Between my post about the Ace and this one, I discovered my internet hosting company completely changed their interface and I had to figure out how the new one works. It was a very Two of Wands type of engagement - now I'm wondering if this blog will post correctly. I guess the only thing to do is launch it (like I'm launching two boats) and find out! After the brilliant idea of the Ace, the Two of Wands is going for it!
It is a choice to make and thoughtful planning before you commit. The classic Rider-Waite deck shows a man on the edge of the water, either contemplating his new endeavor, or watching his launched ships as they disappear over the horizon. After the Ace tells us to launch our new energetic plan, the two is the nerves of it, wondering if everything will work out as we hope. Questions answered by Two of Wands: Who? Someone puzzling over a problem What? A globe; A boat; a Project just getting started Where? Where you go to think about things When? The last week of March; Aries; within 2 days. Why? The only way forward is to set one foot in front of the other Yes or No? An extremely optimistic maybe The Two of Wands Before any card: think about (card) After any card: Trusting intuition, careful planning The Two of Wands as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? White, red ...a movie theme? Planning
...a new career?
Two of Wands combinations With The Moon: The journey ahead is difficult, trust your intuition. With Ace of Wands: Make a decision, quick! With Page of Cups: A sensitive person has happy news. With Ten of Swords: Go ahead but have a plan for failure - We learn the most from our mistakes. With Eight of Pentacles: If you are contemplating going back to school, do it! (If the eight is reversed, don't do it!) (If the two is reversed, you might not be thinking about school, but you should be!)
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