Because this is a Knight, what we picture is a bold and daring adventurer, charging out to save the world, as knights tend to do.
However, the Knight of Pentacles is more of a stationary protector. While ambitious, this knight surveys the land and chooses the best courses of action to take before making a move. With the knight’s careful examination in mind, this card is about practicality and dependability. Questions answered by Knight of Pentacles: Who? An ambitious young adult What? An idea Where? At a new business When? Mid-April to early May; In the early stages Why? Starting ambitious projects requires covering one's bases Yes or No? Yes Knight of Pentacles Before any card: Do some careful planning around (card) After any card: Hard work, productivity The Knight of Pentacles as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? Yellow, brown, red A movie theme? Caution and practicality
A new career?
Knight of Pentacles combinations With Death: The end of one project launches the beginning of a new and unexpected goal. With Six of Wands: Hard and diligent work leads to success. With Three of Cups: Your friends will help you achieve your goals. With King of Swords: Think with your head, not your heart. With Two of Pentacles: A young person must make a choice.
1 Comment
12/6/2020 12:14:02 pm
This was the second card I picked today for housework. I decided the best course of action before making any bold moves was to eat something. I made a stir-fry of corn and mixed vegetables. Now I'm ready to tackle the workshop, which in my house is in the mudroom. The cards are giving me all the places I usually put off until later, and later never arrives.
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