It's September 23rd, 2020, and the situation around the globe is scary, frenetic, and unpredictable. What a great time for the Tower card! It is a card of sudden and unexpected shock, chaos, and disruption.
Questions answered by The Tower: Who? The one who controls your fate - such as a boss; What? Emergency preparations, imminent disaster Where? A place where disaster has struck When? March to April, October to November; Immediate and surprising Why? Tragedy is inevitable Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Ask yourself this - in the worst of times, will you run away out of fear, or will you face the devastation with purpose? There is no wrong answer, as the fight vs flight reaction is a biological necessity designed for your safety. If running protects you, run. If fighting empowers you, fight. Whatever your move, resist apathy, or you'll backtrack into the previous card in the Major Arcana--the Devil. Idle hands are the devil's playground, after all. When the Tower appears, do something.
Devil is attachment, self-victimization, and addiction. The pictured baby is trapped, surrounded by material desires, and unsure of what to do. While this card is indicative of addictions, greed, and learned helplessness, it is a hopeful message that you can break free of your limitations.
For example, this baby could start screaming, and I'm sure its parents would pull it out of the metal cage pretty quickly. What's your metal cage? Start screaming. The Devil as: A place in the world?
Something to eat?
A movie theme? Addiction, victimization, torture, attachment
The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Devil could indicate:
How fitting that today's card is Temperance. I've been pushed out of my office by dueling coworkers (a child engaged in remote learning, and a spouse requiring privacy for meetings) and have found myself growing frustrated at the lack of places to work.
Temperance is the emotional side of right and wrong. It is the balance between patience and irritation, between compromise and stubbornness. I have to exercise some temperance while I wait for a space to become available. Temperance reminds us to stay calm during turmoil in order to get things done. Progress is made when we can look at things with a level head. I'm trying. Temperance as: An action?
Okay. Place in your house?
None of those work as a temporary office, but they will help me feel better. Something to eat?
Now here we go - Coffee and carbs will make me feel better. A new career?
Or I could just change jobs to foreign humanitarian anthropology mediator. Then I won't need access to an office at all! Thanks Temperance! Death is disruption, chaos, and transformation. The baby pictured on this Death card is weeping at a loss, but transition to a new adventure is imminent.
Death is often the most feared card in the tarot deck, but it is nowhere near the worst. The death card has the most to teach us about our situation and our life. In fact, the Death card is more about life and how to live it than other cards in the deck. Death exists to remind us that the ending of one thing is the beginning of another. Questions answered by Death: Who? The person going through the biggest change or transformation; the Grim Reaper What? A painful but necessary change Where? The last place you were when everything changed When? October-November; stormy weather; quickly Why? Because you need to let go and trust that the Universe is leading you to something even better Yes or No? No. Reversed? also no Some Death card combinations: With Temperance: Someone's patience is wearing thin. With Knight of Cups: A relationship is ending, or a new one is about to start (depending on the order in which the cards are drawn.) With Two of Wands: A difficult decision that results in huge change. With Two of Swords: A total Stalemate. No option is good. With Ten of Pentacles: A death leads to a large inheritance. The Hanged One dangles precariously from a tree branch, the vines hung loosely around his or her ankle. But the hanged one is not here against their will - in most decks, you can see the vine knots are tied loosely.
The Hanged One is often in this moment by choice, temporarily sacrificing themself for the greater good. Questions answered by The Hanged One: Who? The person who stands to lose the most, but will do so for the greater good What? A period of transition Where? Up high, such as in a tree or on a tall shelf; wherever the sacrifices are made. When? February-March; After a time-out Why? Because there is an easy way out, you may only need to wait a bit longer to untangle your cords Yes or No? Maybe. It is situational What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Hanged One as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Turquoise ...a movie theme? Sacrifice, patience
...a new career?
Hanged Man combinations With Wheel of Fortune: A life transition requires a great sacrifice. With Nine of Cups: Rewards follow hard work. With Ten of Wands: The sacrifices being made are too much - pare down. With Four of Pentacles: Someone martyrs themself for financial gain, but it might not be worth it. With Five of Swords: Much is lost in a fight or battle. Before any card: A sacrifice must be made for (card) After any card: Sacrifice, reflection, a momentary pause. The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Hanged One could indicate:
Justice is the purveyor of truth and honesty. In almost every deck she bears the scales, weighing right and wrong, and declaring that if you've been good, good things will happen to you. If you have been bad, well - you know.
Usually when Justice is reversed, it is time to pay the price for the wrongs you have committed, but it can sometimes mean that the wrongs that have been committed against you will be rectified. Questions answered by Justice: Who? The one who seeks the truth of the matter, such as a judge, parent, or teacher What? The truth Where? Somewhere requiring balance, such as the edge of a cliff, your bathroom scale, or on one foot as you put on your shoes When? When the truth comes out; September-October Why? Honesty is the best policy Yes or No? Neutral. The right action will lead to Yes, a dishonest action will lead to No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Justice as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Grey ...a movie theme? Justice, the truth, honesty
...a new career?
Justice combinations With Chariot: Someone requires permission to do something. Change your password. With Queen of Wands: Someone is ready to join the effort but needs clarity on that mission first. With Knight of Cups: A romantic dreamer gets a dose of reality. With Four of Swords: The truth will be uncovered after a good night's sleep. With Page of Pentacles: An ambitious and honest young person. Before any card: The truth comes out about (card) After any card: Justice, honesty, getting what is deserved The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. Justice could indicate:
The Wheel of Fortune is exactly as it sounds – In most decks it will possess an image of a giant wheel, often with all the symbols of the tarot (and perhaps astrology) inscribed upon it. It represents the endless cycle of bad luck and good luck that is ever present in our lives.
There is a reason it is one of the middle cards in the Major Arcana, it is a turning point, and continues to turn regardless of what is happening. One moment you are up, and the next moment you are down. Questions answered by the Wheel of Fortune: Who? The luckiest or unluckiest person in your family (depending on the subject) What? Agonize over what you can control, and let the other things go Where? At the roulette table; wherever you are taking a chance on something When? November-December; at any time; without warning Why? Because the cycle of life keeps going, and this is just one part of it Yes or No? Yes (Reversed: No) What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Wheel of Fortune as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? White, black ...a movie theme? Luck, fortune, cycles of life
...a new career?
The Wheel combinations With Justice: A conservative person tries not to rock the boat. With Page of Wands: An exciting new time in one's life. With Page of Cups: A change in circumstances brings a happy surprise. Three of Swords: Intense heartbreak is just part of the cycle; recovery is nigh. With Knight of Pentacles: An unexpected and rapid change in life circumstances. Before any card: Luck comes in the form of (card) After any card: Life cycles, luck, the inevitable passage of time The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Wheel of Fortune could indicate:
When the Hermit card is pulled, it is a time for inner reflection away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Thoughtful introspection and personal research will uncover the solutions to your questions. What should I clean? Where are my glasses?
The Hermit as a movie theme? Wisdom, introspection, solitude
The Hermit as a new career?
The Strength card is about one's inner will, confidence, and the animalistic nature that is inside all of us. In its simplest form, the Strength card also recognizes our fight or flight instinct. Neither fight nor flight is the incorrect reaction, as they exist to save our lives. The Strength card tells you to trust your body and use your inner reserves in the matter at hand. Questions answered by Strength: Who? Your personal trainer, a zoologist, or a veterinarian What? Your inner reserves; your most basic instincts; survival Where? The gym When? July-August; During sunny weather Why? Because sometimes when we spend an hour on our body's most basic needs, it inspires our brain into more logical action Yes or No? Yes, if you have confidence and strength Feeling hungry? Strength says eat:
The Chariot is about action and direction, but a chariot will not move until you whip the chains and make it go. The baby pictured in my card will choose a direction a bit later. Some Chariot card combinations With Death: The wrong decision. With Five of Wands: A good decision within a healthy competition. With Eight of Cups: All choices are abandoned. Seven of Swords: This choice requires some deviance or trickery. With Ace of Pentacles: A new job opportunity requiring some travel. The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Chariot could indicate:
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