I have a 5,000-word essay due to my grad school advisor in less than three days, and the essay barely exists in any legible shape or prose at this moment. I have to get down to business, finish my research, and type like a madwoman. Yet, I am at this moment spending my time writing this blog, talking to a friend about overseas travel, as well as surfing the web for astrology predictions for my sign - I'm an ever wishy-washy, procrastinating Libra and I need to know that it will be okay. It probably would be okay, if I'd just do the work already. I need to stay grounded in reality and do the work that needs to be done, and quit flitting about with my head in the clouds. In other words, I need to invoke the power of the reversed Seven of Cups. Upright, the Seven of Cups could be high hopes, wishful thinking or, in a practical sense, it’s a set of options to choose from.
Reversed, it is a lack of decent choices, a need to stay practical and logical, or a reality check in a difficult situation. Questions answered by Seven of Cups reversed: Who? A sober person What? Clarity Where? Firmly on the ground; other side of the fence When? The middle of November; When you wake up; Seven hours from now Why? “Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality.” ~Malala Yousafzai Yes or No? Yes The reversed Seven of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where are my keys?
…a color? red …a movie theme? Grounding oneself in reality
…a new career?
Seven of Cups reversed Before any card: Stay grounded about (card) After any card: reality, facts For more on the reversed Seven of Cups, check out Applied Tarot reversed:
I'm trying to get my youngest child through his college applications. I don't remember it being so challenging for the other two to complete theirs, but maybe I'm misremembering. I do recall a couple of panic attacks my daughter had that perhaps her essays weren't that good, or that she'd forgotten some extracurricular activities, but otherwise it required no effort on my part to make sure she'd gotten them done. Likewise, my older son didn't need any nagging (or what I like to call 'persistent reminding'.) He had an advisor to help him out, since he was applying for a specialized music program, and he knew the importance of deadlines for auditions and whatnot. But my youngest. Oh, the youngest. I don't know what's up with him. I even hired a college application assistant to be his program manager on the subject, but he is still unable to get through the most simple of tasks, such as inputting a class name, or adding a suggested comma to his essay. Some of his apps are due November 1st, and it feels like he's years behind. His college application assistant actually called me on the phone and said that of all of his clients who are behind, my son is the most behind. I like to call that winning the losing game. It all counts. Such is the nature of the six of cups reversed, though. While it's often about a child leaving the nest, it can also represent one being unable to leave the nest, like one thing is missing before a child can launch himself into adulthood. For my son, that one thing is getting a college application in so that hopefully he has a place to move to next year. For others, it just might be a missing spark of ambition or something. What's your six of cups reversed? Upright, the Six of Cups is about childhood, nostalgia, homesickness, and those old dreams that may no longer be realistic.
Reversed, the card indicates a maturity or growing up. It could represent someone moving out of the family home or letting go of a difficult past. In a negative sense, it might also represent being bored or lacking that youthful spark of creativity. Questions answered by the reversed Six of Cups: Who? A new adult; a child moving out of the house What? Broken toys; memories Where? In a new location; away from home When? The first week of November; In the recent past; When a child moves out Why? “A ship does not sail with yesterday’s wind.” ~Louis L’Amour Yes or No? Yes The reversed Six of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? blue, green …a movie theme? Maturing, empty nesting
…a new career?
The reversed Six of Cups Before any card: Letting go of (card) After any card: maturity, leaving the nest For more on the reversed Six of Cups, read Applied Tarot Reversed
I had to drive into Seattle today. It's twenty minutes from my home, so a regular-enough trip, but until I found myself merging onto the 520 did I realize that I haven't driven in downtown Seattle in nearly 20 months.
I've been there during the pandemic, a handful of times, but someone else was always driving. I haven't driven myself in downtown Seattle since before the entire globe was struck with an illness that closed down society. It was surreal, and tricky. The lanes are skinny, and there is no parking. The buildings tower over you and cut off your GPS signal. Traffic is just as bad as it ever was, the whole world seems to have returned to normal already. I guess I was the last holdout. It is this, this returning to society after a long absence, that is represented in the reversed five of cups. I don't plan on going back to Seattle anytime soon. Driving in that hellhole for one morning was enough for another 20 months. Now that I'm back home, I'm going to channel the reversed five, clean the desk right in front of me, and watch some Thor. I'll imagine him clearing the traffic with one throw of Mjolnir - that'll help me get over the agony of Seattle driving.
The Five of Cups upright is regret or grief about something that happened in the past, and it’s an indication that we should try to look forward and find the positives.
The Reversed five is this looking forward. It is moving on from defeat, letting go of sorrow and regrets, and doing our best to rejoin society after a setback. Questions answered by the reversed Five of Cups: Who? Someone moving forward What? Letting go Where? Ahead of you When? The last week of October; 5 days or weeks from now; When you let go Why? “You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on.” ~Tupac Shakur Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Five of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? White, brown …a movie theme? Letting go; forgiveness
…a new career?
The Five of Cups reversed Before any card: Letting go of (card) After any card: forgiveness; acceptance; better days ahead Read more about the reversed Five of Cups in Applied Tarot Reversed.
I have two big projects due for school in two weeks. These are 3,000 to 5,000 word papers - research-based and literary. They're wildly different from each other and I need to get started.
I know I need to get started. I have a variety of mental illnesses that inhibit my ability to function as an adult. I don't know where they came from. Genetics, most likely. Maybe that time I skied into a tree and was knocked out for a moment. Maybe something horrific from my childhood that I've blocked out. Who knows. I'm working with a therapist and I'm on a variety of supplements that haven't started working yet. I'm on it, it's just taking a while. This is the reversed four of cups energy. You're raring to go, you're just unable to get started or you don't know where to begin. Your own psychoses might be holding you back. You may be worried about the outcome. You're probably feeling dopey, wandering around like you just woke up and need more coffee. It's time to get going. It's the reversed four of cups.
Upright, the Four of Cups is boredom, fatigue and apathy.
Reversed, one is ready to seize opportunities but may be unsure of where to start. It is about letting go of regrets and finding gratitude for the little things. If you pull the reversed four of cups, be ready to wake up. Questions answered by the reversed Four of Cups: Who? Someone looking to find themselves again What? A spirit quest Where? On a mountain When? The middle of July; When one is ready for a change Why? “You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.” ~Jerry Gillies Yes or No? Maybe The Four of Cups reversed as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Red …a movie theme? Finding yourself; awakening
…a new career?
The reversed Four of Cups Before any card: Seize an opportunity about (card) After any card: Enthusiasm; focus More on the reversed Four of Cups in Applied Divination Reversed Today's card is all about affairs, gossip, and the downsides of relationships, but I don't have any of these problems right now. I had a birthday yesterday and my friends and coworkers took me out for lunch, sent me well-wishes, laughed, played, and cheered. It was a great day. It was the upright three rather than reversed. However, later today I have an appointment to get a booster shot, and I suspect it will make me tired, miserable, and anti-social for about 24-hours. That seems to be the pattern with these vaccinations, and is very reversed three of cups energy. I'm writing this blog post now rather than after the shot, because who knows if I'll be up for it, or if I'll just want to sleep and grumble at people all afternoon. Upright, the three of cups is about platonic love, community, and friendship.
Reversed, the friendships have gone sour. There may be peer pressure, gossip, or cancelled events. Alternatively, a partner might be having an affair, as in “three’s a crowd,” or a couple may have suffered a pregnancy loss. Questions answered by the reversed Three of Cups: Who? A mistress or affair partner; a gossip What? A cancelled celebration Where? An empty wedding venue; an overturned boat When? The first week in July; Too soon Why? “An insincere friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.” ~Unknown Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Three of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…a color? blue, gray, red …a movie theme? Infidelity; gossip
…a new career?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
The reversed Three of Cups Before any card: Plans cancelled because of (card) After any card: Gossip; an affair
Facebook and Instagram are down today. Mondays are when I do the bulk of my marketing work, and most of my followers are on those platforms, so it's a bit of a bummer to not have them available. What's a small-time Fortune Teller to do?
Create a Down 'n Out Tarot Spread! That's what! Let's see what the cards think I should do about this terrible event. Something got you down, lately? Read along with me.
The Down 'n Out Layout:
Card 1 - Why Am I Down?
Card 2 - What Action Should I Take?
Card 3 - Who will help me?
Card 4 - Where should I go?
Cards 5 & 6 "Outcome"
I did a reading for myself. Although I know the bulk of my issues come from Zuckerberg's shenanigans today, maybe there is something else afoot that is causing me distress, or something I can do about it. Let's see! Card 1. Why am I, Emily Paper, down? I drew the Ace of Pentacles.
Card 2. What action should I take? I drew the reversed Seven of Wands.
Card 3. Who will help me? Hopefully whomever is bringing me that ace of pentacles gift. I drew the reversed Seven of Pentacles.
Card 4 - Where should I go? I drew the Seven of Cups upright. Holy sevens, batman. I'll talk about this in a minute.
Two-card Outcome (Cards 5 & 6). I drew the King of Swords and the Emperor. Woah patriarchy.
Well okay then, I'll take it. I count this blog and tarot spread as hard work. I honestly wasn't going to do this today, but I didn't have a Facebook to read. On multiple sevens: It is very rare to get the same number tarot card three times in only a 6-card spread, so let's talk about Tarot and Numerology for a sec. The Minor Arcana follow a similar pattern with numbering. Here's what the numbers represent: Aces - new beginnings, potential, fresh starts, gifts Twos - duality, balance, juggling, choices Threes - growth, increase, expansion, creativity Fours - stability, foundations, structure Fives - instability, challenges, changes, losses Sixes - comfort, healing, peace, adjustment Sevens - questioning, spirituality, independence, knowledge, gaining wisdom Eights - courage, movement, change, disappointment, fortitude Nines - achievement, awakening, becoming, nearing the end of a cycle Tens - endings, accomplishment, failure, the finality before a new dawn So my multiple sevens represents a lot of questions and spiritual insights being gained during this Facebook outage. I suppose that's true. I spend a lot of time on that platform - on purpose, because being alone in my own head is like attending a circus 24/7. But maybe these sevens are telling me to just live with my thought-circus for a bit and see what fresh insights come to me. I guess I'll go do that. In the shower.
I'm having a difficult time with my dog. He's almost 11 months now, so basically a rebellious teenager, and he's trying to kill himself slowly. But if I try to help, or even give him a treat or something, it's just wrong. I can't do anything right.
He currently has a terrible infection on his leg, but if I try to wrap it up or put medicine on it, he growls and cries. Then he licks all the medicine off. The internet is like "spray it with sour apple," so I do, but he licks that off, too. There is no taste he is opposed to, hence why he's probably going to die young. He would lick off nuclear waste if you slathered it on his leg. He's an idiot and I'm at my wits end with him. We've both decided to suffer. And so it goes with two of cups reversed. There is no saving this relationship, it just has to run its course. Perhaps he'll grow out of the rebellious teenager phase and we'll have a lovely few years together before I finally stab him I mean we both die of natural causes. Having relationship troubles of your own? Read on for things you can do about it.
The Two of Cups upright is true companionship, and the card foretells of success in relationship, companionship, business, or friendship.
Reversed, there is disharmony. A couple may be unhappy or going through a breakup, or a business partnership could be ending. At its worse, there is an imbalance of power leading to abuse or the end of a friendship. Questions answered by the reversed Two of Cups: Who? An ex-lover or former business partner What? A breakup Where? A bar When? The last week of June; After the split. Why? “Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.” ~Victoria Holt Yes or No? Not until after a division The reversed Two of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Orange, green …a movie theme? Breaking up; dissolving a partnership
…a new career?
The reversed Two of Cups Before any card: Disharmonious (card) After any card: Breakup; divorce Someone else going through relationship woes is Charlotte, in Emmy Tidning's latest novel, Charlie's Chill! Buy it now on Amazon:
Mercury starts its retrograde today. It's the last one of 2021 and a great time to get cozy for fall and do some inner work. Figure out where you want to be on October 18 (when we come out of retrograde), and a year from now, and five years from now.
I don't practice astrology as my main profession, as it's intense and involved work that requires years of study, historical research, and hard work (something I'm not super keen on!) but I do know a little about mercury retrograde only because it happens about three times a year, and I like to prepare. If you've heard the term Mercury retrograde but have no idea what it means, it's basically like passing a car on the freeway - Earth and Mercury continue to whip around the sun in the same direction at their respective speeds, but as Mercury approaches and rounds the planet, it appears to slow or even reverse course from our perspective. It's not doing that, it just kinda looks that way. Why bring up mercury retrograde when I never have before? Because today's card is the reversed Ace of Cups and it's a very Mercury retrograde card. It's a card about mistakes being made and life getting out of whack for a couple of weeks. But it's also a chance to reevaluate what we're doing in life, whether we're with the right people, whether what we're doing is what we really want, or why we're feeling so sad and blue. What the reversed Ace recommends but I DO NOT, is taking rash moves about it. The Ace suggests you break up with your partner, I do not. Not now. The Ace recommends changing careers to Network administration. I definitely do not (blech). The Ace recommends doing some inner work on your emotions - I DO recommend this. Evaluating oneself is a perfect Mercury retrograde action. The rest - breaking up with your partner and becoming a network admin, can be done on October 18, when Mercury turns direct. For now, just think about.
The Ace of Cups upright tells us to trust our emotions, start a new relationship, or open ourselves up to joyful messages from the Universe.
Reversed, our feelings may be blocked, our heart may be too guarded to let love and light in, or we might be going through a breakup, an affair, or fertility issues. Questions answered by the reversed Ace of Cups: Who? Someone cold and distant; a cheater What? A miscarriage; spilled milk Where? At a party you didn’t want to attend When? Soon; The entire season of Fall (Northern Hemisphere) or Spring (Southern Hemisphere); After a spill Why? “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.” ~ Anonymous Yes or No? No The reversed Ace of Cups as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Blue, black, gray …a movie theme? Longing; being alone
…a new career?
The reversed Ace of Cups Before any card: A need to take a break from (card) After any card: Longing; sadness; loss Applied Divination's new paranormal romance, Charlie's Chill, is now available at Amazon The reversed King of Wands is a tyrant. He is random, impuslive, abusive, and disloyal. He's like the entire platform of Amazon. I rely on them to sell my wares only because I have no other option - they've wiped every other avenue for publishing off the face of the earth. So I'm beholden to their arbitrary and manipulative rules. I'm complaining here because this is website and blog (that I own) is my last bastion of places to bitch about them. Then again, my blog is copied over to my author page on their website, so who knows what might happen yet. Maybe I'm just ticked because it took so long to get the cover page approved for our latest paranormal romance, Charlie's Chill, that I couldn't do proper marketing for it. Blah. Stupid King of Wands reversed. If you ever want an easy way to remember the meaning of this card, think of a corporate monopoly whose owner is the type of person who flies around on penis-shaped rockets for fun. That's the King of Wands reversed. Upright, the King of Wands is a powerful and commanding community leader who is optimistic and devoted.
Reversed, someone might be acting inauthentically, or be impulsive, abusive, or disloyal. Questions answered by the reversed King of Wands: Who? A tyrant What? A broken promise Where? A courtroom; a boxing ring When? August or November; soon Why? “I had finally begun to grasp something that should have been immediately apparent: that someone had opposed the great march toward equality; someone had been the person from whom freedom had to be wrested.” ~Tara Westover Yes or No? Yes, but not easily and manipulation is involved The reversed King of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Red, yellow …a movie theme? Disloyalty; betrayal
…a new career?
The reversed King of Wands Before any card: A misalignment of values about (card) After any card: rage; selfishness
Amazon finally published the cover of Emmy Tidning's book Charlie's Chill, so it's officially searchable and pretty! It took long enough. I had to adjust the cover a few times before Amazon approved it.
They were being very reversed Queen of Wands about the whole thing! See below for the US link to Charlie's Chill - available where there is an Amazon site in paperback, kindle, and free on kindle unlimited
The Queen of Wands upright represents extroversion, beauty and friendliness. The queen is self-reliant and successful through their own merits.
Reversed, the queen might be demanding, manipulative, or have low self-esteem and be a busybody. Questions answered by the reversed Queen of Wands: Who? A nosy busybody What? Unmet demands Where? The home of a cheater When? March and April; in a few months Why? “There was nothing more dangerous than people convinced of their own good intentions.” ~Laura Lippman Yes or No? Maybe The reversed Queen of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find the missing item?
…a color? Green, brown …a movie theme? Manipulation; jealousy
A new career?
The reversed Queen of Wands Before any card: Someone is deceitful about (card) After any card: Manipulation; nosiness; jealousy |
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October 2024