The Sun is the happiest card in the deck. Even in a reversed position, the interpretation still promises that the sun will rise again soon. In most decks, the imagery on this card depicts excitement, joy and play.
With this card reversed, even the most ominous fortunes have positivity and enlightenment in them. Reversed, here are some things that might be happening:
Questions answered by The Sun Reversed: Who? A temporarily sad person; The least enthusiastic group member What? A small success; optimism Where? A shady spot When? July-August; a partly cloudy day; the vernal equinox; decent weather Why? “If only we’d stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.” ~Edith Wharton Yes or No? Yes, after a few minor issues What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Sun Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…a color? Purple, blue, red …a movie theme? Sadness, trying, no enthusiasm
…a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The Sun Reversed: Reversed Fool: No confidence in new beginning Upright Magician: One needs to get started Reversed Priestess: Slowly coming around to an idea Upright Empress: Postpartum depression Reversed Emperor: Disappointing career Upright Hierophant: Obligatory church visit Reversed Lovers: A breakup Upright Chariot: Don’t put the cart before the horse Reversed Strength: Many small obstacles ahead Upright Hermit: Work or knowledge difficulties Reversed Wheel: The future is unknowable at this time Upright Justice: A difficult truth to hear Reversed Hanged One: Stagnation is sadness Upright Death: An upsetting change Reversed Temperance: Mental illness Upright Devil: An addictive personality Reversed Tower: Suffering and negativity Upright Star: Hope after sadness Reversed Moon: Misinterpretation of situations Upright Judgement: Closure after some delay Reversed World: An incomplete project Before any card: Unrealistic expectations about (card) After any card: Sadness, pessimism, ego The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Sun Reversed could indicate:
The Sun is the happiest card in the deck. Even in a reversed position, the interpretation still promises that the sun will rise again soon. In most decks, the imagery on this card depicts excitement, joy and play.
With this card in a reading, even the most ominous fortunes have positivity and enlightenment in them. Questions answered by The Sun: Who? A child at play; the happiest person you know What? The Sun; flowers; A burst of energy Where? A sunny location When? July-August; the summertime; the Summer Solstice; good weather Why? Because joy is everywhere Yes or No? YES! (Reversed: also yes, just a bit more subdued) What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Sun as: An action?
A Place in your house?
A Place in your city?
A Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? Yellow, orange, green A movie theme? Joy, happiness, fun
A new career?
Sun combinations With Empress: The mother is happy; the joy of fertility and nature. With Two of Wands: Find joy in planning. With Page of Cups: A young, joyful dreamer. With Nine of Swords: Bipolar disorder; manic depression; the anxiety of finding success. With King of Pentacles: A successful person who has found abundance. The Sun Before any card: Joyful (card) The Sun After any card: Happiness, joy, a time of great success. The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Sun could indicate:
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October 2024