I'm having a difficult time with my dog. He's almost 11 months now, so basically a rebellious teenager, and he's trying to kill himself slowly. But if I try to help, or even give him a treat or something, it's just wrong. I can't do anything right.
He currently has a terrible infection on his leg, but if I try to wrap it up or put medicine on it, he growls and cries. Then he licks all the medicine off. The internet is like "spray it with sour apple," so I do, but he licks that off, too. There is no taste he is opposed to, hence why he's probably going to die young. He would lick off nuclear waste if you slathered it on his leg. He's an idiot and I'm at my wits end with him. We've both decided to suffer. And so it goes with two of cups reversed. There is no saving this relationship, it just has to run its course. Perhaps he'll grow out of the rebellious teenager phase and we'll have a lovely few years together before I finally stab him I mean we both die of natural causes. Having relationship troubles of your own? Read on for things you can do about it.
The Two of Cups upright is true companionship, and the card foretells of success in relationship, companionship, business, or friendship.
Reversed, there is disharmony. A couple may be unhappy or going through a breakup, or a business partnership could be ending. At its worse, there is an imbalance of power leading to abuse or the end of a friendship. Questions answered by the reversed Two of Cups: Who? An ex-lover or former business partner What? A breakup Where? A bar When? The last week of June; After the split. Why? “Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.” ~Victoria Holt Yes or No? Not until after a division The reversed Two of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Orange, green …a movie theme? Breaking up; dissolving a partnership
…a new career?
The reversed Two of Cups Before any card: Disharmonious (card) After any card: Breakup; divorce Someone else going through relationship woes is Charlotte, in Emmy Tidning's latest novel, Charlie's Chill! Buy it now on Amazon:
The Two of Cups is the real Lovers card. While the Major Arcana Lovers represents more of a melding of the head and the heart, the Two of Cups is true companionship. It is the Yin and Yang.
The couple represented by the two are nothing without each other, and the blending of their two hearts will lead to success in relationship, companionship, business, or friendship. Questions answered by Two of Cups: Who? A lover, a best friend, or a business partner What? A date, or a meeting of two minds Where? A romantic location When? The last week of June; 2 units of time. Why? Equality and respect is key Yes or No? Yes The Two of Cups Before any card: Harmony within (card) After any card: Partnership or relationship The Two of Cups as: ...an action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? blue, red ...a movie theme? True love, partnership
...a new career?
Two of Cups combinations With High Priestess: A meeting of the minds. With Page of Wands: An exciting new partnership, possibly with a younger person. With Six of Cups: Happy memories about family and love; Possibly a pregnancy on the horizon. With Nine of Swords: Mutual anxiety; Trauma about a partnership or relationship With Knight of Pentacles: Everyone must put equal amounts of hard work into the business to keep it going. |
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October 2024