The Wheel of Fortune is exactly as it sounds – In most decks it will possess an image of a giant wheel, often with all the symbols of the tarot (and perhaps astrology) inscribed upon it. It represents the endless cycle of bad luck and good luck that is ever present in our lives.
There is a reason it is one of the middle cards in the Major Arcana, it is a turning point, and continues to turn regardless of what is happening. One moment you are up, and the next moment you are down. Questions answered by the Wheel of Fortune: Who? The luckiest or unluckiest person in your family (depending on the subject) What? Agonize over what you can control, and let the other things go Where? At the roulette table; wherever you are taking a chance on something When? November-December; at any time; without warning Why? Because the cycle of life keeps going, and this is just one part of it Yes or No? Yes (Reversed: No) What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Wheel of Fortune as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? White, black ...a movie theme? Luck, fortune, cycles of life
...a new career?
The Wheel combinations With Justice: A conservative person tries not to rock the boat. With Page of Wands: An exciting new time in one's life. With Page of Cups: A change in circumstances brings a happy surprise. Three of Swords: Intense heartbreak is just part of the cycle; recovery is nigh. With Knight of Pentacles: An unexpected and rapid change in life circumstances. Before any card: Luck comes in the form of (card) After any card: Life cycles, luck, the inevitable passage of time The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Wheel of Fortune could indicate:
When the Hermit card is pulled, it is a time for inner reflection away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Thoughtful introspection and personal research will uncover the solutions to your questions. What should I clean? Where are my glasses?
The Hermit as a movie theme? Wisdom, introspection, solitude
The Hermit as a new career?
The Strength card is about one's inner will, confidence, and the animalistic nature that is inside all of us. In its simplest form, the Strength card also recognizes our fight or flight instinct. Neither fight nor flight is the incorrect reaction, as they exist to save our lives. The Strength card tells you to trust your body and use your inner reserves in the matter at hand. Questions answered by Strength: Who? Your personal trainer, a zoologist, or a veterinarian What? Your inner reserves; your most basic instincts; survival Where? The gym When? July-August; During sunny weather Why? Because sometimes when we spend an hour on our body's most basic needs, it inspires our brain into more logical action Yes or No? Yes, if you have confidence and strength Feeling hungry? Strength says eat:
The Chariot is about action and direction, but a chariot will not move until you whip the chains and make it go. The baby pictured in my card will choose a direction a bit later. Some Chariot card combinations With Death: The wrong decision. With Five of Wands: A good decision within a healthy competition. With Eight of Cups: All choices are abandoned. Seven of Swords: This choice requires some deviance or trickery. With Ace of Pentacles: A new job opportunity requiring some travel. The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Chariot could indicate:
the Lovers represents a perfect blend of the head and heart; it could be the moment of an epiphany, when the thing you need to know suddenly comes to you in a spark of inspiration. For the romantic at heart, yes it also means love, partnership, connection, and sex. Today we'll talk about locations. You could take a break in these spaces (room), go for lunch near them (city), or plan a trip (world). The Lovers as: A place in your house? • The bed • The couch or love seat A place in your city? • A theatre • The park • The beach A place in the world? • Paris • The Tropics • Virginia ("Virginia is for Lovers") Learn more with the Applied Tarot book! I ordered a proof of the Tarot deck I'd created for the book. I like the feel and how easy it is to shuffle, but the designs still need a bit of work before I can produce any for sale. Because decks come in packs of 80 and I only have 79 cards in my book, I included a card with my go-to "general" spread. This is the spread I use when clients don't know what to ask, or just want an overview of themselves or what's going on. Of course, since I was trying this deck out for the first time, I did the spread on myself to see what would happen. It wasn't great. Note: I also used reversed cards, as I tend to do in all my readings. There is a bit on page 3 about how to interpret reversed cards, so I encourage you to allow them in your readings, too. Maybe some day I'll release a book entirely about reversed cards, but for now you'll just have to trust your intuition about them. Card 1: My Present Self Judgement - I suppose by writing this book I've lived up to my karmic destiny, finally. Or I'm just super judgmental person. Also could be true. Card 2: My Goal or Wish Nine of Pentacles - Yes, my goal is to live in luxury, control falcons, and bounce balloons. Easy answer. Next! Card 3: An Action to Take Reversed Lovers - Now wait a minute here. Get a divorce? End a partnership? WTF. I don't have a partnership to end, so it must be the divorce thing, but I don't want that! Card 4: Who will help me? Reversed Seven of Swords - Someone who recently got away with a crime? Or does it mean someone who is the opposite of a criminal? So, like, a nun? I don't have any idea who this person is who will help me. I have to think about this. Card 5: The Outcome Reversed Two of Cups - Divorce. What the hell? Well, that was not a fun reading and I didn't like it. I am taking this to mean the deck is NOT ready for sale yet, so I should wrap it up and chuck it away. Maybe I'll give it to my husband--my best friend whom I respect and adore very much--as a parting gift. Interesting news for those of you who bought the early edition of the book - one of the cards within those pages has been completely changed. You'll just have to order the future deck or obtain the latest book version to figure out which card is different. The Hierophant follows rules from an established tradition, possibly ones created years ago by a strict and authoritative patriarchy. The Hierophant is akin to a priest and is the embodiment of these established doctrines. This may be a curse, a blessing, or both. Questions answered by the Magician: Who? A religious leader, a teacher, or a police officer What? Traditional guidance Where? A church, a pew, or the establishment When? April and May; When traditions are followed Why? Because sometimes you just need to follow the rules Yes or no? Maybe, it depends What color to paint your toenails? turquoise, violet, or brown The Emperor is the Father or authority figure. He favors rules and regulations and expects everyone to follow them. Because he is diligent and educated, the Emperor is a wise, skillful and stable counsel to seek.
He is a great boss or father, or merely a strong masculine influence. Questions answered by the Emperor: Who? a Dad; a Grandfather; a professor; a masculine boss What? The need to set limits and become more stable Where? A dad's house. A workplace When? Unexpectedly abrupt; The start of Spring; Aries Why? Because when you do not have the answers, you must find the person who does Yes or No? Yes, if you follow the rules What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Emperor as: An action?
Place in your house?
Place in your city?
Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? Red, purple, orange A movie theme? Authority, a Patriarch
A new career?
Some Emperor combinations With Tower: A violent war. With Nine of Wands: The resistance against authority, such as a child standing up to a Dad. With Five of Cups: An authority figure grieves a loss. With Ten of Swords: A powerful structure begins to collapse; The smashing of the patriarchy. With Four of Pentacles: A Dad tries to help; ask your father. Before any card: An authority figure is involved in (card) After any card: Structure, power The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Emperor could indicate:
The Empress is the Earth Mother. She has the biggest and most compassionate heart, and often gives so much and suffers greatly for it.
The Empress warns us not to bite off more than we can chew, but when we do take on a project, fulfill it to the end with immense love, practical wisdom, and empathy for others. Questions answered by the Empress: Who? a Mom; a mother figure; a grandmother figure; mother earth What? A garden Where? Mom's house; a garden; a rocking chair When? When the baby is born (literal or metaphoric); The beginning of Spring; The beginning of Autumn Why? Because everyone needs a little bit of compassion and empathy, even you Yes or No? Yes What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Empress as: An action?
Place in your house?
Place in your city?
Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? Green, turquoise, orange A movie theme? Nature, motherhood
A new career?
Some Empress combinations With Star: A strong intuitive feeling of destiny being fulfilled; A pregnancy. With Ten of Wands: The burden of parenthood or caregiving. With Four of Cups: Someone is apathetic about nature or global warming. With Page of Swords: A young person is curious about fertility, such as a student in a sex ed class. With Five of Pentacles: Poverty is aided by a mother's love. Seek a parent for help with one's needs. Before any card: Nurture (card) After any card: Creativity, the Earth, a Mother’s love The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Empress could indicate:
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October 2024