Happy New Year! Although the Gregorian Calendar is rather arbitrary in that it assigns a numerical value to circles made around a giant ball of fire, Jan 1 is still a great day to assess how far we've come and where we still have to go. In the Northern hemisphere, where an estimated 90% of the global population resides, Jan 1 tends to fall in the cold, dark winter. What better way to liven our spirits than to begin a new journey around an old star? For 2023 I've created this tarot spread. I haven't numbered the cards, as I want users to read it in any direction or order they choose. I also want to give 2023 the opportunity to bring surprises rather than pain - so if you happen to draw the Nine of Swords for your "What New Things are Coming" card, go ahead and switch that around with "What Am I Leaving Behind," instead. Trust your gut! Don't be afraid of the new year! ​For the sake of standardization, I am going to do my own reading counter-clockwise from "What have I learned." I have chosen to use the Salvador Dali Tarot Deck, as 2022 was a little wild and loopy for me, so I feel Dali's quirky art will be accurate. I also find this deck very large and hard to manage, which pretty much explained 2022, too. 1. What Am I Leaving Behind? The four of pentacles: This card is about security, and being in a place where your monetary needs are met. I don't really want to let that go. However, it's also a warning not to be greedy. Share your talents, your wealth, and the physical gifts you have. I'm willing to let go of greed and insecurity. I have lived with the fear of loss long enough. Although this recession isn't being kind to my bank accounts right now, I know that I am safe because I am loved. 2. What have I learned? The World: Everything? I've learned... everything! woo-hoo! In the Dali Tarot, the World has a bit more negative connotation, though. It's a reminder that we have inherited the earth from our parents, and we are passing it down to the children, so we must use our time and skills in the best way we can. I think this particular reading is telling me that I've learned what my gifts are, and now I must share them. 3. How have I grown? The reversed Star: Reversed, the Star is about fear, the inability to move on from tragedy, and being a "Debbie downer." In terms of how I've grown, it might be telling me that I've learned bad things will happen anyway, so rather than hide from them I must continue to have hope, and push through the difficulties. I'll accept that. In my book, Applied Tarot Reversed, the reversed Star also tells me to watch Wall-E. I could just do that, too. 4. What new things are coming? The four of cups: Boredom and apathy? Oh, yay. EYEROLL. The Dali Tarot book says "explore your feelings, define your boundaries, and meditate." Perhaps that's what is coming this year - more acceptance of my feelings, some down time that I will have to live with (I usually dislike downtime, as it makes me feel useless. This may be a lesson), and the opportunity to practice mindful meditation. I could do that. 5. A message from the Universe about 2023 The Ace of Swords: This card is about determination and focus. I think the message from the Universe here is to keep going, solve puzzles, and continue pushing ahead. The Dali Tarot book says "Rise and stand up straight! Gain strength from your knowledge..." I'm currently working on a graduate degree (I should finish this Spring) and my project is a scathing report about anti-feminist trends in the tech industry. I have met with a lot of resistance about my goals, but I think this Ace is telling me to be confident and continue on this path, it is the smart and correct way. I'll take it! So there you go, enjoy your 2023 and let me know what messages you get! ​Mentioned in this post are:
It's finally here, 2021 has truly begun! While we've celebrated both January 1 (the Gregorian new year) and February 12th (the Chinese New Year), on March 20th the Sun moved into Aries, the first sign of the Western Zodiac, and the start of the last first day of the new year! Hurray!
The sign of Aries is enthusiastic, spontaneous, and a go-getter, so like the flowering trees and the animals coming out of hibernation, we're all ready to get a move on. Now that vaccines are here and 2021 is looking a bit more open for business than 2020 was, what better way to celebrate our enthusiasm than with a Tarot spread for this new year? Card 1 - This is Ending
Card 2 - This is being born
Card 3 - The Year Ahead
Card 4 - Skills to Grow
So I did this reading for myself because I would also like to know what to birth and what new skills to learn this year! Although I am already starting a new school program and also trying to grow my business, it's always important to see if there is something else I need to grow or know. Card 1 - This is Ending The Reversed King of Pentacles - a lack of income and an unsuccessful business. Oooo! Does that mean my business will get more successful and I'll have more income? Or wait... does it mean the business is closing down due to a lack of income (it was a pretty big year of losses just getting established, but that happens to every new business, right? Right?) Gosh, this is worrisome. Card 2 - This is being born Ten of Swords - Exhaustion, catastrophe, and failure are being born? Great. Great. Looking forward to that. Not. Seriously, WTH? When skilled Tarot readers see this card they try to say things like "there is nowhere to go but up" or "disaster leads to growth", but the fact is this card is the literal worst. I am not looking forward to whatever Ten of Swords is birthed this year. This is even more worrisome than that reversed Pentacle. Card 3 - The year ahead for me The High Priestess - Intuition and psychic abilities. Oh yay! Maybe this does mean that my divination business will grow even further! Yay for reversed Kings! Smash the patriarchy! But I'm still really worried about what that Ten of Swords implies. Card 4 - Skills to grow Ace of Swords - Puzzles and intelligence! Yay! I love puzzles (as evidenced by my book, Psychic Word Puzzles) and would love to make more of them. Unfortunately that book hasn't sold very well, so I don't really have the resources to make another one yet. However, I was thinking of quitting puzzle books altogether, so this Ace kind of gives me hope that maybe I can make them work somehow. I'll think more about this, once I get over that devastating Ten of Swords. So that's my reading. 2 swords in only a 4-card spread, one pentacle and one card about intuition. So it'll be a year of growing my education, seeking wisdom, perhaps suffering a catastrophic failure, and some intuitive growth for me. I'm ready! Sort of! Let me know how your reading goes. Happy Astrological New Year 2021! One year ago I started writing a little reference book called Applied Tarot. Since then I've published three books and a card deck in the Applied Divination Series, I have another book coming out in a couple of months (Applied Tarot Reversed) and yet another one planned for later this year (Applied Tasseography, An Excessively Practical Guide to Interpreting Tea Leaves.)
Starting a small business is never an instant success; a divination business, at that, is definitely not a lucrative enterprise; AND launching that small divination business during a pandemic is probably the worst idea I've ever had. The worst best idea. I love what I do. I love Tarot cards and Runes and Tea Leaves and Palmistry and Astrology and Feng Shui and anything and everything related to divination and the mystical arts. Practicing them as a hobbyist kept me going through a lifetime of bad jobs, school stresses, parenting issues, clinical depression, and everything else that is just part of existence. But now practicing it as a professional is keeping me going through a pandemic where I might otherwise be driven straight into an institution. I bought myself an Employee of the Year mug to celebrate. My IT support staff (husband) is super envious. Maybe he'll work a bit harder this year and win it next year. Maybe. 恭喜发财 Happy new year everyone! It's a Metal Ox year and the second year in the Chinese 12-year cycle! This is when things will really start happening, thank goodness.
This is a post I share every year on my personal FB page, but I thought I'd put it here. I love shēngxiào astrology, but I am not a professional in any context whatsoever. This is tongue-in-cheek based on the limited knowledge I have of the lunar calendar and 12-year Jupiter cycle. Let's dive right in to Emily's Super Accurate* Chinese Horoscope Predictions, shall we? Rat: The rat and ox are the best of friends, so this year should be pretty good for you - as long as you put the effort in! Oxes want production and effort, not happy cheery ratness all the time. Bust a move and you'll succeed with little other effort. You could meet your soul mate this year. Ox: Other zodiac signs need to haul ass in an ox year, but not you, ox! This is your time to sit down and reap the rewards of the efforts you've put in over the last 12 years. It's a great year to plan a new project, have an arranged marriage, or try for a baby or something crazy like that. You'll be back to being a go-getter next year, Ox! Tiger: Working hard is difficult for you, Tiger, so the ox year might feel like a bit of a haul. You could be anxious, frustrated, and kind of unlucky in love too. But here's the thing - next year is the start of a new 12-year cycle for you, so I promise if you buckle down and do the hard work this year, you'll start 2022 with the world wide open! Rabbit: Listen rabbit, this year will be average. That's not bad. Many times it will feel a lot like nothing in happening, and your love life sucks and everything is sucky, but I promise the wheels are turning for you. This is a year of "slow and steady wins the race" which I know is a challenge for you, jumpy quick rabbit! Just burrow into your rabbit hideout and hang in there! Dragon: Last year was your year, Dragon. I hope you gained all the riches and awesomeness you deserved. While this year will seem a little slower, it's only because you've got to follow through on your rewards - work a little harder, dream a little smaller, keep doing your thing and life will stay awesome! Snake: Like the Dragon in a rat year, Snake in the ox year is on fire! Great things are coming for you this year, as this is the 6th year in your 12-year cycle. You will ace everything you do. You'll fall in love. Win after win after win. The only thing to remember is to prepare the ground you slither in. Make sure your debts are paid, your stressful matters are dealt with, and the ground is clear for all the awesomeness coming your way! Horse: Last year was not the best for you, but the ox year is looking up. Just be a work horse and not a wild feral horse, and everything will start coming up carrots. There will be a dearth of exciting events this year, but after the difficulty of last year that'll be a welcome reprieve. Possible trouble in love although I don't know what - it's a 7 year for the horse, so the 7-year itch, I suppose? I'm a horse, so I'll let you know what tragedy happens in my love life. Sheep/Goat: Last year was your year, sheep. Sorry for the bad news, but this year you have to stick with the program, keep your head down, and get to work to hold on to all the awesomeness you got done last year. Love will be a roller coaster. My son's a sheep and his grades are crap but he has to get into college, so we're going to bust his ass to get down to work. You should do the same, sheep. Monkey: The ox likes to work and monkeys like to play, manipulate, fool, and do anything to not work. You'll do that this year! Successfully! Trick other people into doing the work for you. Just don't forget your friends are your friends and your business associates are your business associates. Don't overwork your friends or befriend your associates and you'll do okay. Love and social life will bounce back for you this year. Rooster: Yaaasss Rooster! Last year was a roller coaster of crazy ups and downs, but 2021 is all winning! You'll be lucky in business, love, and money. The only thing to watch out for are negative friends. You don't need any downers in your life during this awesome year, so consider unfriending some hurtful people completely. Dog: To be honest, ox years are not the greatest for you, Dog. Oxen like routines and hard work, and dogs like to sniff shit and have all the fun. Just buckle down this year and practice patience. It's a metal ox year, and dogs are a metal animal , so that should offer some reprieve from what is normally an ominous year. You'll be okay, pup. Hang in there. Pig: This is it, Pig! This is the year you make it! Last year I told you to say yes to that thing, so as long as you did that and you keep working hard-as-an-ox at it this year, the rewards will be huge! Some pigs might be promoted to the highest position they've ever held anywhere. Work hard, pig. You made it. Love-wise, some pigs may be prone to cheat on their romantic partners this year (uh-oh I'm married to a pig! Grr.) Yay all done! Until next year, fauna! Happy new year! *from the latin "accuratis": done with love and care... not the modern definition: precision. |
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