Here's the general purpose tarot spread from my Applied Tarot deck. This is an awesome spread to use when:
1. You have no idea what you want to ask the cards, 2. Someone is asking YOU to do a reading for them but they don't know what about 3. You're bored out of your skull. All valid reasons to do a Tarot Reading! Before you start this reading, you might want to choose a time frame for the outcome. Do you want to know what is to come this week, this month, or this year? There are no wrong answers. Card 1: The Present Self
Card 2: Your Goal
Card 3: An Action to take
Card 4: Who will help?
Card 5: The Future
For funsies I did a reading for myself just now. I would like to know what is to come over the next few weeks. The present self: The Reversed Two of Pentacles This is basically disorganization, indecision, and over-commitment. Which is very much where I am right now. I knew that. I have a million different projects going right now, and therefore am unable to do any of them. It's paralyzing. My Goal: The Reversed two of Cups I'm not sure why my goal is divorce and break-ups. Unless! It could also be interpreted as "self-love" or the ability to see my personal strengths and successes instead of seeking outside reassurance that I'm on the right track. That makes more sense. Reversals are hard. I am currently writing Applied Tarot Reversed, and there are so many ways to interpret reversals, it could be a very long book! I touch on a few different ways to interpret them on page 3 of Applied Tarot. An Action to take: Eight of Pentacles From Applied Tarot: Study or master a subject. Done! I'm starting my Master's program NEXT WEEK. Perhaps that's why I feel really burdened, self-conscious, and overcommitted right now. Who will help me: The Page of Pentacles A young, studious person. Okay. As a parent of college-aged kids I do have a lot of students in my life. I'm not sure which one is the page, but maybe they will become apparent over the next two weeks, and help me out a bit. I'll keep an eye out for them! The Future: Reversed Two of Wands Another reversed Two! Twos are about partnership and relationships, but these are all reversed, so I'm thinking this is all about me, myself, and I. The two of wands upright is about future planning, launching my ships, and thoughtful planning. Reversed and as a future card, it is probably telling me this next period is about setting personal goals, making sure I choose a direction before I launch, and not being afraid to set sail. I can do that. Maybe. I'll try. Lots of reversed twos and pentacles in my reading, so altogether I can see this reading is about independence and tangible rewards I can see, touch, and feel. I like that. Do a reading for yourself and let me know how it goes!
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