For the holidays, I took almost a month off this website in order to focus on my family. That's a lie! I started new happy pills and took off to the Dominican Republic for a much-needed vacation. My family was there, which was great, of course, but really it was all about unwinding, thinking about my next moves, and imbibing all the bad things I possibly could. It was a very reversed seven of swords vacation. Not only did I get away with lounging by the pool with unlimited pina coladas, but I also took time to figure myself out and maybe reevaluate the direction my life is heading. Speaking of turning over a new leaf, I was worried about my plants while I was away, as I'm on a very strict watering and feeding schedule with them, but they seemed to like the vacation from me. I have a bunch of new spider plant blooms, and my philodendron seems twice as long. The reversed seven of swords might also be about plants (turning over a new leaf), so tend your gardens! The Seven of Swords upright is about stealth, manipulation, and getting away with something sneaky. Reversed, we’re compelled to confess our sins, turn over a new leaf, or we’ve been caught in a lie. Alternatively, we might dig even deeper into the sneakiness and become a pathological liar, a cheat, or malicious. Questions answered by the reversed Seven of Swords: Who? A pathological liar What? A lie Where? In your own home When? The middle of February; After seven confessions; after seven lies Why? “When a lie is uttered, it naturally brings with it more lies. It is an art, a form of fiction writing.” ~Chaker Khazaal Yes or No? No The reversed Seven of Swords as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Purple; blush …a movie theme? Confession, turning over a new leaf
A new career?
Seven of Swords reversed Before any card: You’re being dishonest about (card) After any card: Lies; confession For more on the Seven, read the Applied Divination series!
The cat in my Seven of Swords should not be on the counter. He's a sneak! Now go be sneaky, too. For a limited time, you can get away with 10% off in my shop using the coupon code: 7SWORDS The Seven of Swords is about stealth, manipulation, and getting away with something sneaky. In the Rider-Waite, a young person is running away with a collection of presumably stolen swords, glancing over a shoulder to make sure no one sees.
The person represented by the Seven knows they are doing something wrong, but they are doing it anyway. Questions answered by Seven of Swords: Who? A trickster What? A robbery Where? A vault When? The middle of February; Seven days Why? Sometimes a bit of manipulation is called for, but be mindful of who gets hurt Yes or No? Probably not Seven of Swords Before any card: Getting away with (card) After any card: Thievery or manipulation The Seven of Swords as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? Yellow ...a movie theme? Thievery, crime
...a new career?
Seven of Swords combinations With Wheel of Fortune: Be strategic in your tricks - karma has a way of exposing deviance. With Four of Wands: A deception takes place at home. With King of Cups: An otherwise loving adult has a trick up their sleeve. With Knight of Swords: A thief or trickster dives right in, but impulsivity might spoil the plan. With Ten of Pentacles: A legacy of deception is left behind; The culmination of deviance might have met its end. |
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October 2024