This is not the card I wanted to start on for June 1st, the first day of what should be a celebratory and rainbow-colored Pride month... but I didn't really time my blog posts very well, did I? That's a very death reversed thing to screw up, so I guess it fits. Let's jump right in:
The upright Death card is about chaos and transformation. However, reversed it is a more devastating change – such as a major loss, upheaval, or even death. Reversed, there are a few other things that could be happening here. Figure out which one is correct for you:
Questions answered by Death Reversed: Who? A dying person; someone resistant to change What? A death Where? A room that has stayed the same; a funeral; Russia When? October-November; after a delay; after a death Why? “He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.” ~Harold Wilson Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Death Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…a color? White, grey, greige, tan …a movie theme? Resistance to change; death
…a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with Death Reversed: Reversed Fool: A reckless decision Upright Magician: Being ghosted; ghosting Reversed Priestess: Sadness; grief; regret Upright Empress: Lateness; baby is overdue Reversed Emperor: Trouble at work; firing Upright Hierophant: Unwilling to follow rules Reversed Lovers: Separation, divorce Upright Chariot: Difficult but vital journey Reversed Strength: Illness; death Upright Hermit: Unwillingness to accept truth Reversed Wheel: There is nothing you can do Upright Justice: Justice resolves after delay Reversed Hanged One: Victim mentality Upright Temperance: Impatience; fear of delay Reversed Devil: Relapse; overdose Upright Tower: Delays after a sudden disaster Reversed Star: Discouragement; insecurity Upright Moon: Unconscious fears Reversed Sun: Disappointments; loss Upright Judgement: A difficult problem is resolved Reversed World: A person unable to finish what they’ve started Before any card: Inability to accept (card) After any card: Loss; defeat; delays The Major Arcana represent significant life events. Death Reversed could indicate:
Applied Tarot Reversed is delayed due to my constant disappointment and running away from troubles. I am Death Personified! But do take a look at Applied Tarot for information about this groovy card when it's upright!
Justice is the purveyor of truth and honesty. In almost every deck she bears the scales, weighing right and wrong, and declaring that if you've been good, good things will happen to you. If you have been bad, well - you know.
When Justice is reversed, it may be time to pay the price for the wrongs you have committed, or it could be that the wrongs that have been committed against you will be rectified. Figure out which is true for you:
Questions answered by Justice: Who? A criminal; An unjust judge or jury What? Injustice Where? A courtroom; an unbuilt structure When? A time of denial; September-October Why? “He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it the second time.” ~ Thomas Jefferson Yes or No? No, not until justice is restored What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Justice Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Rust ...a movie theme? Injustice, lies, dishonesty
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with Justice Reversed: Reversed Fool: A reckless youth; an old liar Upright Magician: A highly skilled thief Reversed Priestess: Negative self-talk Upright Empress:Inheritance of dishonest means Reversed Emperor: Tyrannical abuse Upright Hierophant: Tradition is unjust Reversed Lovers: Infidelity; partnership ends Upright Chariot: A boat ride; imbalanced trip Reversed Strength: Vulnerable to loss or thievery Upright Hermit: Seeking the truth is difficult Reversed Wheel: Balance will not be restored Upright Hanged One: The scapegoat Reversed Death: Refusing to be held accountable Upright Temperance: Stoicism while facing lies Reversed Devil: Freedom from imprisonment Upright Tower:An intervention restores justice Reversed Star: Faithlessness in karmic justice Upright Moon: A guilty conscience Reversed Sun: Life isn’t fair Upright Judgement: Remembering injustices and attempts at karmic restoration Reversed World: No justice is obtained Before any card: Unfairness in (card) After any card: Injustice, dishonesty The Major Arcana represent significant life events. Justice Reversed could indicate:
Hagalaz literally translates to hail. In more esoteric divinations, it is about discord and destruction.
We can imagine hail pelting us – it stings and is relentless, but it soon melts and nourishes the Earth. Transformation occurs after this time of painful crisis. Picture the Rune as an H standing for Hagalaz, but the middle line is wonky and chaotic, which represents its meaning. Hagal has no reverse, as the opposite of chaos is just more chaos. Hagalaz as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in the world?
...a movie theme? Chaos, bad weather
A new career?
I create my own chaos by adopting puppies, enrolling in Master's degree programs, quitting jobs and publishing novels all in the same month. I think I'll go relax with a nice pleasant viewing of Jurassic Park! Wunjo is positive, hopeful joy. Its Norse meaning is wind, so we can imagine that when things are difficult, change will come on the next gust of wind. To remember this Rune’s meaning, imagine it looks like the letter “p” and positivity is blowing in. The actual sound it makes is “w”, for wind. This is the Rune of will and motivation. Like the butterfly effect, the wind blows harder when we make a move. The reverse of Wunjo is caution, hopelessness, or betrayal. Questions answered by Wunjo: Who? The happiest person; the motivated one What? The weather forecast Where? High up When? The middle of October; on a windy day Why? “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” ~Chinese Proverb Yes or No? Yes! Reversed? Maybe, be cautious What should I clean?
Where are my missing keys?
Combinations with other Runes: Wunjo says motivate yourself to
Just now I was super motivated to book my son's wisdom teeth removal and his flight back home. On the flipside, he's probably feeling very reverse-Wunjo (hopeless and betrayed,) because I booked all four of his teeth to be pulled during his College Spring break.
Ha ha, whoops. Read more about Wunjo in Applied Runes. In January, the book was very popular in Great Britain. Thanks UK! You make me feel a lot of Wunjo/joy.
Gebo is a tough one to remember, because it looks like a giant X, which naturally turns us off from it. But if we think of it in terms of an eXchange, we can better visualize it as a reciprocation.
You could also imagine the X in X-mas to remember how X marks gift-giving. In Viking times, Gebo also suggested a trade between powers – a way to dissolve barriers by presenting presents to one another. Gebo has no reverse, as exchange happens regardless of its goodness or badness. Gebo as: action?
...a movie theme? generosity, giving
...a new career?
What should I clean?
Where are my missing keys?
Read more about Gebo in Applied Runes |
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October 2024