Between my post about the Ace and this one, I discovered my internet hosting company completely changed their interface and I had to figure out how the new one works. It was a very Two of Wands type of engagement - now I'm wondering if this blog will post correctly. I guess the only thing to do is launch it (like I'm launching two boats) and find out! After the brilliant idea of the Ace, the Two of Wands is going for it!
It is a choice to make and thoughtful planning before you commit. The classic Rider-Waite deck shows a man on the edge of the water, either contemplating his new endeavor, or watching his launched ships as they disappear over the horizon. After the Ace tells us to launch our new energetic plan, the two is the nerves of it, wondering if everything will work out as we hope. Questions answered by Two of Wands: Who? Someone puzzling over a problem What? A globe; A boat; a Project just getting started Where? Where you go to think about things When? The last week of March; Aries; within 2 days. Why? The only way forward is to set one foot in front of the other Yes or No? An extremely optimistic maybe The Two of Wands Before any card: think about (card) After any card: Trusting intuition, careful planning The Two of Wands as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? White, red ...a movie theme? Planning
...a new career?
Two of Wands combinations With The Moon: The journey ahead is difficult, trust your intuition. With Ace of Wands: Make a decision, quick! With Page of Cups: A sensitive person has happy news. With Ten of Swords: Go ahead but have a plan for failure - We learn the most from our mistakes. With Eight of Pentacles: If you are contemplating going back to school, do it! (If the eight is reversed, don't do it!) (If the two is reversed, you might not be thinking about school, but you should be!)
Some Tarot decks have one or more extra Major Arcana cards. Often these can be interpreted as ultimate question cards, the all-knowing or all-gifted, or other specific meanings such as Gratitude, Artistry, or Ascension.
For the most part, this card is useless in your quest for simple and practical answers, as it often asks you the questions rather than the other way around. Today I learned that my favorite arthouse cinema is permanently closing its' doors due to the Pandemic. I'm full of melancholy over this, as I spent many high school evenings there catching absurd or foreign films such as EraserHead, Wings of Desire, and Akira. But this random Major Arcana card reminds me that nothing is ever completely knowable and predictable, so maybe this closure is just the start of something new in the film industry, or a brand new career launch for all the employees who've been at the theatre for a very long time. Whether you pull this card or what it means will completely depend on the deck you own, but for a general overview of what this card might recommend, here you go: What career should I have? It doesn't matter. You can do anything! What food should I eat? It doesn't matter, I want some too! What color should I paint my nails? Whatever you think is best What movie should I watch? Something uncategorizable, such as Eraserhead or Being John Malkovich What should I clean? Everything or nothing, it doesn't matter. Where are my missing keys? You will find them when you are meant to find them.
The Ace of Wands is the planted seed waiting for water and sun. It is the birth of a new career, a bright idea, or the spark of creativity. It is the moment just before the launch of something new. The Ace of Wands asks the querent to have courage as they set forth into the next phase.
After the uncontrollable and life-altering Major Arcana cards, this first card in the Minors represents a phase that you yourself can control, so go forth and change your world! The Ace of Wands Before any card: Put emphasis on (card) After any card: Energy, spirit, goals Questions answered by Ace of Wands: Who? Someone starting a new job; the newest employee; a baby What? A stick; A pregnancy; A torch Where? A palace When? Today! June through September, either the entire season of Summer (Northern Hemisphere) or Winter (Southern Hemisphere) Why? It is time to take the leap Yes or No? Yes! The Ace of Wands as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...something to eat?
...a color? Red ...a movie theme? Starting brand new
...a new career?
Ace of Wands combinations With The Sun: There are no negatives here - dive in and whatever you dream, you will achieve. With Four of Wands: Buy a new home; celebrate at home. With King of Cups: Start a new job by following your passions. With Queen of Swords: This next phase is complex, so dive in with a clear and logical mind. With Nine of Pentacles: Your drive and determination will lead to luxurious rewards.
Take your own notes on the Ace of Wands with the Divination Journal!
​Now marked down! The King of Cups is a mature person who leads with the heart, not the head. On a regular basis, this King appreciates the finer things, such as drinking a top shelf liquor while admiring their beautiful possessions.
The King is warm-hearted and calm, perhaps a lawyer in a nonprofit sector, or someone's favorite teacher. Questions answered by King of Cups: Who? A mediator or lawyer; A parent What? A musical instrument Where? The sea When? Mid-February to Mid-March; Mid October to Mid-November; in a while Why? Professional guidance is important Yes or No? Maybe. Some advice may be needed King of Cups Before any card: Take a diplomatic and calm approach to (card) After any card: compassion, diplomacy The King of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? blue ...a movie theme? healer, father’s love
...a new career?
King of Cups combinations With Wheel of Fortune: The balance of power is in your control - maintain calm. With Three of Wands: What you dream of will happen, but it will take strength, compassion, and a lot of patience. With Page of Cups: The apple does not fall far from the tree. With Ten of Swords: Defeat or failure creates a more empathetic and caring person. With Two of Pentacles: Change is inevitable, so prioritize what is important to you. The Queen of Cups is virtuous and kind. A loving parent to everyone in the realm, the Queen sits quietly upon the throne, protecting all that there is with loyalty, intuition, and wisdom.
Upright, the Queen is the purest of heart. Reversed, typically this card is about a treacherous or vindictive person. Either way, this card is about emotions and passions and their many sides. Questions answered by Queen of Cups: Who? A psychotherapist; a good listener What? A heart Where? A lake When? Mid-June to Mid-July; In due time Why? We all need to understand our own emotions Yes or No? It depends on emotional control Queen of Cups Before any card: Be empathetic to (card) After any card: Love, sincerity, empathy The Queen of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? Purple ...a movie theme? Empathy, mother’s love
...a new career?
Queen of Cups combinations With Hermit: You've done all you can, now it is time to be alone with your feelings and intuition. With Five of Wands: A tough fight leads to emotional distress - take time out. With Four of Cups: Someone who seemingly does not care may just need an emotional break - give them space. With King of Swords: A disciplined and headstrong person softens with love and compassion. With Three of Pentacles: A nonprofit organization. Collaborating with heart is the best way to build a business.
The knights of cups are royalty who jump into things with a passion! and speaking of that, Applied Runes is now available in paperback! Grab a copy and be like the Norsemen - use the Runes to guide your way into your next creative vision!
The Knight of Cups rides passionately into love and romance. Where the Page is more timid, the knight is confident in his drive and creativity. He is willing to jump into new and exciting adventures that might bring him more risk but could also lead to greater reward.
The message from this knight is follow your heart, quick! Questions answered by Knight of Cups: Who? The one who takes the most risks with his or her heart What? A goal or dream Where? A river When? Mid-October to Mid-November; relatively soon Why? Feelings can change quickly Yes or No? Yes Knight of Cups Before any card: A romantic or beautiful (card) After any card: Love, passion, intensity ​ The Knight of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? blue, grey ...a movie theme? Emotional intensity
...a new career?
Knight of Cups combinations With Strength: Have confidence as you dive in - this is right! With Six of Wands: An endeavor is successful; a whirlwind romance leads to a celebration. With Five of Cups: Diving in too fast leads to some regretful mistakes. Think all possibilities through first. With Queen of Swords: A man falls in love with a complex woman; Someone is very direct with their romantic partner. With Four of Pentacles: Marriage brings security, protection, and equal love to all partners. The perfect example of a Page of Cups is a new puppy - they are sensitive, kind, helpful and they want to learn new things! Here's my new doggo - He's a Saint Bernard and Great Pyrenees mix, and I'm picking him up after Christmas. I don't know anything about Great Bernards and I've never owned a dog at all--let alone a large one--so I too am being very Page-of-Cups right now: diving into passionate things without knowing anything about them! The Page of Cups typically portrays a young romantic offering up a cup with the gift of a fish. One might imagine they are handing it to their new love or crush.
This young person is creative and kind, possibly an artist or musician on the side, while they figure out what they want to learn next. This Page wants to be helpful but is a little shy about asking what you need from them. Questions answered by Page of Cups: Who? A romantic What? A cup of soup Where? A water park When? Autumn (Northern Hemisphere); Spring (Southern Hemisphere); At first sight; Very soon Why? "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have"9 Yes or No? Yes Page of Cups Before any card: Passion or creativity involved with (card) After any card: Young person, creativity The Page of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
Something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? blue, pink ...a movie theme? Cautious new love
...a new career?
Page of Cups combinations With Chariot: Move swiftly in the direction of your heart's desire. With Eight of Wands: Love arrives swiftly, as in love at first sight. One travels to see their partner. With Three of Cups: Being with friends brings joy. With Ace of Swords: A quick-witted, logical conversation with a young, creative person. With Queen of Pentacles: A new baby; a pregnancy; a loving mother. 9 Maya Angelou The Ten of Cups is the ultimate emotional fulfillment card. A happy family is indicated in almost any deck. The Ten is not about immense wealth or luxury--although that could certainly be indicated by other cards in a spread--but instead, it is about obtaining the highest level of gratitude and emotional abundance.
Seeing the Ten of Cups in any reading is a great blessing. Even reversed, the emotional fulfillment may be lacking, but there is lots to be grateful for if you look around. Questions answered by Ten of Cups: Who? The happiest person; the family What? Sheer joy Where? A playground When? The middle of March; 10 years; Why? "Family is not an important thing. It's everything." ~Michael J. Fox Yes or No? Yes Ten of Cups Before any card: Be grateful for (card) After any card: Blessings, success, family The Ten of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
..something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? Happiness, family
...a new career?
Ten of Cups combinations With Lovers: Committing to a partnership leads to a lifetime of fulfillment With Nine of Wands: Having gratitude requires work - Write down things you are grateful for. With Knight of Cups: Trust your heart over your head and wishes will be fulfilled. With Three of Swords: There is love in heartbreak. Ever mind the rule of three, what ye send out comes back to thee8 With Five of Pentacles: Focusing on wants not haves. Without love there is poverty. 8 Universal prophecy commonly attributed to Wiccan or Pagan rituals
The Nine of Cups is riches and luxury. The card typically shows a person, perhaps a shopkeeper, happily surrounded by their wares and proud to show them off.
Because cups are about emotion, this card represents the feelings involved when you are surrounded by your goods or possessions. It is satisfaction, appreciation, and pleasure, and sometimes a bit of smugness too. Go ahead and open your store for sale, you are ready. Questions answered by Nine of Cups: Who? A contented wealthy person What? items of value Where? A comfy chair When? The first week of March; 9 months Why? It's okay to celebrate your blessings Yes or No? Yes Nine of Cups ​Before any card: Showcase and be proud of (card) After any card: The attainment of luxury, success The Nine of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? Yellow ...a movie theme? wish fulfillment
...a new career?
Nine of Cups combinations With Hierophant: Following established traditions brings great fulfillment. With Ten of Wands: Heavy burdens result in riches With King of Cups: A mature wealthy person shares wealth with the underprivileged With Four of Swords: When you have achieved satisfaction, it is time to take a break. With Six of Pentacles: As you give unto others, you will be blessed in kind.
Speaking of opening shops and releasing your wares, Applied Runes is now available for pre-order for its January 1st release on Kindle, but the paperback will be released December 1! The Eight of Cups is another card which has different meanings based on context. The eight typically portrays a person quietly walking away from his or her stash of cups. Are they going on a spirit quest? Are they disappointed with their cups and looking for something else, or are they desperate for more? Are they disillusioned with the present and ready to move on to the future, or are they just in need of a short break?
This Eight is best interpreted in the moment. Questions answered by Eight of Cups: Who? A seeker What? A hike Where? Not here When? The end of February; 8 days; When you get back from your trip Why? We all need time alone to contemplate our emotions Yes or No? No Eight of Cups Before any card: Walk away from (card) After any card: Abandonment, escape The Eight of Cups as: action?
...a place in your house?
...a place in your city?
...a place in the world?
...something to eat?
...something to clean?
...where to find the missing item?
...a color? blue ...a movie theme? abandonment, retreat
...a new career?
Eight of Cups combinations With Emperor: Don't trust the patriarchy, seek out a new authority. With Ace of Wands: Someone becomes disillusioned with a project. With Queen of Cups: Despite an abundance of empathy and compassion for someone, it is still time to move on from them. With King of Swords: Trust your logical mind in your decision to leave; Walking away from an authority. With Seven of Pentacles: It will take perseverance to walk away and plant new seeds elsewhere. |
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October 2024