I don't have many relevant reversed knight of wands stories to relay today. If anything, I'm experiencing a little-known alternate interpretation, where I'm unable to move forward - namely because Amazon is slow to upload the latest novel I've published. Finally, the next book in the Second Sight franchise is released! I'm excited about it. It took a lot longer to complete due to various life circumstances, but it's a bit longer and sexier than the previous book, so it was a fun challenge to finish. As I mentioned, Amazon is being stupid slow in uploading the image and paperback copy for it, but the manuscript should work on Kindle, at least. I'll update when the paperback is released. I also seem to be having immense difficulty uploading my Knight card (the bear) and its relevant info. I would like to give up now and go back to bed. Maybe it is a reversed Knight type of day. The Knight of Wands upright grows bored easily and values new adventure over common sense.
Reversed, these traits are often magnified to dangerous levels. This person could be arrogant, reckless, loud, or obnoxious. Alternatively, they may be so fearful they are unwilling to do anything at all. Questions answered by the reversed Knight of Wands: Who? A daredevil What? A cancelled trip Where? A loud party When? Mid July to mid-August; Quickly and recklessly Why? “There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it.” ~ Criss Jami Yes or No? No, in most situations The reversed Knight of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a movie theme? Arrogance; recklessness
…a new career?
The reversed Knight of Wands Before any card: An ambitious person shows off (card) After any card: Arrogance; daredevil activity.
Today is a very reversed Page of Wands day for me. I've received the bad news that Covid has breached my kid's school, and 22 students have been sent home due to possible contact. My kid is not one of them (knock wood) so I'm relieved about that, but it's still troublesome nonetheless. It's not a safe place.
That occupied a lot of my brain, and I found myself procrastinating about the work I need to get done for grad school, again. Then I answered the phone, something I try to avoid at all costs, and got suckered into donating to some cause. I don't even know what the cause is but they have twenty bucks of my money now. Then, of course, there is all the scary news out of Texas, Afghanistan, the ocean - and basically the world - that I have to keep in the back of my mind. So I've got bad news, procrastination, gullibility, and fear. It's the reversed page of wands quadfecta. Let's see what the card recommends! The Page of Wands upright foretells of news regarding something creative, innovative, or entrepreneurial. Reversed, this news might be bad, fake, or fearful. Alternatively, the querent might be acting impatiently, procrastinating, or becoming gullible to a situation. Questions answered by the reversed Page of Wands: Who? A liar What? Bad news Where? A daycare or preschool When? Summertime (Northern Hemisphere) or Winter (Southern Hemisphere); During a boring period; soon Why? “Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute.” ~George Bernard Shaw Yes or No? No The reversed Page of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Green, blue, purple …a movie theme? Bad news; pessimism
…a new career?
The reversed Page of Wands Before any card: Bad news about (card) After any card: Procrastination; fraud Actually, this is kind of neat. I was already editing a book for a friend, so I'll continue doing that. I paid a bill today, so I'm on the right track there. Now I just need to grab a chocolate orange and watch Run Lola Run, one of my favorite movies. Hopefully that helps me ride out the reversed page of wands energy for another day! While we're dealing with bad news and procrastination, why not write down your thoughts, feelings, and doodles in my new Divination Journal - specially crafted for tarot, runes, tea leaves, and all the other magical divination tools you can find around your house. I have a thirty-page book proposal due in ten days. I have no idea what I'm proposing, I don't know how to get started on a book proposal, and I am so out of my element in this grad school program that I don't know up from down half the time. I am on the verge of a reversed Ten of Wands situation - so overburdened and scared by the amount of work, I'm ready to just toss in the towel and give up on grad school altogether. But that's not all the reversed Ten of Wands suggests. It also portends looking for help, sharing the work load, and giving up and doing laundry instead. I don't want to do laundry, so instead I'll look for help - I'll study some literature on book proposals, ask some members of my cohort what they're up to, and copy something off the internet (hey, I never claimed to be original at anything!) Then maybe I'll eat a pot roast and watch The Intern. ...and then I'll get started on the book proposal.
The Ten of Wands upright is about overburdening ourselves and working too hard. Reversed, there are a few things that might be happening with the huge amount of work you have to do:
Questions answered by the reversed Ten of Wands: Who? The most overworked person What? Wrong priorities Where? The office or workplace When? The middle of December; Never; When you start doing the work you’re putting off Why? “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ~Ann Landers Yes or No? Yes, if you do the right work The reversed Ten of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a movie theme? Martyrdom; overburdened
…a new career?
The reversed Ten of Wands Before any card: Share the workload of (card) After any card: Unfinished work; burnout
Here's a spread I made for difficult decisions. I use this all the time when I have to make a choice about something. It could be as mundane as "should I have beef lasagna or veggie lasagna for lunch?" or as serious as Sophie's Choice.
Okay, your spreads should never be used for a Sophie's Choice scenario. Please do not do that. Today I'll do a spread for myself and use a choice that's somewhere in the middle - should I go back to work right now, or keep doing what I'm doing? My partner is at a startup and we're having some minor cash flow problems, so it would help if I worked, but I also have this little business plus grad school on the side, so work would be a difficult thing to manage. I know the issues, let's see what the cards have to say! An image of my spread is below. Card 1: You This card may be a direct representation of the querent (such as a court card), or it only shows where their head is at in regards to this specific choice they need to make. My spread: I drew the reversed Sun - I'm not happy about possibly going back to work, but I'm also not happy about my money problems. I'm just not happy in either scenario, and it's hard for me to see the sun through the clouds. I'm very much the reversed sun! Cards 2-4: The positives, negatives, and outcome of Choice 1 A lot of "choice" spreads lay out both of the positives first, then both negatives, then both outcomes, but I don't and I'll tell you why - I frequently need a third option. When I'm finished laying out all my cards, and I've seen both scenarios, sometimes in the meantime I've come up with a third choice that I didn't think of before! In the example of lasagnas, I forgot there was a third option - 5-cheese lasagna! No beef, no veggies, just delicious cheese! I would need to tack that on to the end of a lasagna spread as cards 8, 9 and 10. My spread: I drew the three of swords as a positive to returning to work. ouch no. that's bad. there are no positives to a full time job. The positive is that I might suffer a heart attack and die, so I don't have to work. I drew the reversed five of pentacles as a negative. I will get the finances I need...? I'm not sure why that's negative but money does funny things to people, so who knows. For the outcome I drew the reversed Strength. I will become weak, insecure, and helpless if I go back to work. Okay. Cards 5-7: The positives, negatives, and outcome of Choice 2 This is self explanatory, but make sure that when these are drawn you are also comparing them back to their counterparts in Choice 1. Is this positive better than that one? Is the negative even worse? Which outcome is better in general, with all the cards considered? My spread: I drew the reversed five of swords as a positive. If I don't go back to work, I'll avoid a difficult battle but I'll hold a big grudge about it. That makes sense, I'll still have these money problems. I drew the reversed knight of wands as a negative. If I don't go back to work, I will become more arrogant and might take some risks I shouldn't. Hmm, that's troublesome. For the outcome I drew the reversed two of swords. If I don't go back to work I will be left with indecision, worry, and discomfort. Blaaaaah. In my own spread neither option was particularly good. I wonder if there is a third thing I'm not thinking about when it comes to fixing my cash flow problems. I drew three more cards, for a third choice. The positives are the reversed ten of swords - I'll avoid a disaster. The negatives are the reversed page of cups - I'll become obsessed with whatever it is. The outcome is the Chariot - I'll create a direction for myself and will go for it! Wow, I wonder what that third option is. I probably should have come up with something before I laid out the cards. Oops. So there you have it, the choices tarot spread. I hope you make some good choices! If you're anemic, go with the beef lasagna. Otherwise do the veggie and add an extra layer of cheese! Pic of my spread. The deck I used is the Tarot Mood Deck by Natalie Meraki. It's a very funny take on Rider-Waite. Write down and draw your spread in your new Tarot Divination Journal! The US purchase link is below:
Last January, I was quite surprised to be accepted to a Master's degree program. I'd applied on a whim one day the previous November, asked some acquaintances to write a letter of recommendation for me, came up with a tenuous and random feminism theme for my Master's project, and then promptly forgot about the whole thing.
Then the acceptance letter arrived and all of a sudden I was deemed an expert about women in technology and what its like to work in the male-dominated, misogynistic, and family-unfriendly technology industry. Now I have to write a book about it in order to pass grad school. I'm overwhelmed by how daunting this project is. There aren't a lot of books like this one, but the ones that went anywhere were written by very successful and enterprising women, such as CEOs, Bloomberg journalists, and startup executives. Then there is little old me, who worked in a couple of tech jobs and had some funny experiences I wanted to write about. Every day I put off more work on my project, I grow more and more exhausted, scared, uncomfortable telling these stories, and out of place in this program. I want to give up. It's a very reversed nine of wands place to be. Let's see what I can do about it!
The Nine of Wands upright is about finding one’s inner strength during an ongoing battle.
Reversed, the battle still rages but the querent might be stubborn or unwilling to learn lessons about it. Alternatively, one might just be exhausted and lack the courage required to persist. Questions answered by the reversed Nine of Wands: Who? The most stubborn person What? A stalemate Where? A fenced off area When? The first week of December; When you’ve learned your lesson; After a failed attempt Why? “Sometimes in life, your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson.” ~Brigitte Nicole Yes or No? No The reversed Nine of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Purple, red …a movie theme? Stubbornness; exhaustion
…a new career?
The reversed Nine of Wands Before any card: Learn your lesson about (card) After any card: Exhaustion; inflexibility So, that's it then. I guess I'll suck it up, eat some soup, and become a journalist, chronicling the harrowing stories of women in tech. Or maybe I'll watch Clerks. Buy my Divination Journal and track your divine revelations on paper!
As a person who suffers from some form of ADHD or possibly autism spectrum disorder (I am in the process of being formally diagnosed by mental health professionals), I flit from one idea to the next on both a micro and macro scale. Sometimes these ideas turn out to be amazing, like that time I decided to move my entire family to another country. Sometimes they turn out to be terrible, like that time I rearranged my bookcase into rainbow colors and then couldn't find anything.
It happens, there are good ideas and bad ideas and I am prone to leaping right into both of them without any planning whatsoever. Last year I leapt into a Master's degree program without a formal plan for a) how I could fit it into my already-busy schedule, b) what I was going to work on for my thesis, and c) what I planned to do with the degree after I finish, assuming I can even finish. This stuff is hard, y'all. The grad school idea turned out to be both terrible and good. When I was accepted I had to immediately make some major adjustments to my life, such as quitting my job, putting my difficult puppy (another spur-of-the-moment idea) into daycare, and hiring a private guide to help my son with his own college applications. It seems like it's turning out okay (knock wood), but I'm still way behind my classmates in productivity. Also, I still have this side gig as a divination specialist! My point is this: Sometimes we throw ourselves into new things without really thinking them through, and we end up overwhelmed, exhausted, stuck in grad school with severe imposter syndrome and no good thesis ideas, or some other difficult predicament. It's not a great place to be, but as underthinkers and overdoers, it is who we are. It is the Reversed Eight of Wands.
Upright, the Eight of Wands indicates swift energy, action, or travel overseas.
Reversed, this card is usually about rushing or moving too fast without taking appropriate steps. You may also be exhausted, anxious, or insecure. The eight of wands is often a warning to slow down and drive carefully. Questions answered by the reversed Eight of Wands: Who? An ER doctor or nurse What? A fast-approaching deadline Where? Downtown When? The end of November; Immediately Why? “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ~Lao Tzu Yes or No? No The reversed Eight of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Orange, red …a movie theme? Rushing around; mental confusion
…a new career?
The reversed Eight of Wands Before any card: Missing details about (card) After any card: Mental confusion; insecurity On the plus side, sometimes my intense and scattered brain flits so fast from one thing to the other, I often find myself having created something without ever realizing I did it. And I've done it again! I created a divination journal so you can record your tarot, rune, and other readings in one place, with blank dates so you don't feel forced to do a reading every day. There is a box for art, some lines for writing notes about your reading, and a blank space for whatever else suits your fancy - stickers, more art, nonsense, and great ideas! Plus, every page has an inspiring quote to push you along in whatever your reversed Eight of Wands brain does next! You can buy it now on Amazon international. Here's the US link: By dollar value it's actually comparatively cheaper in Canada, because Canadians typically get a raw deal:
I missed a meeting with my class just now. My school is in Atlantic time and I'm over here on the West coast, so not having the right time set on my calendar is a fairly easy mistake to make, except that my professor sent multiple reminders and I just didn't double check everything this morning. I thought I had it figured out, and I didn't.
It's not a big deal. I won't fail because I missed one class, but it is a sign that I've filled my brain with too much stuff again, like trying to fit a mansion's worth of furniture into a VW bug. I do it to myself, of course. I add one too many projects onto my schedule and the entire stack collapses. And in the end, I miss an important meeting, I fall behind on several deadlines, or nothing gets done. Being overwhelmed and taking on too much is a very reversed seven of wands place to be. Let's see what I can do about it, shall we?
Upright, the Seven of Wands is about standing up for your beliefs and defending what matters most to you.
Reversed, this card could mean giving up, giving in, admitting defeat, or feeling too overwhelmed to take any action in a difficult situation. Questions answered by the reversed Seven of Wands: Who? The overwhelmed person What? A losing battle; a waste of time Where? A debate; a meeting When? The middle of August; After defeat Why? “There’s always some relief in giving up.” ~Lauren Oliver Yes or No? No The reversed Seven of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Orange, indigo …a movie theme? Giving up; changing beliefs
…a new career?
The reversed Seven of Wands Before any card: Give up on (card) After any card: Powerlessness; an unwinnable battle
So that's it, I guess. I should drink a smoothie and write a self-help book. I do have something in the works right now that I'll announce probably next week, but it's not really enough to make up for the class that I missed. I have a feeling I'll feel pretty defeated about my reversed seven of wands blunder all day.
Read more about giving up with the reversed seven, in Applied Tarot Reversed:
I was planning to release a book at the end of May, the second in my paranormal romance series, but it kept getting delayed. I could blame a million outside things - schoolwork, kids, dog, work, a pandemic, whatever, but the fact is I just didn't do it.
I will, soon. I'm still plugging away at it, but the more days go by where it's not done, the more frustrated I get. I could have had a million accolades and a huge fandom by now! Ha ha, I'm kidding about the fandom. But failure to achieve the success one dreams of is a very reversed six of wands way to be. I shall continue to work on it. Perhaps someday soon I will have my upright six of wands moment.
Upright, the Six of Wands is the card of victory, success, and recognition from others.
Reversed, it often means a failure to achieve success, or not receiving the accolades one believes they deserve. It could indicate hot-headedness and frustration as well. Questions answered by the reversed Six of Wands: Who? The loser of the game What? A cancelled awards ceremony Where? A dive bar When? First week of August; After a loss Why? “There's nothing wrong with being a loser, it just depends on how good you are at it.” ~Billie Joe Armstrong Yes or No? Maybe later The reversed Six of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Green, purple, magenta …a movie theme? Losers; underdogs
…a new career?
The reversed Six of Wands Before any card: Unsuccessful (card) After any card: Failure, delay Want more reversed six of wands insights? Check out Applied Tarot reversed while you wait forever for my paranormal romance book to be released.
Every few months there is some financial crisis I need to deal with. I'm working to try and figure out why I keep letting this happen, but it's going to require more time and sessions with my therapist.
I suppose I could consult an accountant, but my therapist seems more helpful at this time. Nevertheless, it has happened again. I have a tuition payment due for my degree program, another one due for my son's degree program, and a broken air conditioning system that will cost several thousand dollars to replace. I'm in a pickle. Again. So, while panicking about where I'm going to come up with thousands of dollars for both basic comfort and mind-expanding education, I threw together this Tarot Spread. Let's go through it together and see if it works, shall we? Card 1: You - it's you (or me!) It's how we're feeling about money, what we're doing about money, what's worked until now, what hasn't worked, where our head is at, how much more therapy you (or I) need and just general circumstances surrounding the querant and money. Yes, it sounds like a lot for one card to answer, but you might be surprised what kinds of insights you can find with such a general overlook. For my Card 1 I pulled the Ace of Swords upright. That's hilarious, because in my book, Applied Tarot, one of the interpretations for this card is an Air Conditioner. I've just found out mine is going to cost a ton of money to replace, which sucks! But the ace is also about determination and thoughtfulness, and I'm feeling pretty determined to try and fix this money issue using my wits. Let's continue. Card 2: Your money - It's your money (or my money)! What's it doing for us right now? How is it working? Is it feeling lost? underused? overused? abused? If we imagine our money as a member of our family (it's a necessity - it feeds us and clothes us, we have a love-hate relationship with it, so why not give it a name and call it a family member?), how is it feeling right now? For my Card 2 I pulled the Six of Swords. My money is feeling like it's on a very difficult journey. Tell me about it, fat stacks! You're about to make a difficult journey into some HVAC technician's pocket, and also to two very expensive collegiate institutions that are a long way away, but yet are banging down my door ASAP! Talk about difficult. Card 3: How to Work for it - Now we get into the nitty gritty. This card might tell us to get a new job, work a small side gig, sell something, who knows? Money doesn't do stuff for us for nothing - this card is the action we have to take in order to make money want to take action for us! For my Card 3 I pulled the reversed Lovers. Divorce my husband? No thanks. Cause an argument? This card is so confusing. If I look at the specific, practical interpretations, I could try and find money in my pantry, at the dog park, or while eating a TV dinner. Alternatively, I could work as a freelancer. I already do that, but it's not earning me thousands yet. Maybe I just need to work harder. Ugh, okay money. Card 4: What to Trade for it - Sometimes money won't come because you haven't made room for it. Perhaps your mind, front entranceway, or space you occupy regularly is just too cluttered for visitors right now. If we go back to the money-as-family-member analogy, maybe it doesn't want to visit you until you make a bed for it. What object, skill, or thing could you share, donate, or relocate in order to make room for money to come over for a visit? For my Card 4 I pulled the Eight of Cups - According to Applied Tarot I could clean a room I don't use very often, do some spiritual work for someone, or maybe just donate eight cups. I actually own so many cups they're taking up multiple cabinets. Maybe money will come visit if it doesn't have to sit and stare into my glassware cabinet just trying to decide which one to drink out of. Card 5: When to Expect It - This one will totally be up to interpretation, I suspect. Applied Tarot has some rough time periods listed, but you can also use your best guess. There are multiple sources online for how to treat cups, wands, swords and pentacles in terms of what timing (weeks, days, years, months) they represent, but they all tend to vary. No two tarot users think alike! I suggest you decide on a timeline BEFORE you pick a card, just so you know for sure. Want help? Try Wands as days, Swords as weeks, Cups as months, and Pentacles as years. For my Card 5 I picked Temperance reversed. So much for the minor arcana timeframes I listed above! Ugh. Temperance typically represents November or December. I can't really wait 'til then to pay for the A/C or tuition, but at least I might be able to pay my credit cards back at that time if I put those items on there. I can live with that. Work more freelance gigs, donate 8 cups, expect money in November or December - I can do that.
I'm in therapy for my mental health. I don't try to hide it, I need it. Just like visiting my endocrinologist to monitor my type 1 diabetes, I visit my therapist to monitor my psychoses. Particularly now, when the world is in catastrophe but the minutiae must continue, that's when I need it most. A global pandemic threatens the lives of my kids - but look at that, the goddamn car payment is due again. How dare you, auto loan? Don't you know people are dying?!?!
It's those kinds of absurd things that I talk out with my therapist - I bitch about how I can't find the car payment money when what I really mean is that I can't manage the end of the world. She knows, she gets it. She lets me talk in circles for a full hour about whether or not I should go back to work so I can pay these stupid bills, but at the very end she'll say something benign like "go ahead and unfriend the anti-vaxxers today, you earned it" and I'll be like holy shit, how'd she know that would make me feel better? The five of wands reversed is one of these puzzling things - a profound and momentous historical event, a stupid little thing like a monthly bill, or both, or neither. It's a battle you must compromise on, or die defending. Good luck trying to figure out the meaning of this card for yourself. I suggest you ask your therapist.
The Five of Wands is one of the particularly difficult cards to interpret, both upright and reversed. It depends on the context and the question asked. When upright, it’s possible a conflict has arisen or may happen soon. Reversed, this card could indicate compromise or finding a solution to that conflict, but it could also imply battle fatigue – where the disagreement is unwinnable and the querant just wants to be done already. Questions answered by the reversed Five of Wands: Who? A shy person; an athlete who is frequently benched What? A cancelled sports game Where? Home base; An empty sports field When? July 21-30; When the disagreement stops Why? “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” ~Chinese Proverb Yes or No? No The reversed Five of Wands as: …an action?
…a place in your house?
…a place in your city?
…a place in the world?
…something to eat?
…something to clean?
…where to find your missing item?
…a color? Green, orange, crimson …a movie theme? After a fight; desperation
A new career?
The reversed Five of Wands Before any card: Make a compromise about (card) After any card: Conflict; solutions For more on the Five of Wands reversed, check out Applied Tarot Reversed: |
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October 2024