Wunjo is positive, hopeful joy. Its Norse meaning is wind, so we can imagine that when things are difficult, change will come on the next gust of wind. To remember this Rune’s meaning, imagine it looks like the letter “p” and positivity is blowing in. The actual sound it makes is “w”, for wind. This is the Rune of will and motivation. Like the butterfly effect, the wind blows harder when we make a move. The reverse of Wunjo is caution, hopelessness, or betrayal. Questions answered by Wunjo: Who? The happiest person; the motivated one What? The weather forecast Where? High up When? The middle of October; on a windy day Why? “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” ~Chinese Proverb Yes or No? Yes! Reversed? Maybe, be cautious What should I clean?
Where are my missing keys?
Combinations with other Runes: Wunjo says motivate yourself to
Just now I was super motivated to book my son's wisdom teeth removal and his flight back home. On the flipside, he's probably feeling very reverse-Wunjo (hopeless and betrayed,) because I booked all four of his teeth to be pulled during his College Spring break.
Ha ha, whoops. Read more about Wunjo in Applied Runes. In January, the book was very popular in Great Britain. Thanks UK! You make me feel a lot of Wunjo/joy.
Gebo is a tough one to remember, because it looks like a giant X, which naturally turns us off from it. But if we think of it in terms of an eXchange, we can better visualize it as a reciprocation.
You could also imagine the X in X-mas to remember how X marks gift-giving. In Viking times, Gebo also suggested a trade between powers – a way to dissolve barriers by presenting presents to one another. Gebo has no reverse, as exchange happens regardless of its goodness or badness. Gebo as: ...an action?
...a movie theme? generosity, giving
...a new career?
What should I clean?
Where are my missing keys?
Read more about Gebo in Applied Runes |
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October 2024