Here's the general purpose tarot spread from my Applied Tarot deck. This is an awesome spread to use when:
1. You have no idea what you want to ask the cards, 2. Someone is asking YOU to do a reading for them but they don't know what about 3. You're bored out of your skull. All valid reasons to do a Tarot Reading! Before you start this reading, you might want to choose a time frame for the outcome. Do you want to know what is to come this week, this month, or this year? There are no wrong answers. Card 1: The Present Self
Card 2: Your Goal
Card 3: An Action to take
Card 4: Who will help?
Card 5: The Future
For funsies I did a reading for myself just now. I would like to know what is to come over the next few weeks. The present self: The Reversed Two of Pentacles This is basically disorganization, indecision, and over-commitment. Which is very much where I am right now. I knew that. I have a million different projects going right now, and therefore am unable to do any of them. It's paralyzing. My Goal: The Reversed two of Cups I'm not sure why my goal is divorce and break-ups. Unless! It could also be interpreted as "self-love" or the ability to see my personal strengths and successes instead of seeking outside reassurance that I'm on the right track. That makes more sense. Reversals are hard. I am currently writing Applied Tarot Reversed, and there are so many ways to interpret reversals, it could be a very long book! I touch on a few different ways to interpret them on page 3 of Applied Tarot. An Action to take: Eight of Pentacles From Applied Tarot: Study or master a subject. Done! I'm starting my Master's program NEXT WEEK. Perhaps that's why I feel really burdened, self-conscious, and overcommitted right now. Who will help me: The Page of Pentacles A young, studious person. Okay. As a parent of college-aged kids I do have a lot of students in my life. I'm not sure which one is the page, but maybe they will become apparent over the next two weeks, and help me out a bit. I'll keep an eye out for them! The Future: Reversed Two of Wands Another reversed Two! Twos are about partnership and relationships, but these are all reversed, so I'm thinking this is all about me, myself, and I. The two of wands upright is about future planning, launching my ships, and thoughtful planning. Reversed and as a future card, it is probably telling me this next period is about setting personal goals, making sure I choose a direction before I launch, and not being afraid to set sail. I can do that. Maybe. I'll try. Lots of reversed twos and pentacles in my reading, so altogether I can see this reading is about independence and tangible rewards I can see, touch, and feel. I like that. Do a reading for yourself and let me know how it goes!
I'm taking a short break from blogging to work on my Master's program assignments, but in the meantime I'll be posting some fun predictive text memes on my Facebook page.
You can follow me on Facebook any time!
At long last, it's here!
I'm proud to introduce the latest book in my series - and this one is interactive! It's Psychic Word Puzzles Volume 1! Why pay $20, $30, or more and have to schedule a one-off meeting with your local fortune-teller, when you can get answers to your most serious problems AND exercise your brain any time you'd like, all for only ten bucks? Available around the world, Psychic Word Puzzles is a large print puzzle book featuring 140 brain teasers that--once completed--will reveal a sign, prediction, or wise message to guide you on your journey toward enlightenment and purpose. Fortune, faculties, and fun combine for a unique puzzle experience! Here are the links to and a few other countries! No one in Japan has ever bought any of my books, but there is a first time for everything. I will ask the psychic word puzzles "how will this book fare in Japan?" and see what it says: .....
It says "if you have been thinking about a purchase, today is the day to make it."
I guess I have to order my own .jp edition of the book in order to get the ball rolling over there? Well, okay then. Question answered! I hope you get some fun and thought-provoking answers, too!
Enjoy Psychic Word Puzzles! So, for the past two months I've been working on this fun little project - Psychic word puzzles! They're word and logic puzzles that, once solved, give you a message from the universe or a psychic prediction for your life. I had hoped to get it out by mid-January, however I hit a snag in development (the snag was my own roller coaster lifestyle and bold hotheadedness - I decided to reformat the entire thing and--together with a silly puppy, a job that is asking too much of me, and a Master's degree program that started 5 months earlier than anticipated--life and this project is taking a lot more time than I had anticipated.) So now I'm hoping for the first of March. We'll see. In the meantime, Valentine's day has come and gone, and I'm feeling a bit romantic, so I thought I'd share one of the puzzles from my book. You can download the link, or screenshot this page and print it, or whatever. instructions for how to receive your psychic message from the universe can be found at the bottom of this post. Enjoy exercising your gray matter, and get a V-day message from the universe! click here to download the PDF:
Or screenshot this, whatever: INSTRUCTIONS!
Find your psychic message by shading out the listed words found in the Word Search, and reading what remains in left-right, top-bottom order. Be careful not to completely black out the letters of each word, as some letters may be used in more than one word. If you find a word in the puzzle that isn't in the list of words to find, don't black it out! It may be part of your secret message ;) The search words might be found in any of the following directions:
恭喜发财 Happy new year everyone! It's a Metal Ox year and the second year in the Chinese 12-year cycle! This is when things will really start happening, thank goodness.
This is a post I share every year on my personal FB page, but I thought I'd put it here. I love shēngxiào astrology, but I am not a professional in any context whatsoever. This is tongue-in-cheek based on the limited knowledge I have of the lunar calendar and 12-year Jupiter cycle. Let's dive right in to Emily's Super Accurate* Chinese Horoscope Predictions, shall we? Rat: The rat and ox are the best of friends, so this year should be pretty good for you - as long as you put the effort in! Oxes want production and effort, not happy cheery ratness all the time. Bust a move and you'll succeed with little other effort. You could meet your soul mate this year. Ox: Other zodiac signs need to haul ass in an ox year, but not you, ox! This is your time to sit down and reap the rewards of the efforts you've put in over the last 12 years. It's a great year to plan a new project, have an arranged marriage, or try for a baby or something crazy like that. You'll be back to being a go-getter next year, Ox! Tiger: Working hard is difficult for you, Tiger, so the ox year might feel like a bit of a haul. You could be anxious, frustrated, and kind of unlucky in love too. But here's the thing - next year is the start of a new 12-year cycle for you, so I promise if you buckle down and do the hard work this year, you'll start 2022 with the world wide open! Rabbit: Listen rabbit, this year will be average. That's not bad. Many times it will feel a lot like nothing in happening, and your love life sucks and everything is sucky, but I promise the wheels are turning for you. This is a year of "slow and steady wins the race" which I know is a challenge for you, jumpy quick rabbit! Just burrow into your rabbit hideout and hang in there! Dragon: Last year was your year, Dragon. I hope you gained all the riches and awesomeness you deserved. While this year will seem a little slower, it's only because you've got to follow through on your rewards - work a little harder, dream a little smaller, keep doing your thing and life will stay awesome! Snake: Like the Dragon in a rat year, Snake in the ox year is on fire! Great things are coming for you this year, as this is the 6th year in your 12-year cycle. You will ace everything you do. You'll fall in love. Win after win after win. The only thing to remember is to prepare the ground you slither in. Make sure your debts are paid, your stressful matters are dealt with, and the ground is clear for all the awesomeness coming your way! Horse: Last year was not the best for you, but the ox year is looking up. Just be a work horse and not a wild feral horse, and everything will start coming up carrots. There will be a dearth of exciting events this year, but after the difficulty of last year that'll be a welcome reprieve. Possible trouble in love although I don't know what - it's a 7 year for the horse, so the 7-year itch, I suppose? I'm a horse, so I'll let you know what tragedy happens in my love life. Sheep/Goat: Last year was your year, sheep. Sorry for the bad news, but this year you have to stick with the program, keep your head down, and get to work to hold on to all the awesomeness you got done last year. Love will be a roller coaster. My son's a sheep and his grades are crap but he has to get into college, so we're going to bust his ass to get down to work. You should do the same, sheep. Monkey: The ox likes to work and monkeys like to play, manipulate, fool, and do anything to not work. You'll do that this year! Successfully! Trick other people into doing the work for you. Just don't forget your friends are your friends and your business associates are your business associates. Don't overwork your friends or befriend your associates and you'll do okay. Love and social life will bounce back for you this year. Rooster: Yaaasss Rooster! Last year was a roller coaster of crazy ups and downs, but 2021 is all winning! You'll be lucky in business, love, and money. The only thing to watch out for are negative friends. You don't need any downers in your life during this awesome year, so consider unfriending some hurtful people completely. Dog: To be honest, ox years are not the greatest for you, Dog. Oxen like routines and hard work, and dogs like to sniff shit and have all the fun. Just buckle down this year and practice patience. It's a metal ox year, and dogs are a metal animal , so that should offer some reprieve from what is normally an ominous year. You'll be okay, pup. Hang in there. Pig: This is it, Pig! This is the year you make it! Last year I told you to say yes to that thing, so as long as you did that and you keep working hard-as-an-ox at it this year, the rewards will be huge! Some pigs might be promoted to the highest position they've ever held anywhere. Work hard, pig. You made it. Love-wise, some pigs may be prone to cheat on their romantic partners this year (uh-oh I'm married to a pig! Grr.) Yay all done! Until next year, fauna! Happy new year! *from the latin "accuratis": done with love and care... not the modern definition: precision. Like Isa reminds us that nature slows when it needs to, Jera reminds us that a bountiful harvest is inevitable, too. Jera represents those moments between seasons, and how they blend to create natural cycles of abundance and loss, marriage and divorce, planting and harvesting, or what have you. Imagine Jera as two sides of a square that never closes. Just as we naturally oppose ourselves and each other when things change, Jera is a cycle that is never complete. Jera has no reverse, as the cycles of time continue regardless of circumstances. Jera as: action?
...a place in your city?
...a movie theme? Gardening, cycles of life
...a new career?
Questions answered by Jera: Who? The gardener What? A seed Where? Near the plants When? The end of December or end of the year; when the seasons change; the harvest Why? “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” ~Og Mandino Yes or No? Maybe. As this Rune cannot be reversed, only that which has been sown shall be reaped. Bindrune bonus: the preceding Rune Isa and the next Rune Ihwaz, combine to form a variant of Jera. It is often called the Lantern Rune due to it’s lantern-like appearance. It also means cycles. Jera brings us to the end of our study of the Runes. Thanks for following along, everyone! My next divination book (Applied Tarot Reversed) is still a few months away, so I don't know what my blog will talk about daily for the next few months, but maybe I'll draw a tarot card or a rune to help me decide. We'll see what happens! Coming in March, look for my next release, Psychic Word Puzzles! Solve a puzzle, get a message from the universe! It's cheaper than visiting your local psychic. Follow my page on Amazon to keep an eye out for that:
We can imagine what the cold Norse winters were like, with the earth covered in frost and the landscape barely traversable for months on end. This is what Isa represents – a static ice, harsh but beautiful, that hides the Earth before its glorious spring transformation.
Isa encourages us to wait, put a stop to our ego, and don’t try anything spontaneous. Spring always follows winter, do not rush it. Isa has no reverse, as ice is not just some challenge that must be overcome, it is the very nature of a polar environment. Isa as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a movie theme? Ice, delays
As I type this, the Pacific Northwest is anticipating a very cold and possibly snowy weekend. Seattleites are unable to engage in much action during snow, as the depths and heights of driveways and streets make any kind of ground cover not traversible. At the same time, the world is also in a pandemic, so going somewhere isn't likely anyway, I suppose. We're double-Isa'd in 2021. The only thing to do is wait it out. Spring will come eventually. Nauthiz literally translates to “need fire.” It comes when we’re toiling away at difficult tasks, when we’re in conflict with our current situation, or when there is an urgency to be doing anything else or be anywhere else. While a more mundane interpretation might be basic chores, it is also about the self-reliance and effort needed to push through and get to the other side. Nauthiz looks like two sticks rubbing together, as if we are desperately trying to create the fire that we need to get through whatever we're suffering. The easiest way to remember the name and meaning is Naut-thiz "oh no, NOT THIS!" The reverse of Nauthiz or Nyd is an inability to see that change is needed. Nauthiz as: An action?
Something to eat?
A movie theme? Boredom, chores, fire
Questions answered by Nauthiz: Who? An accountant; a bored person What? A difficult chore Where? A fire pit; right in front of you When? Mid-late November; in the thick of it Why? “A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.” ~Margaret Atwood, A Handmaid’s Tale Yes or No? Maybe – it is up to you I have a lot to say about Nauthiz, but I'll save it for my therapist. I'm constantly creating fires to try and disappear difficult situations I've gotten myself into. One of the important lessons with Nauthiz is that you can't just burn it all to the ground all the time, sometimes you have to complete the chore in order to experience the change. I was fortunate to be featured on T.J. Deschamp's blog today! TJ is a Pacific Northwest fantasy writer with a new book coming out March 1st. Divination nonfiction and Fantasy fiction have an awful lot in common. They're magical, mysterious, and pretty sexy, too! (well, TJ's writing is sexy. I'm not super sure how a Tarot Card telling you to do your laundry is sexy, but maybe you're into that?) Click this big button to read my interview with TJ: Check out the ad for Warrior Tithe! Now go preorder it! Hagalaz literally translates to hail. In more esoteric divinations, it is about discord and destruction.
We can imagine hail pelting us – it stings and is relentless, but it soon melts and nourishes the Earth. Transformation occurs after this time of painful crisis. Picture the Rune as an H standing for Hagalaz, but the middle line is wonky and chaotic, which represents its meaning. Hagal has no reverse, as the opposite of chaos is just more chaos. Hagalaz as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in the world?
...a movie theme? Chaos, bad weather
A new career?
I create my own chaos by adopting puppies, enrolling in Master's degree programs, quitting jobs and publishing novels all in the same month. I think I'll go relax with a nice pleasant viewing of Jurassic Park! |
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October 2024