Upright, the Two of Pentacles is the juggling card. It is about balancing resources, exchanging goods, transferring funds between accounts, or the basic economics of everyday life.
Reversed, there is stress involved in obtaining this balance. Perhaps there is a delay in a financial transaction, one’s bills are overwhelming, or there is a lack of planning leading to the “balls being dropped.” Pull a card and ask: How can I best obtain balance this month? The following are some potential questions answered by the reversed Two of Pentacles: Who? An overwhelmed person; a poor juggler What? A letter Where? At a circus; in a ball pit When? The end of December; two days ago; during times of stress Why? “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” ~Leonard Bernstein Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Two of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Orange, red …a movie theme? Dropping the balls; financial messes
…a new career?
Two of Pentacles reversed Before any card: A lack of balance with (card) After any card: poor financial decisions; mistakes
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October 2024