I bid on a really nice lake house, but was outbid. I trust that the universe knows what it's going, but when you try to make a purchase of that magnitude, it can be a hell of a bummer when it falls through. I'm spending the day licking my wounds over here, and wondering if another, similar house will ever become available again (in my head I know it will, and it will be perfect, but I can't help but feel negative and pessimistic about the whole thing.
So I created this Tarot Spread to help me move on a little faster. This spread can work for any type of dream that was just not obtained. It doesn't have to be a lake house, it might be something equally large like starting a new business, or something as minor as trying to bake cookies from scratch and ending up with something akin to burnt cardboard (lord knows I've done that, too!) So I'm going to try it out. Let's see what happens. 1. What about this goal was right? self explanatory, really. What part of the dream was good, which you should hold onto as you move toward your next goal? In my case, what about this house was right and should I look for in the next house? I pulled Strength upright - the house was solid, had good bones, and in practical terms would have been great for my pets. Okay, I will keep that in mind going forward. 2. What about this goal was wrong? What mistake did you make when choosing this goal? In my case, what did I overlook about the house that wouldn't have worked for our family? I pulled The Fool Reversed - in my book, Applied Tarot Reversed, the fool reversed is actually about downsizing, but I think this was more of a warning that this was TOO MUCH OF A DOWNSIZE. The house only had two bedrooms, and we need at least three to welcome our children and family when they come to visit. The fool reversed is warning me that this is not a new beginning, the house was just too small. 3. How should I change the goal to move forward? What adaptation can you make so that your dream is more easily realized next time? In my case, this might be asking what should I look for in the next house? I pulled the Knight of Wands reversed - on an esoteric level this often implies recklessness, but in more direct terms it reminds us about our cars. The house I bid on didn't actually have a garage or electricity to the parking lot, which is something we need for our electric vehicles. I think the cards are warning me to think about my travel needs next time. 4. How can I best support my emotional wounds? What can you do right now to make yourself feel better? In my case, can I treat myself to something to get my mind of losing out on this house? I pulled the Wheel of Fortune upright - According to my book, Applied Tarot, I could either try gambling (no thanks, gotta save my money), clean the hall closet (I could do that, I suppose) or watch a movie about taking chances (I will probably choose that option. I'm not only sad but also super lazy.) 5. What message does the universe have? This is the crux of all things when you're feeling down about something - what does the universe want you to understand about it? In my situation, what does the universe want me to know about house hunting? I pulled the Hermit - This card is about introspection and the attainment of wisdom, so I guess I need to remember that I learned something throughout this process? In literal terms it's about being up high on a mountain or having a better view - so maybe I have to wait to find a house on more of a hill! I can do that. ;) I got a lot of major arcana cards, which tells me that this was completely out of my control and is exactly what the Universe planned and expected for me. I find comfort in that. The deck is the Land of Stories Tarot. I did the reading right here at my desk while I was blogging this.
Happy New Year! Although the Gregorian Calendar is rather arbitrary in that it assigns a numerical value to circles made around a giant ball of fire, Jan 1 is still a great day to assess how far we've come and where we still have to go. In the Northern hemisphere, where an estimated 90% of the global population resides, Jan 1 tends to fall in the cold, dark winter. What better way to liven our spirits than to begin a new journey around an old star? For 2023 I've created this tarot spread. I haven't numbered the cards, as I want users to read it in any direction or order they choose. I also want to give 2023 the opportunity to bring surprises rather than pain - so if you happen to draw the Nine of Swords for your "What New Things are Coming" card, go ahead and switch that around with "What Am I Leaving Behind," instead. Trust your gut! Don't be afraid of the new year! ​For the sake of standardization, I am going to do my own reading counter-clockwise from "What have I learned." I have chosen to use the Salvador Dali Tarot Deck, as 2022 was a little wild and loopy for me, so I feel Dali's quirky art will be accurate. I also find this deck very large and hard to manage, which pretty much explained 2022, too. 1. What Am I Leaving Behind? The four of pentacles: This card is about security, and being in a place where your monetary needs are met. I don't really want to let that go. However, it's also a warning not to be greedy. Share your talents, your wealth, and the physical gifts you have. I'm willing to let go of greed and insecurity. I have lived with the fear of loss long enough. Although this recession isn't being kind to my bank accounts right now, I know that I am safe because I am loved. 2. What have I learned? The World: Everything? I've learned... everything! woo-hoo! In the Dali Tarot, the World has a bit more negative connotation, though. It's a reminder that we have inherited the earth from our parents, and we are passing it down to the children, so we must use our time and skills in the best way we can. I think this particular reading is telling me that I've learned what my gifts are, and now I must share them. 3. How have I grown? The reversed Star: Reversed, the Star is about fear, the inability to move on from tragedy, and being a "Debbie downer." In terms of how I've grown, it might be telling me that I've learned bad things will happen anyway, so rather than hide from them I must continue to have hope, and push through the difficulties. I'll accept that. In my book, Applied Tarot Reversed, the reversed Star also tells me to watch Wall-E. I could just do that, too. 4. What new things are coming? The four of cups: Boredom and apathy? Oh, yay. EYEROLL. The Dali Tarot book says "explore your feelings, define your boundaries, and meditate." Perhaps that's what is coming this year - more acceptance of my feelings, some down time that I will have to live with (I usually dislike downtime, as it makes me feel useless. This may be a lesson), and the opportunity to practice mindful meditation. I could do that. 5. A message from the Universe about 2023 The Ace of Swords: This card is about determination and focus. I think the message from the Universe here is to keep going, solve puzzles, and continue pushing ahead. The Dali Tarot book says "Rise and stand up straight! Gain strength from your knowledge..." I'm currently working on a graduate degree (I should finish this Spring) and my project is a scathing report about anti-feminist trends in the tech industry. I have met with a lot of resistance about my goals, but I think this Ace is telling me to be confident and continue on this path, it is the smart and correct way. I'll take it! So there you go, enjoy your 2023 and let me know what messages you get! ​Mentioned in this post are:
Every few months there is some financial crisis I need to deal with. I'm working to try and figure out why I keep letting this happen, but it's going to require more time and sessions with my therapist.
I suppose I could consult an accountant, but my therapist seems more helpful at this time. Nevertheless, it has happened again. I have a tuition payment due for my degree program, another one due for my son's degree program, and a broken air conditioning system that will cost several thousand dollars to replace. I'm in a pickle. Again. So, while panicking about where I'm going to come up with thousands of dollars for both basic comfort and mind-expanding education, I threw together this Tarot Spread. Let's go through it together and see if it works, shall we? Card 1: You - it's you (or me!) It's how we're feeling about money, what we're doing about money, what's worked until now, what hasn't worked, where our head is at, how much more therapy you (or I) need and just general circumstances surrounding the querant and money. Yes, it sounds like a lot for one card to answer, but you might be surprised what kinds of insights you can find with such a general overlook. For my Card 1 I pulled the Ace of Swords upright. That's hilarious, because in my book, Applied Tarot, one of the interpretations for this card is an Air Conditioner. I've just found out mine is going to cost a ton of money to replace, which sucks! But the ace is also about determination and thoughtfulness, and I'm feeling pretty determined to try and fix this money issue using my wits. Let's continue. Card 2: Your money - It's your money (or my money)! What's it doing for us right now? How is it working? Is it feeling lost? underused? overused? abused? If we imagine our money as a member of our family (it's a necessity - it feeds us and clothes us, we have a love-hate relationship with it, so why not give it a name and call it a family member?), how is it feeling right now? For my Card 2 I pulled the Six of Swords. My money is feeling like it's on a very difficult journey. Tell me about it, fat stacks! You're about to make a difficult journey into some HVAC technician's pocket, and also to two very expensive collegiate institutions that are a long way away, but yet are banging down my door ASAP! Talk about difficult. Card 3: How to Work for it - Now we get into the nitty gritty. This card might tell us to get a new job, work a small side gig, sell something, who knows? Money doesn't do stuff for us for nothing - this card is the action we have to take in order to make money want to take action for us! For my Card 3 I pulled the reversed Lovers. Divorce my husband? No thanks. Cause an argument? This card is so confusing. If I look at the specific, practical interpretations, I could try and find money in my pantry, at the dog park, or while eating a TV dinner. Alternatively, I could work as a freelancer. I already do that, but it's not earning me thousands yet. Maybe I just need to work harder. Ugh, okay money. Card 4: What to Trade for it - Sometimes money won't come because you haven't made room for it. Perhaps your mind, front entranceway, or space you occupy regularly is just too cluttered for visitors right now. If we go back to the money-as-family-member analogy, maybe it doesn't want to visit you until you make a bed for it. What object, skill, or thing could you share, donate, or relocate in order to make room for money to come over for a visit? For my Card 4 I pulled the Eight of Cups - According to Applied Tarot I could clean a room I don't use very often, do some spiritual work for someone, or maybe just donate eight cups. I actually own so many cups they're taking up multiple cabinets. Maybe money will come visit if it doesn't have to sit and stare into my glassware cabinet just trying to decide which one to drink out of. Card 5: When to Expect It - This one will totally be up to interpretation, I suspect. Applied Tarot has some rough time periods listed, but you can also use your best guess. There are multiple sources online for how to treat cups, wands, swords and pentacles in terms of what timing (weeks, days, years, months) they represent, but they all tend to vary. No two tarot users think alike! I suggest you decide on a timeline BEFORE you pick a card, just so you know for sure. Want help? Try Wands as days, Swords as weeks, Cups as months, and Pentacles as years. For my Card 5 I picked Temperance reversed. So much for the minor arcana timeframes I listed above! Ugh. Temperance typically represents November or December. I can't really wait 'til then to pay for the A/C or tuition, but at least I might be able to pay my credit cards back at that time if I put those items on there. I can live with that. Work more freelance gigs, donate 8 cups, expect money in November or December - I can do that.
This spread should really be called the "Are the kids alright?" spread, but I'm trying to be positive about it.
The truth is a lot of kids aren't alright right now. Some are sick, some are depressed, some are struggling in school, and others might appear to be doing just perfectly but their entire worlds are shattered in the background - how would you even know? This spread is to hopefully help you figure that out and give you a way to help if needed. As a fortune teller, it is my belief that we should never do readings for other adults when they haven't expressed consent. It is for this reason that I don't do "does he/she love me" spreads or nonsense like that. I only do spreads that relate to the querent and how they are involved in their own situation. However, for children under the age of 18 it is well within a parent's purview to ask about them. I still do believe that young kids deserve a bit of agency in the matter, so I've created this spread about how you can best help them, rather than about what's going to happen to the kid themself. This spread is expandable - so any number of kids you have who are under the age of 18 can be asked about. It's not just for kids, either. You could ask about your pets, your plants, or something else you're in the care of - just make sure they're not freethinking adults who might dislike you doing readings about them behind their backs. I have one child under the age of 18 and one new puppy, so when I do my reading I'll do it for those two. My adult children can do their own readings (I gave them each a deck of my Tarot cards for Christmas!) Card A - You as a parent
Card 1 - How is the kid doing?
Card 2 - How can you help your kid?
Carry on with Cards 1 and 2 for each additional child/pet/rock/plant you have questions about. Card Z - The family outcome
I did this reading for my 17yo son who is struggling in school, and my 17 week old dog who is struggling with existence right now (or, more accurately, with whose existence I am struggling right now! ha ha! He's lucky he's cute because he's a bit of a nightmare.) Card A - Me as a parent:
Son Card 1 - How is my 17yo human son doing?
Son Card 2 - How can I help him?
Dog Card 1 - How is my 17wo puppy doing?
Dog Card 2 - How can I help him?
Outcome for the Family
So there you go, a reading for the parents out there who are struggling with the best ways to help their kids, both during a pandemic or at any time! For more Tarot Spreads, click the Spreads link at the side of this page. For more info on the cards, read Applied Tarot |
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