I'm stupid-pleased to announce that Applied Tarot REVERSED is now available through Amazon worldwide!
If you've been carefully shuffling your deck and asking specific, everyday questions, but your cards keep popping out all criss-cross applesauce, askew, and wonkified, this book is for you! In Applied Tarot Reversed, we take the basic interpretations and -sometimes literally!- turn them on their heads. When it comes to reversed cards, some meanings are the negative of its upright form, some are positive, some are opposite, some are personal, and others are completely different. How are you supposed to choose what to eat for dinner when that happens?!? Read Applied Tarot Reversed and find out! Still confused? Here's the trusty old 79th card - reversed! - to explain it:
¿ What is the 79th card ?
Some Tarot decks have one or more extra Major Arcana cards. Often these are ultimate question cards, or have other specific names such as Gratitude, Artistry, or Ascension. Or occasionally, if you're like me, you’ll forget to remove a junk "joker" card before shuffling a brand new deck, and it will pop up in a reading. You can use that as your 79th card. Reversed, unless detailed in the book that comes with your particular deck, it has similar interpretations to upright, or it can be more personal, or more negative. Who? Who do you think? What? What do you think? Where? Wherever When? Maybe never Why? “We live in the world our questions create” ~David Cooperrider How: You figure it out Yes or No? Maybe! An action? Think more about your situation Place in your house, city, or world? Yes! Looking for a job, food, color? Keep looking! Movie? Something you’re ambivalent about watching – you might be surprised What should I clean? Whatever you’d like Where is my missing item? Unknown 79th Card reversed combinations: Any combination with this card turns the answer back into a question. For example, if you asked "what career should I look into" and pulled the Hierophant and the 79th card, your conscious mind might jump in and say "I love church! I could work there!" but ponder it a bit - you might realize you'd come to hate church if you were forced to attend it for work. The 79th card asks you to think about it. ¿
Wow! That 79th card didn't explain anything at all. Aren't you glad that card exists in your deck? It's almost completely useless, but it makes you think. Maybe. Hopefully.
There is no thinking involved when it comes to the Applied Tarot Reversed. Just buy it before it's gone forever*. Here are some links to a few international sites:
*It's not going anywhere. I don't know why I said that.
Read Applied Tarot Reversed and then let me know what you think!
I've finally finished all of Applied Tarot Reversed, so this week I have to fix some formatting, create the cover, and get it published. I'm hoping to have it out by the end of July. That's three months later than I was originally planning for, but not being able to finish is a very World Reversed way to do things. Incompletion is my signature style. The World upright is achievement, completion, and feeling whole. When the card is reversed, it often means that completion is within reach, but there is something standing in the way. There are a few other reversed meanings that might be happening here:
Questions answered by The World Reversed: Who? A person unable to move on What? Nothing; unfinished projects Where? Nowhere; a place of stagnation When? The end of the year; Capricorn; during delays Why? “Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.” ~Unknown Yes or No? No; possibly, after work is done The Reversed World Before any card: Delays and issues with (card) After any card: incompletion; immigration; problems The World Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? no color or all colors …a movie theme? Incompletion, immigration
…a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The World Reversed: Reversed Fool: No travel; trip cancelled Upright Magician: A lazy but skilled worker Reversed Priestess: Minor issues cause huge doubts Upright Empress: Achievement causes ongoing problems Reversed Emperor: Personal issues or baggage Upright Hierophant: Immigration woes Reversed Lovers: Acrimonious divorce Upright Chariot: Running on fumes; trip delays Reversed Strength: Insecurities; unmet goals Upright Hermit: Finishing a project alone Reversed Wheel: No end in sight to projects Upright Justice: Justice does not bring closure Reversed Hanged One: Querant is at fault Upright Death: Finished project is incomplete Reversed Temperance: Stroke; imbalance Upright Devil: A difficult child Reversed Tower: Paperwork or business problems Upright Star: Unjustified worries Reversed Moon: defection; exile; quitting Upright Judgement: A misunderstanding The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The World reversed could indicate:
Whether upright or reversed, Judgement is a destiny card. It takes all the karma you have acquired and the choices you have made, and defines your purpose and destiny.
In a reversed position, there are a few things that could be happening here. Figure out which one is correct for you:
Questions answered by Judgement Reversed: Who? The indecisive one What? A missed opportunity Where? Where the test takes place When? No firm astrological dates; During the worst times; Stormy weather Why? “Self-doubt kills talent.” ~Edie McClurg Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Judgement Reversed as: …an action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? White; gray ...a movie theme? Self-doubt; bad movies
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with Judgement Reversed: Upright Fool: Extreme doubt about a new start Reversed Magician: Inability to find purpose Upright Priestess: Self doubt Reversed Empress: Bad parenting choices Upright Emperor: An audit Reversed Hierophant: Misdirected blame Upright Lovers: Couples counseling Reversed Chariot: Lost in the wilderness Upright Strength: One needs a personal trainer Reversed Hermit: Unwillingness to learn Upright Wheel: Cycles of self-loathing Reversed Justice: A very judgmental person Upright Hanged One: Indecisiveness Reversed Death: Change is necessary to move on Upright Temperance: Karma Reversed Devil: Regrets Upright Tower: A terrible illness Reversed Star: No hope; a lost cause Upright Moon: A difficult journey; rough water Reversed Sun:Severe mental illness & depression Upright World: Closure with regrets Before any card: Doubts surrounding (card) After any card: Bad karma; lessons not learned The Major Arcana represent significant life events. Judgement Reversed could indicate:
The Sun is the happiest card in the deck. Even in a reversed position, the interpretation still promises that the sun will rise again soon. In most decks, the imagery on this card depicts excitement, joy and play.
With this card reversed, even the most ominous fortunes have positivity and enlightenment in them. Reversed, here are some things that might be happening:
Questions answered by The Sun Reversed: Who? A temporarily sad person; The least enthusiastic group member What? A small success; optimism Where? A shady spot When? July-August; a partly cloudy day; the vernal equinox; decent weather Why? “If only we’d stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time.” ~Edith Wharton Yes or No? Yes, after a few minor issues What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Sun Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…a color? Purple, blue, red …a movie theme? Sadness, trying, no enthusiasm
…a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The Sun Reversed: Reversed Fool: No confidence in new beginning Upright Magician: One needs to get started Reversed Priestess: Slowly coming around to an idea Upright Empress: Postpartum depression Reversed Emperor: Disappointing career Upright Hierophant: Obligatory church visit Reversed Lovers: A breakup Upright Chariot: Don’t put the cart before the horse Reversed Strength: Many small obstacles ahead Upright Hermit: Work or knowledge difficulties Reversed Wheel: The future is unknowable at this time Upright Justice: A difficult truth to hear Reversed Hanged One: Stagnation is sadness Upright Death: An upsetting change Reversed Temperance: Mental illness Upright Devil: An addictive personality Reversed Tower: Suffering and negativity Upright Star: Hope after sadness Reversed Moon: Misinterpretation of situations Upright Judgement: Closure after some delay Reversed World: An incomplete project Before any card: Unrealistic expectations about (card) After any card: Sadness, pessimism, ego The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Sun Reversed could indicate:
I've just returned home from an jam-packed 8-day driving tour of the California coast, where we toured 12 universities for our youngest, plus saw a variety of touristy sites and even had time for down days for beach time and massages. It was a rush, it was non-stop, but it was also refreshing and different after a long 15 months of stress and quarantine. It was very much a reversed moon vacation - a good journey with only small issues, and little to no anxiety. Upright, the Moon encapsulates the word foreboding. It indicates a difficult journey that must be taken to move on.
Reversed, the Moon is one of those tricky cards where there are a number of interpretations that might apply depending on who is asking and what they are asking about. Figure out what is correct for you:
Questions answered by The Moon Reversed: Who? The active one; the most honest person What? A minor issue; an easy decision to make Where? Beside a lake; where the moon reflects When? During a full moon; during a new moon; late June to July; summer solstice; daytime Why? “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~Martin Luther King Yes or No? Probably yes What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Moon Reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…a color? Orange, white …a movie theme? Releasing fear, self-deceit
…a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The Moon Reversed: Upright Fool: Unwarranted fear of new things Reversed Magician:Confusion; misrepresentation Upright Priestess: Questioning oneself Reversed Empress: Overwhelming anxiety Upright Emperor: Overcoming business obstacles Reversed Hierophant: Unconventional tactics Upright Lovers: Misguided fear about the relationship – everything is fine Reversed Chariot: Obstacles are in one’s way Upright Strength: Training for a dangerous job Reversed Hermit: Blocked intuition; ignorance Upright Wheel: Time brings an end to confusion Reversed Justice: A misinterpretation of facts Upright Hanged One: Release fear and just do it Reversed Death: Focusing on minor problems Upright Temperance: Getting help for anxiety Reversed Devil: Finally breaking bad habits Upright Tower: Small problem becomes a big one Reversed Star: Discouragement; insomnia Upright Sun: Freedom, success after trials Reversed Judgement: No need to doubt a choice Upright World: Trusting one’s intuition Before any card: Your fears about (card) are unfounded After any card: Resolution; the end of anxiety The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Moon Reversed could indicate:
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October 2024