The High Priestess Reversed
Upright, the High Priestess is intuitive and looks inside for the truth, rather than seeking answers from outside. The Priestess is often a teacher, guide, or wise source of psychic information. In reverse, she may seek those answers from the outside. There could be a few other things happening here as well. Figure out which one is correct for you:
Questions answered by the High Priestess: Who? Your subconscious; an emotional person What? An emotional outburst; tension Where? In your own head When? In the gloaming or twilight; During a full moon; June and July Why? “A quieted mind can hear intuition over fear.” ~ Anonymous Yes or No? No What should I clean?
Where are my keys?
The High Priestess Reversed as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...a color? Turquoise, coral, orange ...a movie theme? Trusting oneself, high emotions
...a new career?
Possible Major Arcana combinations with The High Priestess Reversed: Upright Fool: Jumping in without thinking Reversed Magician: feeling of inadequacy Upright Empress: emotional overflow Reversed Emperor: a cold, thoughtless man Upright Hierophant: conformity causes a loss of self Reversed Lovers: a one sided relationship Upright Chariot: an emotional journey Reversed Strength: self doubt, insecurity Upright Hermit: listen to one’s inner voice Reversed Wheel: loss of situational control Upright Justice: difficulty accepting the truth Reversed Hanged One: stalling Upright Death: difficulty accepting an end Reversed Temperance: extreme imbalances Upright Devil: an emotional affair Reversed Tower: must find inner strength to avoid disaster Upright Star: a search for hope and trust Reversed Moon: extreme fear or anxiety Upright Sun: joyful disregard for intuition Reversed Judgement: complete failure to listen to the self Upright World: failure to notice signs from the universe Before any card: You have doubts about (card) After any card: doubt, fear The Major Arcana represent significant life events. The Reversed High Priestess could indicate:
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