Here's a spread I made for difficult decisions. I use this all the time when I have to make a choice about something. It could be as mundane as "should I have beef lasagna or veggie lasagna for lunch?" or as serious as Sophie's Choice.
Okay, your spreads should never be used for a Sophie's Choice scenario. Please do not do that. Today I'll do a spread for myself and use a choice that's somewhere in the middle - should I go back to work right now, or keep doing what I'm doing? My partner is at a startup and we're having some minor cash flow problems, so it would help if I worked, but I also have this little business plus grad school on the side, so work would be a difficult thing to manage. I know the issues, let's see what the cards have to say! An image of my spread is below. Card 1: You This card may be a direct representation of the querent (such as a court card), or it only shows where their head is at in regards to this specific choice they need to make. My spread: I drew the reversed Sun - I'm not happy about possibly going back to work, but I'm also not happy about my money problems. I'm just not happy in either scenario, and it's hard for me to see the sun through the clouds. I'm very much the reversed sun! Cards 2-4: The positives, negatives, and outcome of Choice 1 A lot of "choice" spreads lay out both of the positives first, then both negatives, then both outcomes, but I don't and I'll tell you why - I frequently need a third option. When I'm finished laying out all my cards, and I've seen both scenarios, sometimes in the meantime I've come up with a third choice that I didn't think of before! In the example of lasagnas, I forgot there was a third option - 5-cheese lasagna! No beef, no veggies, just delicious cheese! I would need to tack that on to the end of a lasagna spread as cards 8, 9 and 10. My spread: I drew the three of swords as a positive to returning to work. ouch no. that's bad. there are no positives to a full time job. The positive is that I might suffer a heart attack and die, so I don't have to work. I drew the reversed five of pentacles as a negative. I will get the finances I need...? I'm not sure why that's negative but money does funny things to people, so who knows. For the outcome I drew the reversed Strength. I will become weak, insecure, and helpless if I go back to work. Okay. Cards 5-7: The positives, negatives, and outcome of Choice 2 This is self explanatory, but make sure that when these are drawn you are also comparing them back to their counterparts in Choice 1. Is this positive better than that one? Is the negative even worse? Which outcome is better in general, with all the cards considered? My spread: I drew the reversed five of swords as a positive. If I don't go back to work, I'll avoid a difficult battle but I'll hold a big grudge about it. That makes sense, I'll still have these money problems. I drew the reversed knight of wands as a negative. If I don't go back to work, I will become more arrogant and might take some risks I shouldn't. Hmm, that's troublesome. For the outcome I drew the reversed two of swords. If I don't go back to work I will be left with indecision, worry, and discomfort. Blaaaaah. In my own spread neither option was particularly good. I wonder if there is a third thing I'm not thinking about when it comes to fixing my cash flow problems. I drew three more cards, for a third choice. The positives are the reversed ten of swords - I'll avoid a disaster. The negatives are the reversed page of cups - I'll become obsessed with whatever it is. The outcome is the Chariot - I'll create a direction for myself and will go for it! Wow, I wonder what that third option is. I probably should have come up with something before I laid out the cards. Oops. So there you have it, the choices tarot spread. I hope you make some good choices! If you're anemic, go with the beef lasagna. Otherwise do the veggie and add an extra layer of cheese! Pic of my spread. The deck I used is the Tarot Mood Deck by Natalie Meraki. It's a very funny take on Rider-Waite. Write down and draw your spread in your new Tarot Divination Journal! The US purchase link is below:
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