Happy New Year! Although the Gregorian Calendar is rather arbitrary in that it assigns a numerical value to circles made around a giant ball of fire, Jan 1 is still a great day to assess how far we've come and where we still have to go. In the Northern hemisphere, where an estimated 90% of the global population resides, Jan 1 tends to fall in the cold, dark winter. What better way to liven our spirits than to begin a new journey around an old star? For 2023 I've created this tarot spread. I haven't numbered the cards, as I want users to read it in any direction or order they choose. I also want to give 2023 the opportunity to bring surprises rather than pain - so if you happen to draw the Nine of Swords for your "What New Things are Coming" card, go ahead and switch that around with "What Am I Leaving Behind," instead. Trust your gut! Don't be afraid of the new year! ​For the sake of standardization, I am going to do my own reading counter-clockwise from "What have I learned." I have chosen to use the Salvador Dali Tarot Deck, as 2022 was a little wild and loopy for me, so I feel Dali's quirky art will be accurate. I also find this deck very large and hard to manage, which pretty much explained 2022, too. 1. What Am I Leaving Behind? The four of pentacles: This card is about security, and being in a place where your monetary needs are met. I don't really want to let that go. However, it's also a warning not to be greedy. Share your talents, your wealth, and the physical gifts you have. I'm willing to let go of greed and insecurity. I have lived with the fear of loss long enough. Although this recession isn't being kind to my bank accounts right now, I know that I am safe because I am loved. 2. What have I learned? The World: Everything? I've learned... everything! woo-hoo! In the Dali Tarot, the World has a bit more negative connotation, though. It's a reminder that we have inherited the earth from our parents, and we are passing it down to the children, so we must use our time and skills in the best way we can. I think this particular reading is telling me that I've learned what my gifts are, and now I must share them. 3. How have I grown? The reversed Star: Reversed, the Star is about fear, the inability to move on from tragedy, and being a "Debbie downer." In terms of how I've grown, it might be telling me that I've learned bad things will happen anyway, so rather than hide from them I must continue to have hope, and push through the difficulties. I'll accept that. In my book, Applied Tarot Reversed, the reversed Star also tells me to watch Wall-E. I could just do that, too. 4. What new things are coming? The four of cups: Boredom and apathy? Oh, yay. EYEROLL. The Dali Tarot book says "explore your feelings, define your boundaries, and meditate." Perhaps that's what is coming this year - more acceptance of my feelings, some down time that I will have to live with (I usually dislike downtime, as it makes me feel useless. This may be a lesson), and the opportunity to practice mindful meditation. I could do that. 5. A message from the Universe about 2023 The Ace of Swords: This card is about determination and focus. I think the message from the Universe here is to keep going, solve puzzles, and continue pushing ahead. The Dali Tarot book says "Rise and stand up straight! Gain strength from your knowledge..." I'm currently working on a graduate degree (I should finish this Spring) and my project is a scathing report about anti-feminist trends in the tech industry. I have met with a lot of resistance about my goals, but I think this Ace is telling me to be confident and continue on this path, it is the smart and correct way. I'll take it! So there you go, enjoy your 2023 and let me know what messages you get! ​Mentioned in this post are:
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