The upright Emperor is a father figure or strong masculine influence.
But reversed, he may become these things to an uncontrollable extreme, or other things could be happening. The reversed emperor could be:
Questions answered by the Emperor: Who? An authoritarian leader; a difficult male What? A task that is too difficult or stressful Where? A government office When? Unexpectedly abrupt; The start of Spring; Aries Why? “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” ~ Shakespeare Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Emperor Reversed as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Pink, yellow, pastel ...a movie theme? Authoritarianism
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The Emperor Reversed: Upright Fool: An insecure and tyrannical boss Reversed Magician: A manipulative trickster Upright Priestess: Possibly negative self-talk Reversed Empress: An abusive relationship Upright Hierophant: Structured authority, the Patriarchy Reversed Lovers: disharmony in a partnership Upright Chariot: Rigidity, too much structure Reversed Strength: Weakness; overreaction Upright Hermit: Retreat; a step back Reversed Wheel: Repeating the same mistakes Upright Justice: Justice prevails, good or bad Reversed Hanged One: A male feigns martyrdom Upright Death: The end to abuse Reversed Temperance: tyrannical government Upright Devil: An addict Reversed Tower: Breaking of the glass ceiling Upright Star: Renewed hope after disappointment Reversed Moon: A big job for a confused leader Upright Sun: Defeating The Man brings joy Reversed Judgement: A reckoning for one’s behavior Upright World: An anti hero Before any card: Unskilled, authoritarian (card) After any card: Authoritarianism, tyranny The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Emperor Reversed could indicate:
Speaking of reversed emperors, Applied Divination is proud to present the divinely inspired and strong feminine characters in Faye's Fortune - a sweet romance with Fortune Telling as the backdrop.
The Empress upright is the Earth Mother. She has the biggest and most compassionate heart, and gives of herself freely, often to her own detriment. The Empress Reversed, on the other hand, may have bitten off more than she can chew and put far too much out there. Reversed, there are a few other things the reversed Empress could imply:
Questions answered by the Empress Reversed: Who? An overbearing person or parent What? Overindulgence or malnourishment Where? A group home; a retirement home; the baby’s room When? When the leaves change; a death; the beginning of Spring; the beginning of Autumn Why? “a lot of parents will do anything for their kids, except let them be themselves.” ~Banksy Yes or No? First change your attitude or behavior What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Empress Reversed as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Red, chartreuse, blue ...a movie theme? Smothering parents
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The Empress Reversed: Reversed Fool: An enabler, infertility Upright Magician: Using talents for manipulation Reversed Priestess: Repressed emotions Upright Emperor: A smothering father Reversed Hierophant: Cult-like religion Upright Lovers: Codependence Reversed Chariot: Zero emotional control Upright Strength: Compassion fatigue Reversed Hermit: Loneliness Upright Wheel: A change causes emptiness Reversed Justice: An unjust system Upright Hanged One: Martyrdom, narcissism Reversed Death: Anxiety about change Upright Temperance: Need to balance emotion Reversed Devil: Difficulty with control Upright Tower: Disaster; storm; distress Reversed Star: Discouragement Upright Moon: Listen to the subconscious Reversed Sun: Negative person, pessimist Upright Judgement: Childfree; infertile Reversed World: No closure; emptiness Before any card: Smothering or stifling (card) After any card: Emptiness, infertility The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Empress Reversed could indicate:
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The High Priestess Reversed
Upright, the High Priestess is intuitive and looks inside for the truth, rather than seeking answers from outside. The Priestess is often a teacher, guide, or wise source of psychic information. In reverse, she may seek those answers from the outside. There could be a few other things happening here as well. Figure out which one is correct for you:
Questions answered by the High Priestess: Who? Your subconscious; an emotional person What? An emotional outburst; tension Where? In your own head When? In the gloaming or twilight; During a full moon; June and July Why? “A quieted mind can hear intuition over fear.” ~ Anonymous Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The High Priestess Reversed as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Turquoise, coral, orange ...a movie theme? Trusting oneself, high emotions
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The High Priestess Reversed: Upright Fool: Jumping in without thinking Reversed Magician: feeling of inadequacy Upright Empress: emotional overflow Reversed Emperor: a cold, thoughtless man Upright Hierophant: conformity causes a loss of self Reversed Lovers: a one sided relationship Upright Chariot: an emotional journey Reversed Strength: self doubt, insecurity Upright Hermit: listen to one’s inner voice Reversed Wheel: loss of situational control Upright Justice: difficulty accepting the truth Reversed Hanged One: stalling Upright Death: difficulty accepting an end Reversed Temperance: extreme imbalances Upright Devil: an emotional affair Reversed Tower: must find inner strength to avoid disaster Upright Star: a search for hope and trust Reversed Moon: extreme fear or anxiety Upright Sun: joyful disregard for intuition Reversed Judgement: complete failure to listen to the self Upright World: failure to notice signs from the universe Before any card: You have doubts about (card) After any card: doubt, fear The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Reversed High Priestess could indicate:
With 78 cards to learn, Tarot can sometimes seem too daunting to pick up. For anyone who has always wanted to learn but doesn't have time nor patience, or who is overwhelmed by the sheer profoundness of this divination tool, I wanted to suggest this handy little resource for starting to learn Tarot cards.
(I have no affiliation with Easy Tarot, I make no money off of the sale of this, and I'd probably be lambasted in the industry for suggesting this rudimentary intro to the cards anyway, so rest assured I'm only recommending it because it's stupid easy and I adore it.) For only thirteen bucks (USD) you get a nifty little book with interpretations (upright only, unfortunately, but reversals are challenging to learn so give yourself time on those), and a full deck of the Gilded Tarot, which has images that pretty much portray the meaning of each card right there on the front, you almost don't even need the book. There should be little question as to what each card means, because it's right there in front of you. Here are some examples: The Nine of Cups has what appears to be a shopkeeper showing off his stuff with pride - boom: the meaning of the Nine of Cups is that you've made it, and you're ready to open your store and show off the things you love and are proud of. The Seven of Pentacles shows a farmhand surveying the ripeness of their tree. They are about ready to pluck the fruits - boom: the meaning of the seven of pentacles is that you've planted your stuff and you're about ready to start harvesting the fruits of your labor (but you have to check it for doneness first!) The Empress holds a female symbol within a circle of astrological symbols - boom: She's the mother of all life and holds dominion over the cycle of the year. Not pictured here, her counterpart the Emperor holds a scepter and is also in a circle, but his is the Chinese zodiac. So the interpretation could be that he also holds dominion and is an authority, but of a longer period of time (the Chinese Zodiac is a 12 year cycle).
Easy peasy! I love this deck and I still use it when I need a quick and easy read. Some Tarot decks have one or more extra Major Arcana cards. Often these can be interpreted as ultimate question cards, the all-knowing or all-gifted, or other specific meanings such as Gratitude, Artistry, or Ascension.
For the most part, this card is useless in your quest for simple and practical answers, as it often asks you the questions rather than the other way around. Today I learned that my favorite arthouse cinema is permanently closing its' doors due to the Pandemic. I'm full of melancholy over this, as I spent many high school evenings there catching absurd or foreign films such as EraserHead, Wings of Desire, and Akira. But this random Major Arcana card reminds me that nothing is ever completely knowable and predictable, so maybe this closure is just the start of something new in the film industry, or a brand new career launch for all the employees who've been at the theatre for a very long time. Whether you pull this card or what it means will completely depend on the deck you own, but for a general overview of what this card might recommend, here you go: What career should I have? It doesn't matter. You can do anything! What food should I eat? It doesn't matter, I want some too! What color should I paint my nails? Whatever you think is best What movie should I watch? Something uncategorizable, such as Eraserhead or Being John Malkovich What should I clean? Everything or nothing, it doesn't matter. Where are my missing keys? You will find them when you are meant to find them. The World is the ending and the beginning. The previous card, Judgement, has shown you the lessons from the previous phase of your life, and now it is time to move on to the next amazing step.
Your new "World" might be a graduation, a promotion, an empty nest, a marriage, or any major phase in your life that signifies the end of a chapter and the start of a new one. Questions answered by The World: Who? A person going through a significant life change; God What? Everything; the planet; the culmination Where? Everywhere; Where the change happens (or happened) When? The New Year; Capricorn; Chinese Lunar Year; A slow but intense life change Why? Because now is the time Yes or No? Yes (Reversed: yes, but more difficult, and you should question if what you are seeking is worth it) What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The World as: An action?
Place in your house?
Place in your city?
Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? no color or all colors A movie theme? Completion, fulfillment
A new career?
World combinations With The Devil: The misuse of time; environmental constraints; Limits that are out of one's control. With Seven of Wands: Maintain control of all that you have achieved. With Queen of Cups: A gracious and loving, well-traveled older woman. With Three of Swords: The end of heartbreak. A new beginning. With Eight of Pentacles: A student of the world; Someone with high standards for success. Before any card: The successful culmination of (card) After any card: The world, the best possible outcome The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The World could indicate:
Judgement is often considered the culmination of your life until this moment, and is seen as positive or negative depending on the karma you have acquired and the choices you have made. Others view it as a destiny card, with other cards showing one’s life purpose.
In any reading, it is a lesson that you can change your life by reviewing your past mistakes and making a change for the future. If things are already good, judgment reminds us that we are never done learning and growing. Questions answered by Judgement: Who? The most moral person; a judge What? A new change based on karma Where? In the eye of the storm When? Possibly October-November but no firm astrological dates; During the worst or the best times; Stormy weather Why? Because eventually karma catches up to you Yes or No? Have you been good? Then, Yes What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
Judgement as: An action?
Place in your house?
Place in your city?
Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? Black A movie theme? Karma, destiny
A new career?
Judgement combinations With Hanged Man: Giving too much creates a martyr. With Three of Wands: The reckoning is coming soon, consider your actions closely. With Ten of Cups: Dreams come true. With Two of Swords: Indecision is the undoing. Make a choice now before it is too late. With Eight of Pentacles: One revisits their successes and failures in order to determine their life's purpose. Before any card: A reckoning about (card) After any card: Destiny, fate, absolution The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. Judgement could indicate:
The Sun is the happiest card in the deck. Even in a reversed position, the interpretation still promises that the sun will rise again soon. In most decks, the imagery on this card depicts excitement, joy and play.
With this card in a reading, even the most ominous fortunes have positivity and enlightenment in them. Questions answered by The Sun: Who? A child at play; the happiest person you know What? The Sun; flowers; A burst of energy Where? A sunny location When? July-August; the summertime; the Summer Solstice; good weather Why? Because joy is everywhere Yes or No? YES! (Reversed: also yes, just a bit more subdued) What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The Sun as: An action?
A Place in your house?
A Place in your city?
A Place in the world?
Something to eat?
A color? Yellow, orange, green A movie theme? Joy, happiness, fun
A new career?
Sun combinations With Empress: The mother is happy; the joy of fertility and nature. With Two of Wands: Find joy in planning. With Page of Cups: A young, joyful dreamer. With Nine of Swords: Bipolar disorder; manic depression; the anxiety of finding success. With King of Pentacles: A successful person who has found abundance. The Sun Before any card: Joyful (card) The Sun After any card: Happiness, joy, a time of great success. The Major Arcana represent significant, unchangeable life events. The Sun could indicate:
The Moon is a difficult and dangerous journey. The baby uses their imagination to push through on his journey.
After the Star has rejuvenated and prepared for our fresh start, the Moon tells us that the path may not be as easy as we expect. It is a card of foreboding - dangers we cannot see on the path ahead of us. What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
What movie should I watch? One with the theme of a dangerous journey.
What's a good Moon career for me?
After the terror of the Tower comes a card of hope, faith, and inspiration. The Star indicates a blessing from the Universe, one which may not be seen but is felt.
The Star as: An action?
Place in your house?
Place in your city?
Place in the world?
Something to eat?
Hope often gets treated like a fool's errand, as though it's a side effect of naivety. However, science tells us otherwise. According to Psychology Today, "Hope is not just a feel-good emotion, but a dynamic cognitive motivational system. ...Hope leads to learning goals, which are conducive to growth and improvement. People with learning goals are actively engaged in their learning, constantly planning strategies to meet their goals, and monitoring their progress to stay on track. A bulk of research shows that learning goals are positively related to success across a wide swatch of human life—from academic achievement to sports to arts to science to business." So when all seems lost, turn to the Star card, set some goals, and have some hope. |
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October 2024