an action?
  • Change your mind
  • Do not take action now
…a place in your house?
  • Dirt
  • Unused pots and pans
  • A pile of unpaid bills
…a place in your city?
  • An empty construction site
  • An abandoned building
…a place in the world? 
  • California
  • India
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • The Suez canal
  • Edinburgh, Scotland

…something to eat?
  • Hot dogs
  • Pie
…something to clean?
  • The space around you right now
…where to find the missing item?
  • Where you were last sitting or lying down
…a color? Light blue
…a movie theme? Laziness; bad business management
  • 101 Dalmations
  • Office Space
  • Startup.com
…a new career?
  • Line stand-in
  • Tester – food, hotel, video game, etc
Seven of Pentacles reversed
Before any card: Bad business decisions about (card)
After any card: Failed investments; laziness
For more on this reversed seven, read Applied Tarot Reversed!
<![CDATA[February's Card of the Month is the Page of Pentacles!]]>Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:27:29 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/februarys-card-of-the-month-is-the-page-of-pentacles
This page is a little cutie-patootie. This might be a young, studious individual, or a naive messenger (don't shoot them, they know not what their message wrought!)

Maybe it's you, or someone you know. Either way, this month listen for messages from today's youth. They are active, vocal, and brilliant, and they might know something you don't. 

Pull a card and ask: What message does the Page of Pentacles have for me?

Here are some possible answers:

Questions answered by Page of Pentacles:
Who? A young, studious person 
What? A new job
Where? At a park
When? Spring (Northern Hemisphere) or Fall (Southern Hemisphere); At the beginning; During class
Why? The planet needs you
Yes or No? Yes
Page of Pentacles
​Before any card:
 Be practical and realistic about (card)
After any card: A new job or opportunity

The Page of Pentacles as:
...an action?
  • Join a protest or sign a petition
  • Recycle
  • Nourish your body
...a place in your house?
  • The front porch
...a place in your city?
  • A protest
  • A place where young people gather
  • A coffee shop
...a place in the world?
  • A national park
  • New Orleans
  • New Zealand
  • the Coast

...something to eat?
  • Tea
  • Cream pie
  • A food fight
...something to clean?
  • Recycle
  • Compost
  • Use Earth-friendly cleaners
...where to find the missing item?
  • You may have dropped them in the dirt
...a color? yellow, green, red
...a movie theme? New student or employee
  • The Breakfast Club
  • Mean Girls
  • Men in Black
...a new career?
  • Student or apprentice
  • Entry-level job in a new business
  • Start a new business
Page of Pentacles combinations
With Temperance: Go after your goals, but have patience for the length of time it might take.
With Eight of Wands: Once you choose your cause, the action is swift and decisions must be made quickly.
With Four of Cups: You are disconnected from your desires; start a dream journal.
With Two of Swords: A difficult choice must be made; Force yourself out of indecision and prosperity will start for you.
With Queen of Pentacles: A parent helps a child with a project.
<![CDATA[January's Card of the Month is the Knight of Wands!]]>Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:04:42 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/januarys-card-of-the-month-is-the-knight-of-wands
This dude loves new, shiny things! He jumps without looking into all sorts of new experiences, sometimes to his own peril. Is this you, or someone you know? If it’s not you, watch for this person coming into your life this month. Do accept their invitation to go on a road trip, but be the one to bring a map and supplies. Be inspired by them jumping out of a plane (you don’t have to do that, just be inspired by it.) 
Stock up on protein bars and get ready to say YES to things this year (just be careful!)

Pull a card and ask: What inspiring activities should I say YES to?
Questions answered by the Knight of Wands:
Who? A person who cannot stay in one place for long; An equestrian
What? A new challenge
Where? The races
When? Mid July to mid August; A short amount of time 
Why? Because adventure awaits!
Yes or No? Yes
Knight of Wands
Before any card: An energetic person brings an item related to (card)
After any card: Swift movement, a bold risk.

The Knight of Wands as:
...an action?
Travel somewhere new
...a place in your house?
The games room
Where the shoes are stored
...a place in your city?
An indoor racing center
The skate park
Horse riding
...a place in the world?
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
...something to eat?
Whole grains
A protein bar
...something to clean?
Hall closet or shoes
Trunk of the car
Travel gear such as camping supplies
...where to find the missing item?
In your shoes
Near the front door
In the car

...a color? Orange

...a movie theme? adventure, risk-taking
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory
Die Hard
...a new career?
Jobs involving fast driving such as EMT or Pilot
Competitive work such as sales
Knight of Wands combinations
With Lovers: One is stronger with a partner.
With Six of Wands: Taking bold action leads to victory.
With Four of Cups: Someone questions their purpose. A moment of reflection may be needed before diving in.
With King of Swords: One discovers the truth about themself - they must be bold but disciplined.
With Two of Pentacles: Prioritize the options before jumping in.

<![CDATA[December's Card of the Month is The Reversed Queen of Pentacles!]]>Thu, 30 Nov 2023 06:47:32 GMThttp://emilypaper.com/blog/decembers-card-of-the-month-is-the-reversed-queen-of-pentacles
Upright, this queen is about motherhood, business success, and entrepreneurial spirit. Reversed, she could be all these things as well, but maybe to a bit of an overbearing extreme. Have you been so focused at work that you're neglecting your family or yourself? Are you smothering instead of mothering your plants (sometimes they don't mind being a bit dry!) Is it time to stop stressing out and take things slow? Are you confused about something?
Pull a card and ask: What am I misunderstanding this month?

Here are some other possible Reversed Queen meanings:
Who? A cruel woman 
What? Troubles in business or relationships
Where? Your physical environment
When? Mid December to early January; When a manipulator arrives
Why? “What you feed will flourish. What you neglect will die.” ~Unknown
Yes or No? No

The Reversed Queen of Pentacles as:
…an action?
  • Watch for difficult relationships
  • Spend time in nature
  • Seek help
…a place in your house?
  • Mother’s room
…a place in your city?
  • The ER
  • The Boss or Principal’s office
  • A creditor
  • A wealthy neighborhood
…a place in the world?
  • China
  • Russia
  • Poland
  • Laos

…something to eat?
  • Popsicle
  • Egg in the hole
  • Leftover cake

…something to clean?
  • Mother’s space or room
  • A giant mess
…where to find the missing item?
  • Buried under important items
…a color? Orange, black
…a movie theme? Smothering, a difficult woman
  • The Meddler
  • The Guilt Trip
  • Florence Foster Jenkins
…a new career?
  • Web developer
  • Realtor
  • Preschool teacher
  • Grandmother

Queen of Pentacles reversed
Before any card: A gross misunderstanding about (card)
After any card: A difficult woman; a manipulator
