My youngest child has to make a decision this week about which University he'll attend in the fall. I am trying really hard not to influence his decision, but it is frustrating me to no end that he's putting it off this long. With three adult kids in Universities across the continent, I need to start making plans for moving their things and getting them settled.
I'm trying very hard not to be a - I had to pause writing this because I just saw some type of animal scoot past my window. It might have been a rat. I hope it was a bird. I screamed. I digress. I'm trying very hard not to be a manipulative, overbearing Mom. (I'm also trying hard not to scream at rodents.) My kids are adults now and they can make decisions for themselves, I just wish they'd do it sooner rather than later so I can figure out the rest of our lives. Working this all out also reminds me that I'll miss them and I'll be an empty nester very soon, which makes me very sad. I am very much the reversed Queen of Pentacles right now. I'm going to eat some cake and call my therapist. Update: It was a squirrel. Whew, that's fine. Sorry I screamed, squirrel. I am the reversed Queen and I'm freaking out.
Upright, the Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing parent who is down-to-Earth, approachable, practical, and successful in business and at home.
Reversed, the queen is self-centered, smothering, possessive, manipulative, or is an otherwise bad mother. Questions answered by the reversed Queen of Pentacles: Who? A cruel woman What? Troubles in business or relationships Where? Your physical environment When? Mid December to early January; When a manipulator arrives Why? “What you feed will flourish. What you neglect will die.” ~Unknown Yes or No? No The Reversed Queen of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Orange, black …a movie theme? Smothering, a difficult woman
…a new career?
Queen of Pentacles reversed Before any card: A gross misunderstanding about (card) After any card: A difficult woman; a manipulator Did you know that most of the Tarot Cards have a matching Rune? The reversed Queen is akin to the reversed Berkano rune. For more on practical Rune divination, read Applied Runes!
The Queen of Pentacles, much like the Empress in the Major Arcana, is a nurturing parent. The difference between the Queen and Empress, however, is that this queen is often a genuine human being and not an unwavering major life event that the Empress is.
This Queen is down-to-Earth, approachable, practical, and successful in business and at home. Seek out the Queen of Pentacles in your life for financial or business help. Questions answered by Queen of Pentacles: Who? A mother or parent; a down-to-earth businessperson What? A new baby; a startup business Where? At home When? Mid December to early January; When you get back home Why? Making practical decisions will lead to slow and steady gains Yes or No? Definitely, yes Queen of Pentacles Before any card: Take care of practical matters surrounding (card) After any card: The Earth, nourishment, Mom The Queen of Pentacles as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? Green, red, yellow ...a movie theme? Nurturing, resourceful
...a new career?
Queen of Pentacles combinations With Hanged Man: A sacrifice must be made in order to find financial security. With Five of Wands: A conflict arises between the nurturer and someone else. Rise above it by providing more love. With Two of Cups: A partnership leads to success at home and business; A romance leads to a baby. With Knight of Swords: An impulsive person meets a practical one. With Ace of Pentacles: An opportunity arrives to use your logical and practical mind. |
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October 2024