How fitting that today is the three of swords reversed. My family is going through a particularly difficult time, one that we can't talk about, but needless to say it's stressful, and requires a lot of time with my therapist plus some new medications for generalized anxiety disorder - these are all things the three of swords reversed recommends!
As an early October baby, I live a very three of swords life, as that's the card that was prevalent at my birth. It's a constant state of disaster and disaster recovery. Luckily, the reversed three is that recovery period - the bad thing has ended and now we have to learn how to cope after it. Even though it's still a "no" card, it's a positive no - it's a no that requires more time and patience while we deal with the aftermath of terrible things.
Upright, this three is a card of pain, heartbreak, and sorrow. It could be the end of a job or relationship, an accidental injury or death, or something else causing deep and difficult grief.
Reversed, the terrible events happened but we have overcome - or started to overcome - that pain. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and are optimistic, reconciling differences, or trying to be positive. Questions answered by reversed Three of Swords: Who? Long-divorced couple; an estranged friend What? The light at the end of the tunnel Where? A grief or support group When? The beginning of October; In the past; Three hours Why? “Even in the midst of devastation, something within us always points the way to freedom.” ~Sharon Salzberg Yes or No? No The Three of Swords reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Ombre, green …a movie theme? Attempting to recover after devastation
…a new career?
The reversed Three of Swords Before any card: Attempting to recover after (card) After any card: Recovery; forgiveness For more on the three of swords reversed, read Applied Tarot Reversed:
I have a lot going on right now, and every day I'm faced with decision after decision and stress after stress. It becomes a little unbearable at times, because I don't know up from down and I'm terrified of choosing the wrong thing and causing myself more stress.
It's this kind of self-imposed hesitancy that the reversed two of swords warns us about. If we're frozen in time because we're afraid to decide something, eventually the decision is made for us and it might not look like anything we wanted. Like last Saturday, I was upset about money and waffling back and forth about whether I should go back to work at a corporate job, or drop out of school to save money, or both, or neither, and I couldn't stop teeter-tottering over all of my options to just decide something. Well, then my insulin pump stopped working, which sent us to the hospital, where our insurance card didn't work so we had to pay $500 for supplies. Would the pump have stopped working had I made a decision about funds? Of course it would, decisions aren't magical. However, if I knew what my future plan was when the pump ultimately stopped working, the hospital event and financial woes might have been a lot less intense. The universe has a strange way of presenting an unwanted third option when we've been too wishy-washy to choose something. In this case, the unwanted third option was the threat of imminent death. When we finally got back home at 3 in the morning, I chose to stay in school and look for freelance work when it comes around. It was an easy decision, but for whatever reason I just didn't think of it before the catastrophe.
The upright Two of Swords may indicate a dilemma with no clear path forward, a decision with no right or wrong choice, or two paths - neither of which is better than the other.
When reversed, one is unable to make the decision needed to move beyond this two. It could be a postponement of a dream, the discovery of a lie, or some sort of unfair disadvantage when dealing with a choice. Questions answered by the reversed Two of Swords: Who? A liar What? A delay Where? A highway between two cities When? The end of September; After a long delay; when a decision is reached Why? “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” ~Theodore Roosevelt Yes or No? No The reversed Two of Swords as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to Eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Beige or greige …a movie theme? Stalemate; unfairness
…a new career?
Two of Swords reversed Before any card: An unfair disadvantage due to (card) After any card: Delays; lies Love puzzles like the reversed 2 of Swords? You'll love Psychic Word puzzles! Every solution is a message from the universe:
Often, life becomes too much when we're inundated with information, news, media, and situations that are out of our control. It's important to educate ourselves on world issues so that we aren't blind to what's happening around us, but the fact of the matter is there isn't much we can do about it.
When one is depressed or otherwise suffering mental illness, the fact that we can't do anything becomes part of our psychoses and self-blame. I can't personally save anyone in Kashmir, so I feel terrible about myself when I see news about it. It seems ridiculous, but mental health issues are ridiculous. And so we get to the reversed Ace of Swords, which are those ridiculous mental health issues. The brain isn't functioning the way it should, so we beat ourselves (or worse, others) up, we forget simple things, or we're gullible to misinformation or idiocy. It happens to the smartest of us - in fact, one could argue that the smarter a person is, the further they can fall into idiocy when the neurons aren't firing correctly. I'm going to try to stay off the news and watch Zoolander today. It's a good kind of mindless fun.
This upright Ace represents determination, intelligence, and focus. It may suggest a victory using the mind or one's wits.
Reversed, it’s a lack of ideas or intelligence, hostility, misinformation, or possible memory loss. What are you forgetting? Questions answered by the reversed Ace of Swords: Who? The forgetful person What? A failed exam or test Where? Under the desk When? An unknown time; December through March - The entire season of Winter (Northern Hemisphere) or Summer (Southern Hemisphere) Why? “Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.” ~Kahlil Gibran Yes or No? Probably not The reversed Ace of Swords as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Pantone 448 C “Drab dark brown” …a movie theme? Ignorance; stupidity
…a new career?
The reversed Ace of Swords Before any card: A need to learn more about (card) After any card: Ignorance; memory loss Need to exercise your brain matter? Try some word puzzles! Not only will they help your neurons regrow, you'll receive a helpful message from the universe when the puzzle is completed!
It has been a month, I'll tell you. Yes, I know it's only the 24th but I'm ready for November to be over. Without getting into my personal trauma, let's just say it's tricky, sticky, and causing daily panic attacks. I am seeing a therapist, which is a good recommendation for anyone else in a reversed cup court card situation. I am very much looking forward to blogging about reversed swords next week, even though they aren't the best, either. At least they're not so damn emotional.
Sometimes we just have a reversed cup month, where our emotions are overwhelming, we can't control our negative thoughts, and we just need a bit of extra help. That's the reversed King. Upright, he's a very loving and passionate fella, but on a bad day those emotions are flipped and he's sad, mad, and difficult to calm down. My therapist and I are working on the old adage "the best revenge is living well," so I'm going to go do more of that. I will start with a box of cookies and go from there.
Upright, the King of Cups is a mature person who leads with the heart, not the head. This King appreciates the finer things and is warm-hearted and calm.
Reversed, like the Queen, the King becomes emotionally immature, or overreactive. They may be anxious, uncaring, depressed, or withdrawn, or they might be a cheater. Questions answered by the reversed King of Cups: Who? An unbalanced male What? An overreaction Where? A stone monument When? Mid-February to Mid-March; Mid October to Mid-November; when emotions are dealt with Why? “Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened.” ~Unknown Yes or No? No The reversed King of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Yellow; gray …a movie theme? Immature male
…a new career?
The reversed King of Cups Before any card: Remain calm when confronted with (card) After any card: Anxiety; depression Learn more about this King in Applied Tarot Reversed:
Without getting into my boring personal trauma, I'm currently working with a talk therapist who has now referred me to a psychiatrist for mental health medication. That's all you need to know about that, because that is 100% a reversed Queen of Cups way to be!
This upside-down Queen of love and emotions becomes chaotic, emotional, stressed-out, depressed, angry, frustrated, and all of the worst parts of emotionality magnified by a hundred. She really just needs to sit in front of a sobby movie with a bowl of ice cream, and weep her emotions into a pillow. I might do some of that this week, too.
The Queen of Cups upright is a virtuous and kind person, protecting all that they have with loyalty, intuition, and wisdom.
Reversed, this card could represent a treacherous or vindictive person, or someone who is insecure and needy. The thing to remember about this queen is that cups are all about emotions, so negative or smothering emotions are generally represented by the reversed card. Questions answered by the reversed Queen of Cups: Who? An enemy What? Blocked creativity Where? A field When? Mid-June to Mid-July; Not any time soon Why? “Sometimes our thoughts are backed with so much insecurity that they create lies we believe.” ~Unknown Yes or No? Uncertain The Queen of Cups reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Yellow; blue …a movie theme? Insecurity, emotional manipulation
A new career?
The reversed Queen of Cups Before any card: Be cautious and reserved with (card) After any card: Insecurity; emotional manipulation
The Queen could also use a silly book to drown her mental energy in. Something like Faye's Fortune, which is currently on sale for just 99 cents!
I've had some issues come up with my family and the stress from that has resulted in a bit of a creative block, hence the lack of frequent posts, hardly any interaction on social media, and a lack of content for these little blurbs.
I am in a very reversed Knight of Cups situation where I'm stressed, sad, moody, uncreative, and a little lost. It's also a reversed knight time of year, because the knight of cups surrounds the mid-october to mid-november timeframe, so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised. Still, it would be nice to break out of this funk without having to travel to a dive bar in South Africa. Got any other tips for me, Reversed Knight?
Upright, the Knight of Cups is confident in his drive and creativity, and is willing to jump into new and exciting adventures that might bring him more risk but could also lead to greater reward.
Reversed, this knight could be a heartbreaker, prone to one-night-stands, or is suffering from unrequited love. Alternatively, there could be a revoked job offer, a creative block, or some type of disturbing event that makes this knight sad and moody. Questions answered by reversed Knight of Cups: Who? A person who didn’t get the job What? A broken promise Where? On a hill When? Mid-October to Mid-November; A missed moment Why? “Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” ~Bruce Lee Yes or No? No The reversed Knight of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? yellow, dark grey …a movie theme? Rejection; cheating
…a new career?
The reversed Knight of Cups Before any card: Bad news about (card) After any card: Cheating; rejection All of the Applied Divination books are free on Kindle Unlimited This week I'm at the 20Booksto50k Indie authors conference in Las Vegas. I'm learning a lot about independent publishing, building a brand, and writing across genres, and - truth be told - I'm overwhelmed and all but lost and confused about the entire thing. The more I learn the more I don't understand. But I'm making great connections and looking forward to selling some of my books at the book sale on Friday. If you're in the Las Vegas region, come seek me out. What I have NOT done is lose sight of my dreams just yet, which is the page of cups reversed. I'm trying not to channel this card, anyway, and I'm hopeful that I can keep my eyes on the prize and continue writing divination books for years to come, as well as other genres I love so much. In 2022 I'm hoping to have my Tea Leaf dictionary out, a third in the paranormal romance "second sight" series, and a few more odds and ends making some money every day. We'll see. For now, I'm channeling the old reversed page today and for dinner I had couscous. In Vegas it's not the greatest, I have to admit. I'm very sad about not having great food here. I'm very reversed page of cups about it! Upright, the Page of Cups is creative and kind, possibly an artist or musician, who wants to be helpful but is a little shy about asking what you need from them. Reversed, this young person may take their passion to the extreme and be obsessed and envious. Alternatively, they may have had his or her heart broken or have lost sight of their dreams. Questions answered by reversed Page of Cups: Who? A vindictive person What? A sad event from the past Where? A schoolyard When? Autumn (Northern Hemisphere); Spring (Southern Hemisphere); in the past Why? “Love is only made more valuable by the risk of heartbreak.” ~Alessandra Torre Yes or No? No The Page of Cups reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Orange, green …a movie theme? Envy; broken hearts
A new career?
The reversed Page of Cups Before any card: A creative block due to (card) After any card: Bad news; abuse If you're in Las Vegas, come find me at table 32 at Bally's on Friday, November 12th.
It's National Novel Writing Month again, and once again I've signed myself up to write 50,000 words of a fresh fiction novel, without having the time nor the brainpower to do so. This year is particularly more difficult than years past, as I have a week-long conference to attend next week, a 5,000 word paper due for grad school the week after, multiple small projects on the go scattered throughout, and a puppy who is too young to understand the need to leave me alone. I just don't have time. But I'm going to do it anyway, because I do it every year and it's the one event that is purely for me and myself alone. I've never published a NaNo project, they just lie in different folders on various laptops I've owned over the years, but the writing of them has always brought me joy. This year is no different, I'm writing a young adult novel which is a genre I've never tried before and because I have no time for it later this month, I'm actually going to attempt to complete it in the next seven days, starting today. I'd better go do that. Like the ten of cups reversed, sometimes life becomes too dysfunctional to handle, and our cups are splayed everywhere with their contents out all over the place and we just have to suck it up and do what we set out to do. But the reversed ten also tells us to find gratitude in the little overwhelming things that make life life, and do those obscure selfish things that bring us joy. The Ten of Cups upright is about obtaining the highest level of gratitude and emotional abundance. It is reunions, gatherings, marriage, and harmony.
Reversed, the Ten of Cups might be a dysfunctional family or broken home, or a lack of security in one’s marriage or housing. It sounds terrible initially, but even reversed there is a reminder to look around at all the things you can be grateful for. Questions answered by the reversed Ten of Cups: Who? The dysfunctional family member What? Disharmony Where? A social services department When? The middle of March; 10 months after a divorce or broken home Why? “Families are like fudge – mostly sweet with a few nuts.” ~Unknown Yes or No? No The Reversed Ten of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Dysfunctional family
…a new career?
The Ten of Cups reversed Before any card: A lack of security caused by (card) After any card: Unhappy home; dysfunction I have a ton of work to get done in the next month, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. It's curse-related, not Covid-related, so no worries there. I just can't shake the cobwebs out of my head and get down to business. I actually napped for three straight hours, which is something I rarely do. I do nap almost every day, don't get me wrong. I love naps! But for twenty minutes - never three straight hours. I guess my body needed it. In just over a week I'll be flying to Las Vegas for the 20Booksto50K conference. I'm sharing a table with T.J. Deschamps, author of Eastside Hedge Witch and the Faerie Tales series. But I'm not at all ready for that trip. I don't have any of the supplies I'll need, nor do I have any clean, decent clothes to wear (after 19 months of no face-to-face real world work, my upscale work clothes don't fit anymore.) I am not ready to open my shop in Vegas. I'm the reversed nine of cups. Upright, the Nine of Cups is riches, luxury, and the satisfaction you receive from enjoying your wealth. It is sometimes a bit of smugness as well, or it could represent a shopkeeper who is ready to open their store to the world. Reversed, the luxuries have been overturned or lost. It is misery, devastation, self-hatred and greed. Because cups are about emotions, it could also be a need to end a relationship, or a lack of joy. Questions answered by the reversed Nine of Cups: Who? An arrogant, disappointed person What? A lack of fulfillment Where? An uncomfortable place When? The 1st week of March; 9 months after a loss Why? “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” ~Martin Luther King Jr Yes or No? No The reversed Nine of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Blue …a movie theme? Shattered dreams; unfulfillment
…a new career?
The reversed Nine of Cups Before any card: Disappointing and negative (card) After any card: Failure; unhappiness and
If you're in the Vegas area and want a Tarot reading, come find me at Bally's on November 12th! I'll try and have my head and my shop together by then. It's downtime for me. Last week, I had two papers due for grad school, so I was hustling. Next week begins National Novel Writing Month, and I'm planning to write a 50k-word novel in just the first 7 days, so that's going to be a whirlwind. This week, I have zero things to do. It's a great time to chill out and plan to accomplish zilch. Nada. Nothing. That's a challenge for me, as I usually have a million balls in the air and am all go-go-go, but I'm going to do my best to just not. Like the reversed eight of cups, I plan to give up on everything and walk away. By the end of this week I'll be fully disillusioned with doing nothing, and ready for the next big thing. The Eight of Cups upright might be someone going on a spirit quest, giving up on their current situation, or disillusioned with the present and ready to move on to the future.
Reversed, a few things could be happening. They might be afraid of commitment, they could be abandoning a person or situation without explanation, or they may lack emotional maturity or be partying too hard. Like its upright counterpart, this eight needs to be interpreted in the moment. Questions answered by reversed Eight of Cups: Who? A youth What? A cancelled event Where? Far away When? The end of February; When you’ve given up; When you walk away from your situation Why? “At times in life you have to leave people where they left you.” ~Angel Moreira Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Eight of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…something to eat?
…a color? orange …a movie theme? Avoidance or immaturity
…a new career?
The reversed Eight of Cups Before any card: Abandoning (card) After any card: Immaturity; stagnation |
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October 2024