Tuition payments for the four of us are coming due again soon. That's myself, my daughter and my son who are both in University, and my youngest who is getting ready to send a deposit to the college he ultimately decides to attend.
I'm not sure what possessed me to go to grad school when I already had three tuitions to scramble together, but here we are. What's done is done, and now I have to pay for it. Or, more specifically, my husband has to pay for it because he's the only one working right now. I am dependent, suffering financial setbacks, and feeling very inept about the whole thing. It's a very reversed nine of pentacles way to be. I've sent a few resume feelers out, because what I might need right now is a job more than a master's degree. We'll see what happens. Until I hear back, I'm going to nosh on some celery and cry over Pretty Woman.
Upright, the Nine denotes abundance, wisdom, luxury, and the obtainment of material goods. The person depicted in this nine has gained independent financial success and is now at a place where they should be seeking companionship to share it with.
Reversed, this person is dependent upon others for their financial survival. They may be marrying for money, living off their parents, or they are overworked and underpaid. Questions answered by the reversed Nine of Pentacles: Who? A dependent; a gold-digger What? The lack of elegance; superficiality Where? At someone else’s house When? The beginning of September; During a financial setback Why? “Dependency breeds contempt.” ~Marty Rubin Yes or No? No The reversed Nine of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Red …a movie theme? Dependency, reproductive issues
…a new career?
Nine of Pentacles reversed Before any card: A toxic dependency on (card) After any card: deceit; superficiality; infertility
For more on what to do with your lack of resources, try tossing some Runes.
I'm rapidly approaching the end of my first year of grad school. I have one more big paper due in two weeks, and then some little things here and there to read and take notes on.
I don't wanna. Do you ever get to the end of a big project and just not want to finish? Like you've renovated your entire kitchen and the last thing to do is tack a few pieces of backsplash behind the coffee machine, but you're like - nope. It's fine. No? Then you are one of the lucky ones. Those of us who live with attention deficit or bipolar personality disorder frequently suffer from Acute Unfinished Projects Syndrome. We throw ourselves whole-heartedly into the beginning of things, but the end peters out to nothing. That's where I'm at with this last paper. nothing. I haven't even opened a blank Word doc for it yet. It is a very reversed eight of pentacles way to be. Maybe I'll go grab some fried cauliflower and groom my dog.
The upright Eight of Pentacles is a skilled craftsperson or apprentice. This card is about patience, hard work, and pride over one's studies and work accomplishments.
Reversed, it is the negatives of school and work. It could be a boring job, mediocre work efforts, a lack of interest in studies or business, or underemployment. Questions answered by the reversed Eight of Pentacles: Who? Someone in a dead end career What? Poor quality work Where? At the workplace When? The end of August; When you get a boring project; 8 months Why? “Dead-end roads don't mean you've come to your end, just means you need to take a different detour.” ~Anthony Liccione Yes or No? No The reversed Eight of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? blue, purple …a movie theme? Boredom; underemployment
…a new career?
Eight of Pentacles reversed Before any card: There is a lack of success in (card) After any card: Boredom; underemployment Need more info on the reversed Eight of Pentacles? Grab Applied Tarot Reversed:
This last Saturday, I hosted a party for a bunch of teenagers here. It was our first giant event since the Before Times. It felt wonderful to have all that fresh energy running around the house, but with it came the need to dispose of old energy. I had so much clutter on tables, counters, floors, everywhere, and I needed to get rid of it, fast! So I dumped it all in my office and declared the office off limits to guests.
I should have done more planning before agreeing to host this party. What I should have done is systematically gone through clutter and sorted into keep, giveaway, and throwaway categories. Instead, I threw it all into boxes or randomly onto my office desk, and now what I have is an office full of junk. It took a bunch of labor and resulted in getting nowhere fast. It is a very reversed Seven of Pentacles way to clean - tons of work with no net benefit at the end. I still own all the clutter, it's just now in one place. I still need to deal with it. I think I'll go eat a hot dog and watch Office Space.
The Seven of Pentacles upright is about patience assessment, perseverance and hard work.
Reversed, it’s almost always negative. You can look at the reversed seven as the opposite of hard work. It could be bad business management, an inability to complete what you’ve started, or not getting any benefits from your labor. Questions answered by the reversed Seven of Pentacles: Who? One who is unable to retire What? A failed investment; a debt Where? At a failing business When? The middle of May; Seven months ago; when the investment loses money Why? “We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work” ~Thomas A. Edison Yes or No? No The reversed Seven of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Light blue …a movie theme? Laziness; bad business management
…a new career?
Seven of Pentacles reversed Before any card: Bad business decisions about (card) After any card: Failed investments; laziness For more on this reversed seven, read Applied Tarot Reversed!
Times are tough in the 'ol Applied Divination house. I have two college kids who need first and last month's rent for next year's apartments, plus tuition payments will be due soon for all four of us (myself and three kids are in college at the same time! Whose bright idea was that?)
Because of this financial pressure, I am hoarding every cent I can get, and robbing Peter to pay Paul! It's a glorious, selfish way to be. It is very reversed six of pentacles. I have nothing to give, so I'm not giving anything. I'm trusting the reversed six of pentacles when it says my situation might improve at the beginning of May.
The upright Six of Pentacles brings us to a position where we either have enough resources to give back, or we are finally open to receiving gifts. Whether you are the giver or the receiver will depend on where you are in your life, but in either situation the six is about generosity and favors.
Reversed, there is a lack of generosity happening, or an abuse of power. If gifts are given, there may be strings attached. Someone isn’t helping someone else when they can or should. Questions answered by the reversed Six of Pentacles: Who? A miser What? No financial support Where? In a selfish person’s possession When? The Beginning of May; When help is requested Why? “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” ~Oscar Wilde Yes or No? Yes The reversed Six of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Green, orange …a movie theme? Selfishness, inequality
A new career?
Six of Pentacles reversed Before any card: There will be no assistance with (card) After any card: Selfishness; inequality
For more on the Reversed Six of Pentacles, read Applied Tarot Reversed!
Thank goodness it's short, because I hate February. February is when the bad things happen. When the bills and taxes from last year start coming due, when it's the coldest (northern hemisphere) or the hottest (southern hemisphere) time of year so you're just miserable, and it's when the OB/GYN calls to tell you it's a boy but he'll probably die after birth in April.
That last part might just have been me. It was trauma that happened 20 years ago, but it happened in February and I hated it. The baby was fine, by the way. He's in college spending my money. Money! That reminds me... what was I talking about? Ah yes, the reversed five of pentacles is the end of this hardship. It is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's a savior who has come to help, or a solution you didn't think of, or just the end of an always-stressful time of year. On the advice of the reversed five, today I'm going to restock my medicine cabinet and eat a healthy salad.
The Five of Pentacles upright is about poverty and feeling unstable. There is a need to look for opportunities, or change from a mindset of scarcity to gratitude.
Reversed, you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. There might be a slight improvement in finances, the end of a difficult situation, or a financial or physical recovery. Questions answered by the reversed Five of Pentacles: Who? Someone in recovery What? Employment; security Where? Inside When? The end of April; When things start looking up Why? “Always hold on to the material things with open hands" ~G Swiss Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Five of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? blue …a movie theme? Recovery, finding hope
A new career?
Five of Pentacles reversed Before any card: Overcoming a difficult period of (card) After any card: recovery; financial breakthrough For more on the reversed Five of Pentacles, read Applied Tarot Reversed!
I literally just got off the phone with my daughter, who lives, works, and attends university in another country. She may have an opportunity to volunteer at a world-renowned speech language institute, but she's worried about the time it will take away from her job, which is cashier work at a grocery store.
I reminded her that her Dad and I swore up and down we'd support our kids throughout university so that they didn't have to stress about unpaid internships like this, or try to hold down jobs that take away from school, etc. But the fact remains that things are getting a little tight around here. My youngest will start school this fall, meaning our three kids are in University. Plus I'm in Grad school, so that's four of us all in college, all supported by a few pennies I earn from book sales and tarot readings, but mainly my husband's income. It. is. tight. It's not quite the reversed four of pentacles, as we're not spending willy-nilly with disregard to our future, but damned if it doesn't feel like it every time those tuition bills come in. I used to be a grant writer, so I might try to find work like that again to keep us afloat. My daughter begged me not to, as she doesn't want me to give up my grad school dreams. She's the best. But if she can hold down a grocery store job, and volunteer weekly, and attend full time school, I'm sure I could go back to work, too. I'm going to eat some waffles and check the passport safe to see if there is any money left in there.
Upright, the Four of Pentacles is the money lover, one who clutches at material goods and does not let go. Although this card represents a pleasant chapter of your life where your needs are met, it is also a warning not to be selfish about what you have acquired.
Reversed, it is the exacerbation of the upright meanings. One might be so comfortable that they are reckless with their resources, or they may be extra greedy, hoarding money they don’t need to hoard. Questions answered by the reversed Four of Pentacles: Who? The big spender What? An extravagant purchase Where? At a shopping center When? The middle of January; When you make a donation Why? “Hoard food and it rots. Hoard money and you rot. Hoard power and the nation rots.” ~Chuck Palahniuk Yes or No? No The reversed Four of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? purple; gold; green …a movie theme? Hoarding; spending too much
…a new career?
Four of Pentacles reversed Before any card: The financial control of (card) After any card: giving away resources; hoarding For more on the reversed four of pentacles, check out Applied Tarot Reversed!
I have a 5,000 word essay for school due in a week and I haven't started. I've known about it for three months now, but every time I sit down to start it, something else comes up. Today it's this blog. Tomorrow it will be caring for my puppy. The day after that it will be a doctor's appointment (which only takes 15 minutes, but which I have to mentally prepare for all day - I have doctor anxiety issues I won't get into.) and so on, and so on.
This lack of ability to get going on furthering my education, starting my project, or asking for help with time management, is an entirely reversed three of pentacles way to be. My effort is lacking, I'm apathetic, and I'm just plain lazy about it. The reversed three tells me to take one step toward the project, which might mean just opening a word document and writing my name at the top of it. It also tells me to order some takeout and watch La La Land, so I might do that, too.
The Three of Pentacles upright is about collaboration and mastery, artistic ability, education, and teamwork.
Reversed, this card indicates one hasn’t learned from their mistakes, isn’t growing or expanding their education, or lacks the commitment necessary to complete a task nor work with a team. Questions answered by the reversed Three of Pentacles: Who? An unskilled worker What? No goals; apathy Where? Sitting on a bench When? The beginning of January; when effort is lacking Why? “Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” ~Aristotle Yes or No? No The reversed Three of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Dark blue, beige …a movie theme? Mistakes; apathy; no goals
…a new career?
Three of Pentacles reversed Before any card: An unwillingness to learn (card) After any card: Apathy; a lack of goals
For more on getting started with the reversed Three of Pentacles, read Applied Tarot Reversed
Somehow every February I end up with a lot of crap on my plate and on my mind. I have bills to pay, taxes to start preparing, court stuff to deal with, new medications to sort, my small business to manage, and this blog to post - which I completely forgot to do earlier this week.
I am dropping my balls left and right. Such is the story of the reversed Two of Pentacles Tarot card. It is the inability to keep up with all the work that needs to be done, or the overwhelming amount of it all. Tie it up in a nice bow with a pandemic, and it's even worse. Adulthood - what a thing. This week, the reversed two of pentacles tells me to try focusing on one thing at a time, and work on my academic and financial stuff first. I can do those things. I can also eat a handful of blueberries and watch The Greatest Showman, too. Might do that instead.
Upright, the Two of Pentacles is the juggling card. It is about balancing resources, exchanging goods, transferring funds between accounts, or the basic economics of everyday life.
Reversed, there is stress involved in the upright meaning. Perhaps there is a delay in a financial transaction, one’s bills are overwhelming, or there is a lack of planning leading to the “balls being dropped.” Questions answered by the reversed Two of Pentacles: Who? An overwhelmed person; a poor juggler What? A letter Where? At a circus; in a ball pit When? The end of December; two days ago; during times of stress Why? “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” ~Leonard Bernstein Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Two of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Orange, red …a movie theme? Dropping the balls; financial messes
…a new career?
Two of Pentacles reversed Before any card: A lack of balance with (card) After any card: poor financial decisions; mistakes
For more on the Reversed Two, read Applied Tarot Reversed:
The other evening I was having trouble falling asleep, so at 1am I started applying randomly to jobs. It was a calming mechanism intended to knock me out, and it worked. I fell asleep shortly thereafter. The problem was I woke up to a hundred emails from random companies I'd forgotten about, thanking me for applying and that they'd be in touch if I'm a fit.
That's great and all, but I don't actually have time in my life for a career. I will after my degree is done, and when my puppy is just a bit older, but for now I have to try and trim the budget the old-fashioned way - by actually not shopping. It's hard. It's very reversed Ace of Pentacles. We have three kids heading to college this year, plus myself in grad school, so that's four tuitions that my husband's income has to pay for. It's a lot. It stresses me out, which is why I find myself looking for work every evening in order to calm down. Job hunting makes me feel like I'm contributing, even though it would ultimately be a mistake to go to work right away. Although random panicked job hunting is a very reversed Ace thing to do, I think I'll follow some of its other advice instead, like noshing on carbs and watching Ocean's Eleven. Maybe I'll get some tips on casino robbery. That will calm me down.
Upright, the Ace of Pentacles in a reading is an extremely positive message about an upcoming productive or rewarding period in your life.
Reversed, there is greed, unhealthy decisions, or a period where the financial flow is lacking. You may be so focused on acquiring more stuff that you are failing to find gratitude for what you already have. Questions answered by the reversed Ace of Pentacles: Who? A greedy person What? A lost opportunity Where? In a bank When? Spring (Northern Hemisphere) or Autumn (Southern Hemisphere); Yesterday Why? “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” ~Mahatma Gandhi Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Ace of Pentacles as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Yellow …a movie theme? Greed; missed opportunity
…a new career?
Ace of Pentacles reversed Before any card: A missed opportunity involving (card) After any card: Greed; instability For more on the reversed Ace of Pentacles, read Applied Tarot Reversed. Free on Kindle Unlimited. When the pandemic started (two years ago, if you can believe it) and the world shut down, my partner and I started working together from the dining room table. He enjoyed having someone in his "office" and I enjoyed the company. A year later, he returned to his actual office, and I remained at the dining room table, where I continue to work from to this day. I own an office right here in this house, you know. It's a massive space with a full desktop computer, dual 27-inch monitors, two printers, a laminator, and various other awesome fittings. Unfortunately, over the course of the last two years, it's become a dumping ground for random stuff we aren't sure what to do with. I started a collection in there of things to donate for when the donation place opens up again... and then the donation place closed permanently. Someone broke a chair, so I put it in the office - why? I don't know. I'm never going to fix that chair. I should just put it out with the trash. I adopted a puppy who needed my attention, so disappearing to the office became difficult, but that dog is now almost 15 months old and would probably be totally fine if I started working in there again. What this all has to do with the reversed King of Swords is that yes, he can be tyrannical and manipulative, but he can also be messy, cynical, and slow to get his affairs in order. He's also the boss of the office, and now that we're talking about him, I'm reminded that I own one of those and really need to clean it up. So, I'm going to disappear into the office this week and I won't come out until it's clean. Upright, the King of Swords is kind and helpful, but can be dominating and assertive. However, the king knows what they are talking about.
Reversed, this King is irrational, cynical, and manipulative. It is best to avoid this person, or change your ways if this is yourself. Questions answered by the reversed King of Swords: Who? An abusive man What? A lawsuit Where? A tyrannical place; a difficult workplace When? Mid May to early June; After a loss; When the tides turn Why? “When one with honeyed words but evil mind Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.” ~Euripides Yes or No? Yes, but be very cautious The reversed King of Swords as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Yellow, brown …a movie theme? Controlling leader, cold-heartedness
…a new career?
King of Swords reversed Before any card: Be cautious when working with (card) After any card: Lack of structure; ruthlessness |
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October 2024