I bid on a really nice lake house, but was outbid. I trust that the universe knows what it's going, but when you try to make a purchase of that magnitude, it can be a hell of a bummer when it falls through. I'm spending the day licking my wounds over here, and wondering if another, similar house will ever become available again (in my head I know it will, and it will be perfect, but I can't help but feel negative and pessimistic about the whole thing.
So I created this Tarot Spread to help me move on a little faster. This spread can work for any type of dream that was just not obtained. It doesn't have to be a lake house, it might be something equally large like starting a new business, or something as minor as trying to bake cookies from scratch and ending up with something akin to burnt cardboard (lord knows I've done that, too!) So I'm going to try it out. Let's see what happens. 1. What about this goal was right? self explanatory, really. What part of the dream was good, which you should hold onto as you move toward your next goal? In my case, what about this house was right and should I look for in the next house? I pulled Strength upright - the house was solid, had good bones, and in practical terms would have been great for my pets. Okay, I will keep that in mind going forward. 2. What about this goal was wrong? What mistake did you make when choosing this goal? In my case, what did I overlook about the house that wouldn't have worked for our family? I pulled The Fool Reversed - in my book, Applied Tarot Reversed, the fool reversed is actually about downsizing, but I think this was more of a warning that this was TOO MUCH OF A DOWNSIZE. The house only had two bedrooms, and we need at least three to welcome our children and family when they come to visit. The fool reversed is warning me that this is not a new beginning, the house was just too small. 3. How should I change the goal to move forward? What adaptation can you make so that your dream is more easily realized next time? In my case, this might be asking what should I look for in the next house? I pulled the Knight of Wands reversed - on an esoteric level this often implies recklessness, but in more direct terms it reminds us about our cars. The house I bid on didn't actually have a garage or electricity to the parking lot, which is something we need for our electric vehicles. I think the cards are warning me to think about my travel needs next time. 4. How can I best support my emotional wounds? What can you do right now to make yourself feel better? In my case, can I treat myself to something to get my mind of losing out on this house? I pulled the Wheel of Fortune upright - According to my book, Applied Tarot, I could either try gambling (no thanks, gotta save my money), clean the hall closet (I could do that, I suppose) or watch a movie about taking chances (I will probably choose that option. I'm not only sad but also super lazy.) 5. What message does the universe have? This is the crux of all things when you're feeling down about something - what does the universe want you to understand about it? In my situation, what does the universe want me to know about house hunting? I pulled the Hermit - This card is about introspection and the attainment of wisdom, so I guess I need to remember that I learned something throughout this process? In literal terms it's about being up high on a mountain or having a better view - so maybe I have to wait to find a house on more of a hill! I can do that. ;) I got a lot of major arcana cards, which tells me that this was completely out of my control and is exactly what the Universe planned and expected for me. I find comfort in that. The deck is the Land of Stories Tarot. I did the reading right here at my desk while I was blogging this.
The Wheel of Fortune is exactly as it sounds – it is a turning point, indicating that life will continue to turn no matter what happens. One moment you are up, and the next moment you are down.
Reversed, it’s generally a negative part of the cycle. Figure out what might be happening for you:
Questions answered by the Wheel of Fortune: Who? Someone going through a rough time What? A wheel; cancelled travel plans Where? The casino; a big wheel When? November-December; downtime Why? “If you have bad luck at the dawn, you had bad luck. If you keep having bad luck all day, you are the bad luck.” ~Amit Kalantri Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Wheel of Fortune Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Red, blue, green, yellow ...a movie theme? Bad luck, slowness, life cycles
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Upright Fool: Failed attempts to start anew Reversed Magician: Bad luck, poor skills Upright Priestess: A bad gut feeling Reversed Empress: A period of infertility Upright Emperor: Negative business association Reversed Hierophant: rejection of tradition has negative consequences Upright Lovers: A relationship needs a break Reversed Chariot: It is dangerous to travel Upright Strength: The only way out is through Reversed Hermit: isolation and self-doubt Upright Justice: No control over the outcome Reversed Hanged One: Stalling; dysfunction Upright Death: One has no control over the end Reversed Temperance: Bad financial period Upright Devil: Time will reveal one’s weakness Reversed Tower: Bad luck for a small business Upright Star: Cut your losses and move on Reversed Moon: The trip will not go as planned Upright Sun: Progress toward happiness is slow Reversed Judgement: From bad to worse Upright World: Taking small steps toward completion Before any card: Bad luck in (card) After any card: ruined travel; bad luck The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Wheel reversed could indicate:
The Wheel of Fortune is exactly as it sounds – In most decks it will possess an image of a giant wheel, often with all the symbols of the tarot (and perhaps astrology) inscribed upon it. It represents the endless cycle of bad luck and good luck that is ever present in our lives.
There is a reason it is one of the middle cards in the Major Arcana, it is a turning point, and continues to turn regardless of what is happening. One moment you are up, and the next moment you are down. Questions answered by the Wheel of Fortune: Who? The luckiest or unluckiest person in your family (depending on the subject) What? Agonize over what you can control, and let the other things go Where? At the roulette table; wherever you are taking a chance on something When? November-December; at any time; without warning Why? Because the cycle of life keeps going, and this is just one part of it Yes or No? Yes (Reversed: No) What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Wheel of Fortune as: ...an action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? White, black ...a movie theme? Luck, fortune, cycles of life
...a new career?
The Wheel combinations With Justice: A conservative person tries not to rock the boat. With Page of Wands: An exciting new time in one's life. With Page of Cups: A change in circumstances brings a happy surprise. Three of Swords: Intense heartbreak is just part of the cycle; recovery is nigh. With Knight of Pentacles: An unexpected and rapid change in life circumstances. Before any card: Luck comes in the form of (card) After any card: Life cycles, luck, the inevitable passage of time The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Wheel of Fortune could indicate:
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October 2024