Whether upright or reversed, Judgement is a destiny card. It takes all the karma you have acquired and the choices you have made, and defines your purpose and destiny.
In a reversed position, there are a few things that could be happening here. Figure out which one is correct for you:
Questions answered by Judgement Reversed: Who? The indecisive one What? A missed opportunity Where? Where the test takes place When? No firm astrological dates; During the worst times; Stormy weather Why? “Self-doubt kills talent.” ~Edie McClurg Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Judgement Reversed as: …an action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? White; gray ...a movie theme? Self-doubt; bad movies
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with Judgement Reversed: Upright Fool: Extreme doubt about a new start Reversed Magician: Inability to find purpose Upright Priestess: Self doubt Reversed Empress: Bad parenting choices Upright Emperor: An audit Reversed Hierophant: Misdirected blame Upright Lovers: Couples counseling Reversed Chariot: Lost in the wilderness Upright Strength: One needs a personal trainer Reversed Hermit: Unwillingness to learn Upright Wheel: Cycles of self-loathing Reversed Justice: A very judgmental person Upright Hanged One: Indecisiveness Reversed Death: Change is necessary to move on Upright Temperance: Karma Reversed Devil: Regrets Upright Tower: A terrible illness Reversed Star: No hope; a lost cause Upright Moon: A difficult journey; rough water Reversed Sun:Severe mental illness & depression Upright World: Closure with regrets Before any card: Doubts surrounding (card) After any card: Bad karma; lessons not learned The Major Arcana represent significant life events. Judgement Reversed could indicate:
Judgement is often considered the culmination of your life until this moment, and is seen as positive or negative depending on the karma you have acquired and the choices you have made. Others view it as a destiny card, with other cards showing one’s life purpose.
In any reading, it is a lesson that you can change your life by reviewing your past mistakes and making a change for the future. If things are already good, judgment reminds us that we are never done learning and growing. Questions answered by Judgement: Who? The most moral person; a judge What? A new change based on karma Where? In the eye of the storm When? Possibly October-November but no firm astrological dates; During the worst or the best times; Stormy weather Why? Because eventually karma catches up to you Yes or No? Have you been good? Then, Yes What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Judgement as: An action?
Place in your house?
Place in your city?
Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? Black A movie theme? Karma, destiny
A new career?
Judgement combinations With Hanged Man: Giving too much creates a martyr. With Three of Wands: The reckoning is coming soon, consider your actions closely. With Ten of Cups: Dreams come true. With Two of Swords: Indecision is the undoing. Make a choice now before it is too late. With Eight of Pentacles: One revisits their successes and failures in order to determine their life's purpose. Before any card: A reckoning about (card) After any card: Destiny, fate, absolution The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. Judgement could indicate:
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October 2024